Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 420 Rush To The Front Line And Face The Beast Tide!

"It's quite rare to recover to such a point, but I suggest not to try!"

Gu Shaoshang also nodded slightly when he heard this: "Let's put it away first, maybe there will be a chance to find the original version of this method later, it may be useful then."

Seeing that the beast tide was about to start, Gu Shaoshang did not intend to waste any more time, and immediately exchanged Spirit Stones for some Medicine Pills in Leiyin Valley.

After complete preparations, Gu Shaoshang went to gather with Sha Ming and the others again.

The main purpose is to distribute a fragment of a psychic orb to each of them, so that they can contact themselves when they encounter danger.

Of course, Gu Shaoshang was not out of pure kindness, but because he would need to use the teleportation array of the ancient clan after all.

Even if the other party said hello beforehand, if Gu Yuan'er died in the beast tide, how could I have the nerve to borrow it?

After making all the preparations, Gu Shaoshang quietly waited for the arrival of the beast horde in his small courtyard.

Two days later, in Leiyin Valley.

Countless cultivators began to march out of the valley, rushing to their own fronts one after another.

Watching the cultivator fly by, Gu Shaoshang felt a little emotional for a moment, if there is such a huge momentum in the three thousand domains, then he doesn't have to worry so much about the battle between the two worlds

After a slight pause, Gu Shaoshang also started to fly out of Leiyin Valley.

His destination was on a mountain wall outside the Great Wilderness Mountains, where there was a small formation consisting of five people.

When he got there, the other four cultivators had already gathered, and Gu Shaoshang didn't show any blame when he saw the late arrival.

Because in terms of time, although Gu Shaoshang was the last to arrive, he did not exceed the originally scheduled time.

It's just because of the animal horde that made them panic, so many people set off early and naturally arrived early.

After landing, Gu Shaoshang quickly scanned the four of them with Divine Sense to perceive their strength.

If they didn't deliberately hide it, then these four people are all cultivators of transcendence like Gu Shaoshang, and the strongest among them is the man in the costume of the Yinling sect, who is about eighth stage of transcendence.

"Your Excellency is hurting the fellow daoist, right`||?" One of them said with a kind smile: "But the fellow daoist seems to be different from what he reported at the beginning, not just a detached Seventh Stage God

Although they had some doubts, they didn't have any dissatisfaction.

Because they are teammates after all, the stronger the strength of each other, the greater the effect they can play, and the more gratifying they are.

Gu Shaoshang responded with a smile: "Before I competed with a few fellow daoists in the martial arts arena, and then I got some insights and improved a small Realm."

Upon hearing this, the faces of the four showed envy.

"The fellow daoist Talent is so talented, I really admire him!"

"Several fellow daoists, what should we do in this battle?"

Gu Shaoshang arched his cupped hands, stepped forward and asked the Yin Lingzong man who was obviously the leader.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man slightly cupped his hands, turned to Gu Shaoshang and the others and said, "Since everyone is here, let me tell you about our plan for this battle!"

I saw him take out a map from the storage bag and lay it flat on the ground in front of him.

"I believe that everyone should be very clear, but for the sake of caution, I will tell everyone again.

The so-called beast tide refers to all the spirit beast riots in the Great Wilderness Mountains. At that time, they will go all the way north from the Great Wilderness Mountains to the snowfields.

On the way, we will pass through the entire land of the Western Jin Dynasty, and by then the entire land will be barren of grass, and no town can stop such a huge wave of beasts!"

When Gu Shaoshang heard these words, he heard very clearly that a slightly younger man next to him swallowed subconsciously.

"In order to avoid such situations, what we have to do this time is to divide the huge beast horde into different small beast hordes.

And the way to stop the tide of small beasts will be much simpler.

What's more, even if it can't stop them all, at least it can avoid damage to some of the most critical places!"

Then the man bent down and pointed to some areas on the map, and Gu Shaoshang suddenly found that one of the points was where they were now.

"All the transcendent cultivators will form a large formation in the corresponding place, and use formation to separate these beast hordes.

And the place we need to be responsible for is not the most critical place, so only five of us are enough.

And those key locations in the depths of the Great Wilderness Mountains need to face the most massive beast horde, at least dozens or hundreds of transcendental cultivators are needed!"

Hearing this, the only female cultivator among the five couldn't help asking: "... Does this mean that we should be relatively safe?"

After the man heard this, he just smiled helplessly, and then said: "It's okay if you want to say that, but in fact it looks the same to me.

Gu Shaoshang also nodded and said: "After all, although the horde of beasts here is small, there are not many of us."

"That's right, but I see that the strength of the fellow daoists is not weak. If they cooperate with each other properly, it will not be a problem to hold this place!" Yin Lingzong cultivator said with a smile.

At this time, another person asked: "Then what is the formation we need to use?"

"Don't worry, it's naturally a large formation brought out by the ghost clan. The combination of the five of us is enough to resist the attack of the spirit beast in the holy realm!"

After the Yin Lingzong man said this, the expressions on the faces of the other masters were all relieved (Nuohao Zhao).

However, Gu Shaoshang was quite puzzled in his heart. If it was really as perfect as he said, why didn't he just show the formation diagram for everyone to have a look at?

I don't even want to say anything specific, I'm just playing sloppy!

However, it is impossible for Gu Shaoshang to question the other party in public. For him, it doesn't matter if he can't defend here, anyway, his purpose is not to help people in the dark foreign land.

"Okay, according to the speculation of the Celestial Master before, the beast tide should start in the evening. If you have any questions, please ask me as soon as possible. I will start to set up the formation in a while!"

Just when Gu Shaoshang was about to start deploying his real means, he heard someone behind him speak again.

"I have one more question!"

"But it doesn't matter."

"What I want to ask is, where are the ghost king and his ghost clan?"

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