Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 463 Meet Chu Yunshan Again!

On the plain near Jincheng, a ray of light suddenly lit up from the sky, and after a few seconds, two Daoist figures walked out from it.

Gu Shaoshang immediately scanned the surroundings with Divine Sense to make sure that no one had noticed them, and then turned his head to join up with Gu Shan.

"This place is only a few miles away from Jincheng, and no one is patrolling?"

"I guess they are too busy now!" Gu Shan said with a light smile.

Although the Western Union is a force composed of all the elite forces of the entire Western Wilderness, what it has to face is also the most powerful existence in all directions.

Especially the bully clan who originally occupied Jincheng now naturally "760" is going to come to question their crimes, so there must be constant friction with each other.

In addition to the fact that Gu Shaoshang snatched the divinity crystal shards before, the West League must have sent a large number of people to find the traces of own at this moment, so the nearby defense must be quite empty.

But I'm afraid they never imagined that the person they had worked so hard to find actually returned to Jincheng on their own initiative, right under their noses!

"However, if you continue to get closer, I'm afraid the ghost king will notice it, so I'll wait for you here.

If you find Yuan'er, come here to meet me, and I will definitely try to cover you from leaving.

After Gu Shan finished speaking, he began to make preparations nearby.

He is a rare person who practiced formation in the ancient clan, so there is a reason why Granny Hua asked Gu Shan to arrange this matter.

Seeing this, Gu Shaoshang did not continue to refuse, and immediately activated the hidden breath of the chaotic body, and then began to approach Jincheng.

Although Ximeng was relatively busy at this time, the blockade of the city was still extremely strict.

When Gu Shaoshang approached the city wall, he immediately felt a few auras from the guards here. Although most of them were around the boundary, it still made Gu Shaoshang slow down.

"You have to find a gap!"

Just as Gu Shaoshang was thinking this way, a voice suddenly came from the direction of the distant city gate.

Gu Shaoshang only felt that the voice seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it, so he immediately hid his breath and approached it.

I saw a carriage parked there, and it seemed that someone was locked inside, but the outside of the carriage was not only covered with a black cloth, but also formed to prevent the invasion of Divine Sense, so Gu Shaoshang had no way of knowing who it was.

But he knew the man driving the horse, it was Chu Yunshan whom he had seen in the Great Wilderness Mountains before!

He was also the one who spoke just now, so it made Gu Shaoshang feel a little familiar.

"Didn't you see that I have captured the person the Elder wanted? Get out of here, if you delay the king's business, then you dog lives will not be enough to pay for it!

The ghost disciples guarding the city looked at the person who was speaking in front of them, and their faces were a little ugly for a while.

You must know that the ghost clan has the final say on the entire Western Wilderness now, but this person in front of him dared to speak like this, but they dared not have any opinions.

After all, if what the other party said was true, and the people in the car were really the ones Elder wanted, then even if they had ten more guts, they wouldn't dare to move them down.


Several ghost disciples immediately got out of their way with a little unwillingness on their faces, and put the carriage in.

And Gu Shaoshang also seized this gap, instantly used the Blue Dragon Overlord Body, and sneaked into the bottom of the carriage at an extremely fast speed.

In this way, Gu Shaoshang entered the city with this group of people...

After entering the city, Gu Shaoshang originally planned to wait for an opportunity to leave, but he didn't expect that there would be no good opportunities along the way, so he had to follow the convoy to a courtyard

Then Gu Shaoshang sensed that someone was carrying things around, so he slipped into the shadows beside him in an instant while everyone was not paying attention.

And at this time, Gu Shaoshang finally saw clearly that the person imprisoned in the carriage was Sha Ming's clan sister, Sha Ying!

At the moment, the other party has no Spiritual Qi all over his body, obviously sealed by some Restrictions, and a few Yin Lingzong disciples next to him are transporting him into the house, while Chu Yunshan is standing aside to supervise.

Seeing this scene, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but frowned slightly, since Chu Yunshan fled in the Great Wilderness Mountains, he had never seen this person again.

At first, I thought this guy died in the Great Wilderness Mountains, but I didn't expect that he lived a good life and became a lackey of the Yinling Sect.

Of course, Gu Shaoshang is not interested in what his purpose is, but since he saw Sha Ying in 3.4, out of affection for Sha Ming, Gu Shaoshang still decided to save someone.

So Gu Shaoshang immediately scanned the surroundings with Divine Sense, confirmed the layout of the entire house, and began to plan a rescue route.

But just when he was about to make a move, several powerful auras came from a distance, interrupting Gu Shaoshang's plan.

"Where are people?"

The two old men descended from the sky and came straight to Chu Yunshan.

Gu Shaoshang recognized them at a glance. These two old men were the Elders of the ghost clan who stood beside the ghost king that day during the beast tide. .

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