Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 566: The Real Secret Hidden In The Demon Burial Ground

Wisps of hot air gushed out from his body, Gu Shaoshang's face was reddish, his brows were tightly frowned, and the expression on his face seemed a little uncomfortable.

The Indestructible Immortal Sutra has been operating to the extreme, the domineering Spiritual Qi is constantly flowing in the body, and bruises can be seen being discharged from the body from time to time.

The broken tendons began to repair under the stimulation of this force.

If someone could see the inside of Gu Shaoshang's body at this time, they would be shocked.

The Meridians in that body are like thousands of Galaxy Clusters, and the Spirit Power is like the streamers of the universe, flowing continuously to the extreme, and the acupoints in each place are like thousands of Stars.

As the Immortal Sutra passed through several universes, Gu Shaoshang's complexion became more and more ugly, and his face was flushed as if he was about to be ripe.

The fact that Gu Shaoshang is suffering so much now has something to do with his good health.

Although he didn't take the initiative to heal his injuries, the Azure Dragon Overlord Body automatically repaired his body, and the black lightning continued to spread all over his body. In less than a short time, many Meridians healed automatically.

You just need to know that Gu Shaoshang fell from that lofty peak, and many places on his body were dislocated.

It can only be said that he did bad things with good intentions.

Now I can only use the Immortal Sutra to interrupt those disordered Meridians segment by segment, and then heal them.

This process is naturally extremely painful.

After a long time, Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes, and as soon as he stood up, there was a burst of "crackling" sound from all over his body.

After moving his body a bit, a smile appeared on Gu Shaoshang's face.

"The Sutra of Immortality is really mysterious. Without this Sutra of Immortality, my body may not know how long it will take to heal."

"Okay, don't be shy." The voice of Taling Old King came immediately, which made Gu Shaoshang put away his complacency.

Shaking his head, Gu Shaoshang set his eyes on the tombstone in front of him.

It was just a cursory glance before, but now after careful inspection, Gu Shaoshang discovered something different.

There are 23 palace-sized tombstones in front of him, and there are many murals on the side.

It's just that as time goes by, these murals have become blurred.

From some places that can still be seen clearly, it can still be seen that the mural should record the situation of a battle.

And when he saw some incomplete words on it, Gu Shaoshang suddenly widened his eyes.

On it were the Chinese characters he was most familiar with.

Don't need to think too much, it seems that this place is left by the senior demon lord who traversed.

"Huh?" Taling Old King was also studying those words, and seeing Gu Shaoshang's expression now, he asked in surprise, "Do you know these words?"

There was no response, Gu Shaoshang just nodded, his eyes were full of shock.

After countless years of wind and rain, although the handwriting on it has been blurred, Gu Shaoshang can still understand what happened here through these words.

"In ancient times, there was a strange treasure that came from outside the world. Countless strong men were attracted by the strange treasure and chased it all the way here."

"Then a great battle broke out. Countless strong men were beaten to death for this rare treasure. Twenty-three kings died here."

"And after the Middle Ages, the Demon Lord came to this place and rebuilt the dilapidated senior cemetery."

The above text is very incomplete, and many key moments have been lost." This made Gu Shaoshang's face full of depression.

Although it is now clear why the demon lord came here, but what the strange treasure is, and what the demon lord found here is unknown.

...asking for flowers...

"No!" Gu Shaoshang suddenly lifted his spirits.

"If there is nothing valuable here, then the Demon Lord will not leave that monster to guard here, there must be something here.

Something that can keep the devil here forever is definitely a treasure, Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up.

I don't know what good things this traveler senior will leave for himself.

"You kid, don't be happy so early."

"If this thing is still here, there are only two possibilities, either it is useless, or it is not even understood by people like the devil."

Ta Ling Lao Wang poured a basin of cold water over, which almost didn't dispel Gu Shaoshang's excitement.

"Tch, if the devil master can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it. And even if I don't say anything else, I still have to find a way to get out of here."

Gu Shaoshang stopped talking nonsense and went straight through these tombstone palaces.

As soon as he walked through these palaces, a black land appeared in front of his eyes.

Gu Shaoshang squatted down, stretched out his hand and tapped it, and found that the color of gold was coming from below.

Not long after walking towards the black earth, a black hole appeared in front of Gu Shaoshang.

Seeing this kind of hole now, Gu Shaoshang felt a little flustered.

Just think about it, if you don't go down, sooner or later you will die up there.

He picked up a stone casually and went down.

"Bang." Not long after, there was a soft sound.

The dark mouth of the hole seems to swallow everything. .

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