Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 526: The Impeccable Yang Conspiracy!

"Would you let them go to those places on purpose?"

Hearing Haihao's words, Hai Cang couldn't react for a moment.

Haihao, on the other hand, had a helpless expression on his face, obviously he had already explained it, but Hai Cang still didn't understand.

He couldn't help but wonder if this Little Brother didn't have any IQ at all.

"Of course the places marked on the map are real, but they are not the most critical points, but they are enough to be tempting for ordinary Sea Clan disciples.

Haihao silently recounted it again, just hoping that Nori could understand.

"They will definitely search for a few places tentatively, and when they find that the places marked on the map are all correct, they will go to the place they like without stopping.

In other words, those few places are tantamount to spreading bait to them, the purpose is to bring these people together, so that the really important places will only belong to us, do you understand?"

After hesitating for a moment, Hai Cang nodded in a sudden realization.

"But will they be fooled?"

"Yes!" Haihao replied without hesitation: "Even if they find out about my plan, they will still sneak in without hesitation!

After all, it is better to go to these places that have been explored than to run around like headless chickens in the magic burial ground. Although the harvest is bound to be less, it is much safer.

In fact, as Hai Hao said, many Hai Clan disciples had seen Hai Hao's plan at this moment, but after thinking for a while, they still went to the area marked on the map.

Because for them, if they don't go to those places, they can only wander around like luck.

If the fate is good, there may be opportunities to get some opportunities, but in most cases, it can only become the bait of monsters.

In comparison, although the harvest in these places is smaller, it is at least safe!

"I see, but even so, I still feel a little..."

Halfway through Hai Cang's words, Haihao sneered and said, "Don't think that I will let them benefit so easily, is what I, Haihao, give away so easy to take?

Gu Shaoshang was walking in the black mist. At that moment, he had already gone to several places marked on Jade Slip.

Without exception, fighting is taking place in these places at the moment, and there are quite a few people.

Obviously, these are the Sea Clan disciplines who still decided to come after considering the pros and cons.

They are more willing to come here to find some limited gains than bumping into the Devil's Burial Ground, but it is precisely because they have the same ideas that they all meet by coincidence.

Assassin Gu Shaoshang also saw Haihao's purpose clearly. He wanted to bring these people together and fight for these limited resources.

"What a conspiracy!" Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Because ordinary disciples don't have the ability to hide in Devilish Qi like Gu Shaoshang, and it is even more impossible for ordinary disciples to perceive their surroundings under the interference of Devilish Qi.

At most, they can only see the nearby areas, and the Divine Sense perception is even more useless here, so once they go to those areas, they will easily bump into the people who came here together, and there is no way to avoid them.

…ask for flowers…………

So when they found out about it, it was too late to regret it.

If it wasn't for Gu Shaoshang's precautions in advance, and because he was hiding in Devilish Qi, he might have been involved in the battle in the Demon Swamp just now.

"But he tricked people into these places, so what is he going to do?"

Gu Shaoshang silently put away the Jade Slip, then got up and looked around, determined a direction and began to move towards it.


He planned to go to the altar of Devilish Qi's body training last time to see if he could enhance the effect of the true demon Sacred Body again.

Even if he didn't get what he wanted, he still had to figure out the principle of Devilish Qi's body training, so that it would be possible to strengthen the true demon Sacred Body in the future.

Of course, Gu Shaoshang did not do the research by himself. He believed that it would be difficult to reproduce the same process with his own talents, so he planned to record the situation there and then hand it over to Suan Qingwei when he had the opportunity.

I believe that with Xia Qingwei's talent, it shouldn't be long before she can crack Devilish Qi's body forging process, and maybe it can be reasonably optimized.

Furthermore, last time Gu Shaoshang rushed there in a hurry. After all, he had to leave before Mo Ming could react, so he ignored many noteworthy points.

After all, it was the place where the demon master cultivated the true demon Sacred Body, and perhaps some clues about the whereabouts of the demon master could be found there.

In short, after setting his goal, Gu Shaoshang began to work towards it.


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