Fantasy: Simplify The Cultivation Technique, Breathe Stronger!

Chapter 40 The Kunqiong That Eats The Heaven And The Earth, Gathers The Treasures Of The World, The

He could see all the blood veins flowing in the little guy's body, different blood veins showed different eyes, and the strands of almost invisible golden blood veins flowing in the little guy's body were the bloodlines of the ancient iron-eating beasts.


He could see, except for that strand of golden blood.

The other blood vessels were all pulled out.

Looking at this process, Su Han felt a little chills in his heart, this is the real pain of blood drawing and skin peeling.

And the little guy's expression was also very painful, which made Su Han feel distressed.

In fact, after these two days of getting along, he found that apart from being able to eat, this little guy is quite cute and very obedient.

But there's not much he can do to help it, other than to hope it sticks.

Sure enough, Heavenly Dao has more than enough to make up for what is not enough, and the acquisition of anything requires the payment of any price.

If the ore-eating beast wants to return to its ancestors and obtain the blood of its ancestors, it must have strong willpower, and it must endure the pain of simplifying the blood for him by the system, so that he can stand up from the back and turn into a butterfly.

Soon, time passed by every minute and every second.

The original blood in the ore-eating beast's body has been stripped out.

During the whole process, although the ore-eating beast's expression was painful and its whole body was trembling, it didn't make a sound.

The perseverance of this little guy really shocked Su Han.

Therefore, if something unexpected happens in a while, Su Han will immediately stop the simplification of the system. Even if this little guy can't return to his ancestral blood, Su Han is still willing to tell him to keep him.


An hour has passed.

Ninety percent of the original blood in the little guy's body has been extracted.

Soon, another three hours passed.

The little guy finally couldn't bear such pain, and let out a small murmur.


Except for the blood of the ancient iron-eating beast, all other original blood have been withdrawn.


The original blood of the iron-eating beast was very scarce, completely unable to support the little guy's survival, and now his vitality was already very weak.

At this moment, the sound of the system rang.

[Please ask the host to drop a drop of Blood Essence on the body of the ore eater. 】

Hearing this, Su Han dripped a drop of Blood Essence into the little guy's body without hesitation.

next second.

Something magical happened.

Su Han's Blood Essence fills the lack of blood in the ore eater's body.

That strand of golden blood merged into the blood.

Soon, all the blood of the ore-eater turned into a faint golden color.

Its vitality also recovered in an instant.

The breath is also constantly rising!

Two steps!

Tier 3!

Tier 4!

Fifth order!

It didn't stop until it reached the fifth level.

next second.

Su Han looked at the little guy and could see the purity of the blood in its body.

[Current bloodline purity (Iron Eater): %0.1]

He found that there was only one kind of blood left in the little guy's body, although the purity was very low.

next second.

The system's voice sounded again: [Reminder: The host only needs to feed the iron-eating beast normally, and the purity of the bloodline will gradually increase, there is no upper limit, until it reaches 100% purity. 】

Hearing this, Su Han is overjoyed!

It worked!

Own imagined it, and it really succeeded.

He successfully changed the bloodline of a spirit beast, and also changed its fate to a certain extent.

This attempt is the biggest attempt since Su Han got the system!

Moreover, once this ability to simplify bloodlines is used well, it will have a terrifying impact on the direction of Karma in this world

As the white light surrounding the little guy dissipated.

Su Han carefully looked at the little guy who had succeeded in simplifying his bloodline.

I was shocked to find that the little guy's size had not grown any bigger, but had shrunk a circle, his hair had also turned gray, and his pupils were a little dark blue, very agile.

The appearance has not changed much, but the temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes!

If the little guy just now was a wild child left in the world, then now he is a noble and lazy prince, exuding a noble and noble temperament.

It raised its head and looked at Su Han, its eyes also changed, becoming extremely docile.

At this moment, Su Han knew that he had truly subdued it.

Moreover, because Su Han gave it a blood transfusion, they had a blood relationship. This kind of intimacy from the blood made the little guy regard Su Han as the closest person.

"I made it."

"You also persevered."

Su Han knelt down and touched the little guy's head.

"Hey, this is your reward."

With that said, Su Han took out a bunch of Spirit Stones and let him eat with his stomach open.

The current one is a young species of ancient mythical beasts, these Spirit Stones, Su Han definitely can't be stingy.

However, this time, the little guy didn't just jump over and start eating as usual.

Instead, he shook his head.

It jumped onto Su Han's shoulder, and because of the shrinkage of its body, it sat on Su Han's broad shoulder, just right.

It stretched out its chubby, seemingly harmless little paws and gestured.


"You said you could find more Spirit Stones?"

Su Han frowned slightly.

He didn't expect that the little guy actually started to feel sorry for Spirit Stones for himself, saying that he would look for more Spirit Stones for himself.

This change also means that the little guy regards himself as a real family member.

"Can you find the spiritual vein?" Su Han also murmured.

Immediately, Su Han suddenly remembered something.

The legendary ancient iron-eating beast also has a more heaven-defying supernatural power, that is treasure hunting!

Because of the gluttony of the iron-eating beast, over time, it cultivated the supreme supernatural power to find treasures in the world!

Su Han looked at the little guy, his eyes flashed with surprise, as if looking at a cornucopia, he pampered him.

Being able to subdue this little guy, for Su Han, not only has an extra partner, but also a walking treasure-hunting beast!

And as the little guy grows up, the purity of the blood is getting higher and higher. When it reaches 100% purity, it is unknown what kind of Realm it will reach!

"Little guy, let me give you a name."

Su Han stroked his chin and thought.

"Kun Qiong, which eats the world, gathers the treasures of the world."

"From now on, I'll call you...Little Treasure!"

"You will definitely bring me good luck."

Hearing this, the little guy murmured bitterly.

It seems that I don't like this earthy-sounding name very much.


"Little Treasure."

"Are you sure it's here?"

Su Han raised one eyebrow and lowered the other, looking at the place in front of him in disbelief.

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