Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 488: The Secret Of The Eternal Magic Eye!

After several rounds of tests, Gu Shaoshang had a general idea of ​​the ability of the Eternal Magic Eye, which was almost the same as what Gu Yuan'er said before.

For some reason, Gu Shaoshang always felt that the Eternal Magic Eye seemed to be more than that!

And the deeper secrets hidden in it may not only be Gu Shaoshang, but even the people of the ancient tribe have not yet known.

Immediately, he told this idea to Old King Ta Ling, wanting to see if he could understand it with the other party's knowledge.

However, to Gu Shaoshang's disappointment, even Old King Taling shook his head in disappointment after hearing this.

"The ancient clan is not a small clan, it was also the top force in the entire dark foreign land back then!

Moreover, this Eternal Demon Eye is originally 13's bloodline inheritance, if they don't even know about it, maybe the origin of this Eternal Demon Eye will involve some real ancient existences!"

In other words, the meaning of Old King Taling is also very clear, that is, it is almost impossible!

But soon he still explained: "However, considering that the Heavenly Overlord Body can be tempered by the power of thunder in the dragon blood pool, and thus become a more perfect Canglong Overlord Body, perhaps this Eternal Demon Eye is just like that!"

Hearing this, Gu Shaoshang asked with some surprise: "You mean this Eternal Magic Eye may still have room for evolution?"

"It's not impossible!" Taling Old King replied: "Perhaps after the Eternal Demon Eye inspires his true power, he will be able to learn the secret behind it.

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly, stopped thinking about it, and began to observe the Spiritual Qi in his body.

After the previous battles, and the surge in strength after devouring the bloodline just now, Gu Shaoshang has now completely reached the peak of the Eighth Stage, and may break through to the Ninth Stage at any time.

Seeing this, Gu Shaoshang didn't want to procrastinate, anyway, he didn't have much time left, and the sooner he reached the Holy Realm, the better.

It's just that this is obviously not a good place for a breakthrough, so Gu Shaoshang looked around and flew towards the mountains, where he would breakthrough to the Ninth Stage first, and then set off for the Sea Clan territory.

On the border of the Devil Burial Land, in a quiet jungle.

A few figures flickered past, bringing a gust of wind, and immediately there was the sound of rumbling tree trunks collapsing.

"Alright, we've arrived at the scheduled location! Haiyun, go and lure that ghost beast over!"


Hai Yun heard this, although there was a little displeasure on his face, he still didn't say much, and rushed to Jungle C obediently.

As soon as he entered, he took out the long gun from the storage bag, and was always on the lookout for any movement around him.

As the most threatening monster outside the Devil's Burial Ground, the Ghost Beast, although its own rank is not high, can completely restrain its own aura and hide its figure in the surrounding Devilish Qi.

This also means that ghost beasts may sneak attack from any place. Under such circumstances, even if the Cultivation Base is one level higher, or extremely experienced mercenaries, they may be able to attack.

Not to mention Haiyun, he just came to complete the mission in the clan, and he can only stop hearing about ghost beasts, and has never really faced them.

So standing here at this moment, he couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, completely putting his heart in his throat.

And at this moment, some faint wind sounds suddenly came from the left side, which made Hai Yun's originally tense expression reach the limit in an instant, and immediately thrust out the long spear thrust!

However, the place where he got it was just an empty space, except for a few leaves hanging from the tip of the gun.

But at this moment, Haiyun suddenly had a bad premonition, and at the same time, in the shadow on his right, a figure loomed and rushed towards him...

"Are you all right?"

Hai Yun turned around 420 degrees in a daze, and before he could figure out what happened, he saw a familiar figure standing in front of Own.

"Sea wound!?"

Hai Yun only paused for a moment, and immediately recognized the person who came, and at the same time, what surprised him even more was that the other party was still holding a horn of the Ghost Beast.

Apparently this was when the Ghost Beast jumped at Own just now, and was caught by the other party.

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang threw his backhand lightly, and then the huge body of the ghost beast was smashed to the ground in an instant.

Then Gu Shaoshang took the spear from Hai Yun's hand and stabbed it fiercely into the forehead of the ghost beast.

After the huge ghost beast struggled on the ground for a while, it didn't move at all. It was obviously dead and couldn't die anymore.

Seeing this scene, Hai Yun was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said, "'re back!"

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly and replied: "Fortunately, I have completed the task of finding the trail of the blazing bird, so I will be back soon?".

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