"Any news about that person?"

The ghost king sat leaning on the first seat, propped his chin with one hand, and looked a little tired.

This was originally the city lord's mansion of Jincheng, but now it has been replaced by the Ximeng's lord's mansion, guarding the disciples of the ghost clan inside and out.

And there are a few people kneeling tremblingly in this lower position. Among them, the weakest people have detached behaviors. They are the Elders of the ghost clan.

"My lord, we will still..."


The man hadn't finished speaking when he heard a loud noise from the superior.

When I looked up again, I saw that the ghost king was holding a crushed teacup in his hand.

"How did you guys do things? After searching for so long, you don't even have the slightest clue?"

One of the Elders quickly knelt down on the ground "010", and said with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, calm down! We have really tried our best, but the person appeared without warning, and we will investigate even if we want to." There is no way to find out!"

After hearing this, the ghost king finally sighed helplessly.

In fact, he was just getting angry, and if he really said it, he couldn't blame these Elders.

After all, even I didn't realize at the time that there were other people there besides them.

And the Divine Sense of these Elders is far inferior to his, so it is understandable that they failed to find the abnormality.

It's just that when I think of how hard I've been planning for so long, I've ended up being someone else's wedding dress, and the anger in my heart can't be beat.

"We've been planning for so long, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, we managed to let a kid who came out of nowhere snatch most of the divine crystals!

Moreover, he was able to escape just like that, so far no one has been able to find out the name of the other party!"

The ghost king exerted force again, and the fragments of the teacup in his palm were crushed into powder.

Seeing this, the Elders below didn't dare to show their atmosphere, so they could only bury their heads lower, and almost stuck to the ground.

Although according to the rules, the identity of the ghost king is only equivalent to the patriarch of the ghost clan, and they should be peers with these Elders.

But this contemporary ghost king is really famous.

The young patriarch at the beginning of the year was actually not him, but he sneaked into the Great Desolation Mountains alone for several years of penance, and after he came out, he defeated the opponent in one fell swoop and took the position of the young patriarch.

And in one go, kill and imprison those who disobey him!

The ones that remained in the end were either his direct descendants at the beginning, or they had something in his hands.

Therefore, the status of the ghost king in the ghost clan is actually like that of the emperor to the emperor clan.

"I'll give you the last three days. If you still can't figure it out, come see me with your head up!"

The ghost king waved his hand expressionlessly, and the other Elders immediately complained, but they didn't dare to refute, so they could only pinch their noses and admit it.

Just as they were about to leave, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness Ling'er asked to see him, saying that he has news about that man!"

When the ghost king heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly waved: "Let her come over!"

After a while, Gui Ling'er stepped out from the ground and came in. When passing by the elders of the ghost race, she also showed a slightly apologetic expression.

But the Elders of the ghost clan looked at this scene, but they were a little confused, so they could only obediently wait in the corner.

After all, if they could get clues, it would be much easier for them to find someone.

Arriving in front of the ghost king, Wei Wei took two steps forward, but the ghost king couldn't wait to play.

"Ling'er, you said you have news about that person?"

"That's right..." Gui Ling'er pondered for a moment, then said, "That man is from the Sea Clan.

"Sea Clan?"

Not only the Ghost King, but even the other Elders all looked at each other with surprised expressions.

After all, the Sea Clan is thousands of miles away, so they never imagined that it would be someone from the Sea Clan interfering in this matter.

"To be honest, I had a double-sided relationship with him before, and it's very likely... very likely that I caused it."

After hesitating for a long time, Gui Ling'er finally said this sentence unconditionally.

She is actually very unwilling to admit it, after all, if the ghost king finds out that it was she who told Gu Shaoshang about this matter, then he will be hard to escape punishment...

But she had to tell what happened - otherwise, it would not be so easy to explain.

"The first time I met him was in Leiyingu's guest room..."

Gui Ling'er slowly recounted the process of meeting Gu Shaoshang, and during this process, the ghost king kept frowning.

Although he never imagined that his own 100-year plan was accidentally messed up by his beloved daughter, so his expression at this time was quite distressed.

However, when Gui Ling'er told about the incident in Sirius Valley, his troubled expression immediately eased away.

"I have already concealed something, but I didn't expect this person to guess the truth, so there will be the following things."

After Gui Ling'er finished talking about everything, she lowered her head deeply, and then said in a deep voice: "Everything happened because of me, if it wasn't for my curiosity, maybe there wouldn't be the following things. Father please punish me!"

However, the expected sound of punishment did not appear, instead it was a long sigh from the ghost king.

"Hey, if it's what you said, I can't blame you for this matter."

The Ghost King rubbed the corners of Own's eyes lightly, his expression was quite tired, but his tone was soft from beginning to end, obviously he didn't mean to blame Gui Linger.

"In order to protect yourself, you had no choice but to tell the story about King Sirius 5.0, and you still concealed most of the truth.

But I didn't expect that even so, that person could still guess the truth behind it, which only shows that this person is thoughtful!

In addition, no one would have expected that this person, who had just transcended the realm, could burst out at a speed that even entered the holy realm.

Even if it were me, there was probably no better way to deal with it at the time, and who could have predicted this?"

At the same time, several other Elders also nodded and said in support: "Yes, this matter cannot be blamed on His Highness!"

After saying this, the ghost king slowly got up and walked in front of Gui Ling'er, and then stretched out a hand to gently stroke her forehead.

"It can only be said that it is time and fate!".

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