There was no sound in the room, and it was so quiet that the heavy breathing of the two could be heard.

Facing another person who suddenly appeared in the house, the woman did not show too much panic, but began to examine the other person.

After Gu Shaoshang felt the other party's scrutiny, he secretly said: "He is a calm person."

Such a person is suitable for talking about things, and it is more convenient to talk.

It's better than the kind of people who panic when they come, and want to call someone, and save themselves the effort of explaining.

"Of course, it's also possible that he has confidence." Old King Ta Ling laughed.

Gu Shaoshang rolled his eyes. Although he knew that the detached old man had been guarding not far from the house, as long as the woman in front of him made any noise, he would immediately rush in to protect her.

"Are you the one at the door just now?"

The woman seemed to have finally recognized Gu Shaoshang, but after a little scrutiny, she said with some doubts: "It's strange, why are you looking for me?"

"Of course there is something to discuss." Gu Shaoshang replied.

"What's the matter?" The woman chuckled slightly after hearing this, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Since there is something to discuss, why don't you say it before discussing it?"

"Nature is something that cannot be known by too many people."

"Oh?" The woman's eyes were a little more curious, she simply sat back on the bench, propped her own face with one hand and said: "What's the matter, tell me!"

Gu Shaoshang thought about it silently in his heart, and after confirming that there were no loopholes in what he said just now, he slowly got up and said, "I want to know from you why so many Sect people, even ghosts, appeared in Lei Yin Gu, what is going to happen in Xihuang?"

The woman smiled slightly after hearing this, and then asked curiously: "How do you think I know about this?"

"If the ghost king's daughter doesn't know the details of this matter, then I can only ask the ghost myself."

After hearing this, the woman was stunned for a while, then a smile appeared on her face, pointing to herself and said: "It seems that you know me?"

"do not know."

Gu Shaoshang replied straightforwardly: "But a person who has so many entourages everywhere, naturally cannot have a low status in the ghost clan.

And even let the ghost king wait, except for the daughter of the ghost clan, I can't think of another person. "

The woman nodded thoughtfully, and then replied: "Then take it as what you said is right.

"How to call it?" Gu Shaoshang asked, holding up his teacup.

"Ghost spirit."

After the woman finished answering this sentence, she frowned again, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Obviously you broke into my room, and you were the one who said you wanted to discuss things, yet you asked me first without declaring your family name? "

"Feel sorry!"

Gu Shaoshang got up and slightly retreated Half step, then condensed a phantom of Liuliben and stood in front of him.

"Sea Clan, Sea Injury."

Gu Shaoshang naturally moved out of the identity of the Sea Clan again. Anyway, compared to the identities of the Ba Clan and the Emperor Clan, which are easier to attract attention, the Sea Clan is not a big, but definitely not small force. Just right.

What's more, the territory of the Sea Clan is far away on the other side of the wilderness. Even if the woman in front of her wants to find out whether the news is true or false, it may take some time.

Sure enough, after seeing the phantom of the glass body, Gui Ling'er became even more confused.

"It's actually a member of the Sea Clan, but why did you, a member of the Sea Clan, appear in Xihuang?"

Naturally, Gu Shaoshang used that excuse again, explaining the task within the clan.

And for proof, Gu Shaoshang also took out some flamingo feathers from the storage bag, and said: "The reason why I appeared in Leiyin Valley is because I met some disciples of Leiyin Valley on the way.

If you still have doubts about my identity, you can ask them in person, and they can prove it for me. "

Therefore, a lie needs to be 70% true and 30% false to be credible, which is what Gu Shaoshang is doing at this moment.

What he said is indeed reasonable, if the ghost in front of him really has doubts, "If you want to adjust the past, you can ask Shawu and others.

Sure enough, after the initial doubts, Gui Ling'er seemed to recognize Gu Shaoshang's identity, and then said with a little curiosity: "Well, as you said, I do know the inside story of the West Wilderness. But why should I tell you?"

Hearing this, Gu Shaoshang was relieved a lot, because the other party spoke like this, which meant that they were just raising conditions.

As long as the conditions are mentioned, it means that there is room for negotiation!

"I can also say some news that you are interested in in exchange."

Hearing this, Gui Linger frowned, thought for a moment and asked, "For example?"

"You know that my Sea Clan's territory is close to the place where the devil is buried. After so long of research, my Sea Clan has a little understanding of Devilish Qi."

Ghost Linger's eyes lit up when he heard this!

It is no longer a secret that the ghost clan is interested in the place of the devil's burial. This is basically something that everyone knows.

After all, the Cultivation Technique cultivated by the ghost clan is very suitable for this kind of spiritual Qi, but it is difficult to devour Devilish Qi, so there is no way to use it effectively.

But for such a long time, the ghost clan has never given up on the research on Devilish Qi, but there are few achievements.

After hearing Gu Shaoshang's words now, Gui Ling'er couldn't help asking: "What do you understand?"

Seeing that the other party was interested, Gu Shaoshang also smiled slightly and said: "This is the content of the deal, as long as you are willing to tell me the inside story of Xihuang, I will tell you some secrets of Devilish Qi (Zhao Nuozhao). "

After hearing this, Gui Ling'er really started to think, which relieved Gu Shaoshang a lot, and at the same time, he began to think about the secrets of Devilish Qi that he would tell him later.

"Perhaps the matter of Demon Realm can be said to be ambiguous. After all, the sea clan does not know the specific situation. If I say too much detail, it is very likely to expose my identity.

Some things about the devil can also be explained briefly, as well as some situations after the introduction of encirclement.

Gu Shaoshang waited silently while thinking.

Finally, Gui Ling'er in front of him suddenly raised his head, and said solemnly, "I've made up my mind!"

Gu Shaoshang immediately asked impatiently: "Okay, tell me quickly!"

But what he didn't expect was that Gui Ling'er had a smile on his face at this time, but said indifferently: "I've made up my mind, I refuse your proposal!"

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