Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 482: The Means Of Entering The Holy Realm!

When he was in the Three Thousand Realms, Gu Shaoshang once heard Xia Qingwei mention why it is said that after the cultivator reaches the Saint Realm, there is a huge gap.

That's because before entering the holy realm, all cultivators are still in the stage of refining the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth into the body.

Whether it is body training or casting spells, it relies on the refined spiritual Qi of the world, so its own strength is also related to the capacity of the spiritual sea in the body.

However, once reaching the Holy Realm, the cultivator's physical body will have a qualitative leap after being tempered by Heavenly Tribulation. At that time, it can directly absorb the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth for use without refining.

Therefore, once "May 27" reaches the Holy Realm, it is equivalent to possessing an inexhaustible Spiritual Qi!

But the Real God Realm is even more frightening, it is the power that truly integrates the laws of Heavenly Dao, at that time, with a single thought, the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth will be mobilized accordingly, moving mountains and seas is just a thought!

At this moment, the ancient Wei officially used this method, and began to absorb the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth continuously, and at the same time, the sharp blade in his palm became more and more fierce.

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help exhaling slowly, and then condensed the armor possessed by Devilish Qi even more intensely.

Then in the blink of an eye, Gu Shaoshang found that the wind blade in the opponent's palm had disappeared, and at the same time, a strong wind came from behind!

This speed was so fast that people couldn't react at all. Even though Gu Shaoshang had mobilized the Canglong Dominant Body to dodge at any time, facing this sudden blow, he still managed to avoid half of his body.

Immediately he let out a muffled snort, and when he turned his head to look, the Devilish Qi armor on his back had actually been shattered!

Seeing this, Gu Shaoshang didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately summoned Devilish Qi again, and quickly repaired the cracked armor, but the blow just now really made him feel terrified, if he couldn't dodge in time, it might not be just Devilish Qi's armor Fragmentation is so easy.

And Gu Wei on the opposite side was even more shocked at the moment. You must know that he had already exerted the power of the ancient treasure to the extreme to achieve such an effect.

But Gu Shaoshang not only dodged the fatal blow, but also seemed to be uninjured at all.

The defensive Cultivation Technique seemed to be the lowest, but it quickly recovered, which made Gu Wei feel even more dignified.

It's also thanks to the fact that he is currently using the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth. If it were normal, just using this trick would almost evacuate all the Spiritual Qi in his body!

And even the current state of invoking the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, according to the strength of the ancient Wei, there is no way to last for too long.

After all, there is still a lot of distance between entering the Holy Realm and comprehending the Law of Heavenly Dao, so he can only maintain a state of about a stick of incense in the early stage of entering the Holy Realm.

"This kid's defensive Cultivation Technique is stronger than I expected at the beginning. If I can get it, I'm afraid ordinary cultivators in the holy realm will no longer be my opponents!"

Thinking of this, Gu Wei also became more and more excited, and even more affirmed his idea that he must keep Gu Shaoshang today.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how many more attacks you can do like this!"

The sharp edge in the palm of Gu Wei Xinyan disappeared again, at the same time Gu Shaoshang immediately retreated a few steps, and at the same time a ray of light flashed past him.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Gu Shaoshang heard the sound of the black mist armor shattering on his chest, but at this moment he had no time to repair it, because he immediately felt the attack of the blade coming again...

Gu Shaoshang immediately poured all the power of thunder into his feet, and brought the speed of the Canglong Dominant Body to the extreme, flying hundreds of feet away in an instant.

But even so, he could still feel the sense of crisis coming from behind, making him jump up again to avoid the attack of the blade.

"This thing is too troublesome. Not only does it appear in the direction without warning, but it's also extremely fast. If you can't dodge it in time, you will be seriously injured!"

After dodging several attacks in a row, Gu Shaoshang was also a little out of breath. After all, unlike Gu Wei, he was able to mobilize the Spiritual Qi in the world for his own use.

Now, every time Gu Shaoshang uses the Blue Dragon Overlord Body, the Spiritual Qi in his body will be consumed a lot, and it will bottom out after a few more times.

"It seems that you are planning to consume me to death!"

Gu Shaoshang's gaze sank slightly, and he also guessed Gu Wei's purpose.

The opponent also knew very well that with Gu Shaoshang's speed, as long as he dodged with all his strength, no matter how weird the blade was [more or less, he could still avoid the 3.2 fatal attack.

But Gu Shaoshang can't keep using the Canglong Dominant Body, and the Spiritual Qi will be exhausted in a short time. At that time, even if Gu Wei's state of mobilizing the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is over, he can still rely on his own ability to kill Gu. Shaoshang!

When Gu Wei heard this, he also smiled and said: "Ming told you, that's what I planned, so what can you do?

No matter how cunning you are and how fast you are, the gap between entering the Holy Realm and transcending the Realm is still a gap. I just want you to know that it is impossible for you to win me

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