Fantasy: Simplify the skills and become a master from a minion

Chapter 46: Trial of the sword, bloodbath of depression

Although he noticed something was wrong, Chu Qing couldn't change anything.

He was just a barefoot boy in sackcloth after all.

He was not a county magistrate, nor was he a powerful person like Madam Shi.

The victims were resentful because they had no jobs and were hungry.

"If they were given a job, they would be able to eat. Would they still be resentful and make trouble?"

"How come the government offices in this world don't know about work-for-relief?"

"Give them some food and let them build roads. It will kill two birds with one stone."

"Why don't they do it?"

He returned to Shiji County while thinking randomly.

There were more pedestrians on the street.

But most people were in a hurry and looked worried.

There were a lot of victims outside, and the price of food in the city rose; and because of the wind and rain, few people started work, resulting in no money for everyone.


Because of He Qi's death, several days of turmoil were triggered.

People were uneasy.

Chu Qing, while walking, inquired about the whereabouts of Pharmacist Li.

When he was about to reach the Jin family mansion, he found a terrible situation:

"Several small pharmacies in the city are closed."

"The pharmacists were taken away a few days ago."

"Is there anyone who specifically captures pharmacists?"

"What do they need so many pharmacists for?"

"Is there a plague somewhere?"

"Or is there someone who wants to refine secret medicine on a large scale?"

A few minutes later:

Chu Qing saw Mrs. Jin.

Mrs. Jin, with a worried look on her face.

Chu Qing asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Jin hesitated to speak, and finally, stamped her feet and said, "Mrs. Shi is coming soon."

"Have you thought about how to deal with her?"

Chu Qing shook his head.

He didn't know how to deal with it either.

And at this moment, someone knocked on the door outside.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The sound was very loud.

Mrs. Jin frowned, and before she could ask Xiao Taohong to find out the situation, she heard a loud noise from the front yard, and a servant screamed.

Mrs. Jin frowned.

Chu Qing untied the long sword on his back and laid it horizontally in front of him.

"Madam, please step back."

Mrs. Jin was stunned. She looked at Chu Qing and whispered: "You should call me stepmother."

Chu Qing "Stepmother, please step back."

Mrs. Jin smiled and stepped back.

Not long after, a big man rushed in.

They held long knives, had a face full of flesh, and looked unfriendly.

A big man saw Chu Qing, his eyes lit up and said:

"Boy, Miss Lan wants to see you."

"Come with us!"

Chu Qing shook his head and said: "Sorry, I don't know Miss Lan."

"If she wants to see me, let her come in person."

The big man's eyeballs shrank and he scolded: "Asshole, it's your honor for Miss Lan to see you."

"Why don't you know how to be polite?"

Chu Qing sighed secretly and said softly: "Why can't you understand what people say?"

He is no longer a flag-waving minion.

Not just any cat or dog can command and scold at will.

Although the other party is a child of the fortress, so what?

He killed He Qi.

Would you still care about a Miss Lan?

The big man was shocked and angry.

In his entire life, no one in Shiji County dared to refuse to see the children of the Wubao.

Ah, I'm afraid that the people in the government office would have to respectfully pay their respects to the young lady.

What confidence does this barefoot boy in hemp clothes have to refuse?

"You ungrateful thing, follow me."

They were used to being arrogant and reached out to grab Chu Qing.

Chu Qing stepped back.

The big man was angry and wanted to continue.

At this moment, someone else came outside the door.

It was the maid Fenghuaxueyue, and a group of guards and servants, who surrounded Madam Shi.

Madam Shi looked at Chu Qing, then at the big men, and said calmly:

"Get out!"

When the big men saw Madam Shi, they immediately bowed and saluted like mice seeing a cat, not daring to say a word, and left.

But before leaving, one of the big men glared at Chu Qing fiercely.

The guards and servants scattered and were on guard.

Madam Shi glanced at Chu Qing and said to Madam Jin:

"Let's go to the study."

After that, she couldn't wait to pull Madam Jin to change her costumes.

After the two beautiful women entered the house, Chu Qing walked out with a long sword in his arms.

Feng Huaxueyue stopped him and shouted, "Where are you going?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "I have something to deal with."

Feng Huaxueyue rolled her eyes and said in unison, "Go and come back quickly; if you delay the young lady's time, you will definitely be finished."

Chu Qing smiled, said nothing, and went out with a long sword in his arms.

And the maid Feng Huaxueyue was happy and whispered, "The young lady scolded him yesterday."

"He must be afraid, so he escaped in the face of battle."

"Haha, it's best if he runs away far away, so that the young lady will be angry and never pay attention to him again."

The several big men who came out of the Jin family looked sad and angry.

"Damn it, that kid actually refused Miss Lan's call."

"How can we report back?"

A big man muttered, "How about we wait for Madam Shi to leave, and then go in and catch him?"

Others agreed, "That's right."

"Otherwise, Miss Lan will definitely punish us if we go back like this."

"Damn it, it's all that kid's fault."

"Catch him later, and make sure he's in trouble."

At this time:

They suddenly found that on the roof of one side, there was a young man in hemp clothes, jumping quickly like a dragonfly.


The young man surpassed them and jumped down from the roof.

The big man and others were stunned for a moment, with a look of ecstasy on their faces: "Boy, come with us to see Miss Lan!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Don't be anxious."

"I'll show you a big treasure, it's not too late to go later."

The big men were suspicious.


The long sword was unsheathed.

Chu Qing threw away the scabbard, picked up the two-handed sword, and said with a smile: "My two-handed sword has never seen blood or been opened."

"You just scolded me and made me depressed."

"So use your blood to open my two-handed sword and wash away my depression."

The big men were stunned for a moment, and laughed: "How many years have I practiced martial arts? How many days have you been?"

"Holding a broken sword, do you really think you are a master?"

Chu Qing smiled but didn't say anything, just rushed forward in a flash.

Two-handed mantis sword-cut!

A big man roared and blocked it with his sword.


The two-handed sword cut off the long sword and split his chest and abdomen.

The big man screamed.

Chu Qing passed by him, swinging his 1.5-meter-long two-handed sword like a guillotine.



The sword passed, and the man was cut off.

Chu Qing raised the sword, the sword body was stained with blood, but the blade was intact.

"Good sword!"

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to test the sword!"

After saying that, he picked up the scabbard and turned away.

Behind him, the chopped men were not dead for a while.

They wailed and rolled.

"Just scolding you, you killed us?"

"What a cruel heart."

"Miss Lan, I will not let you go."

Chu Qing smiled, without even looking at them, and left.

The men first wailed and cursed; then they were afraid and regretful.

Finally, they died slowly.

The four maids of Fenghuaxueyue were quite surprised to see Chu Qing come back so soon.

Chu Qing passed by them.

The Wind Girl wrinkled her nose and muttered, "He seems to smell of blood."

The other maids were surprised.

They all looked at Chu Qing's back and secretly underestimated:

"How can a young man in sackcloth clothes, a low-level peasant, smell of blood?"

"Was he beaten?"


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