Fantasy: Simplify the skills and become a master from a minion

Chapter 48 Holding the Sword in Both Hands at Wangyou Temple

Black Rabbit Walks:

The first exam of the Martial Academy is getting closer and closer.

At this time, the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

However, floods in many places are still there.

A large number of disaster victims are still gathering outside the city, and even a few sparse disaster victims are gathering here.

Because these disaster victims have eaten up all the wild grass outside the county town, they have to go into Shiji Mountain to survive.

There are many bamboos in the mountains, and there are bamboo rats, bamboo worms, bamboo shoots and other food to fill their stomachs. For a while, they did not starve to death.

But everyone is pale and thin, and the situation is not good.

These days: Chu Qing is not idle either. He keeps inquiring about the whereabouts of the pharmacists.

He even contacted the families of the missing pharmacists to form a small search team.

As the first exam of the Martial Academy is getting closer, he is getting more and more anxious.

These days, his progress is almost stagnant.

Whether it is Mantis Fist or Eagle Claw, he has not refined a single copper tendon.

On the contrary, the first condition of Mantis Sword, which is useless for the first exam, has been used by him more than 70,000 times.

"If I have the Toad Secret Medicine, I can at least refine dozens of iron bars of Toad Kung Fu."


That afternoon:

When he was copying the calligraphy, a servant brought a message:

"Master Qing, there is a person named Xunyao looking for you."

Xunyao is the name of the small team.

Chu Qing's heart moved, and he said goodbye to Mrs. Jin and hurried out.

Outside the door, a young man in plain clothes paced anxiously.

Seeing Chu Qing coming out, he immediately showed joy:

"Brother Qing, there is news."

Chu Qing raised his eyebrows and said, "What news?"

"People are in Wangyou Temple!"

"All the missing pharmacists are in Wangyou Temple."

Wangyou Temple is a temple outside the city.

It is quite popular.

There are many monks inside, each of them is big and thick, with a greasy face.

After the disaster victims appeared, they also went to Wangyou Temple to ask for vegetarian food.


After the monks in Wangyou Temple beat dozens of disaster victims to death with sticks, no one asked for vegetarian food anymore.

"No wonder there is no one in the county town."

"So they were sent out of the city."

"Why did a group of monks capture so many pharmacists?"

Chu Qing was suspicious.

But, he was too lazy to think about it.

He only needed the secret medicine of the toad in the hands of Pharmacist Li.

More than ten minutes later:

The boy took Chu Qing to a courtyard at the foot of the city wall.

More than ten people gathered here.

They were all the families of the pharmacists.

After Chu Qing came over, this group of people were discussing what to do.

A boy said: "How about we ask the government to help?"

A woman cried and said: "The government is so greedy, and they may not bring people out even if they get the money."

A boy dressed as a scholar said: "Let's ask directly."

"With so many of us, we can always get it out."

Others felt that this was also a way, and nodded one after another.

Only Chu Qing shook his head.

Just kidding.

With tens of thousands of disaster victims outside, the monks of Wangyou Temple dared to beat the victims to death.

They must be domineering and confident in doing things.

Just a dozen ordinary people going over to get people?

There is no way they can get out.

Ten minutes later;

Everyone went straight to the Forget Worry Temple.

When they arrived outside the Forget Worry Temple, they were terrified.


There were dozens of rotting corpses hanging on several trees.


Someone vomited.

But, for the sake of their families, they still knocked on the door with courage.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The monk with a face full of flesh opened the door and said fiercely: "What are you doing?"

The scholar said: "I heard that my father is in the Forget Worry Temple, I want to take him away."

The monk sneered: "Get out!"

"There is no family here."

Others begged the monk to let their families out.

As a result, the monk got angry, grabbed a whistle stick, and said fiercely: "Get out of here!"

"If you keep whining, I will beat you to death."

At this time, another seven or eight monks with flesh on their faces came out with sticks in their hands.

"Get out, there's no one, there's no one."

While speaking, he waved his sticks to hit people.

Everyone retreated helplessly.

Truth mixed in the crowd without saying a word.

He carefully observed the group of monks.

"They don't have the mercy of monks, they are just fierce."

"This is a group of fake monks."

A group of fake monks occupied the temple and arrested the medicine master.

What exactly are they going to do?

After more than ten minutes, everyone had no choice but to go back.

They gathered together to discuss what to do.

Truth suddenly said: "The monk is fierce, we can only get the person out if we are more fierce than him."

"Everyone pays some money to find a knifeman to get the person back."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Yes, we can't do it, but the knifeman can."

"The knifemen are definitely more fierce than the monks."

They discussed finding a knifeman.

Some said to find a knifeman from the gang, and some said to go to the refugee camp to find a knifeman.

Truth was speechless after listening for a while.

This group of people took a long time to find a knifeman.

He stood up and left quietly; since he knew where Pharmacist Li might be, why waste time here?

When Chu Qing left, several people saw him, but no one tried to stop him.

But after he left, someone suddenly said:

"After we find a knifeman to rescue the monks, we will throw the Pharmacist that the man wanted to kill just now to the place where he was going to kill him. Don't worry about him."

Everyone nodded.

At home:

Chu Qing drew out his long sword and played with it with his fingers.

His ten fingers flew, ding-dong, like a violent storm.

[Sword Playing +1]

[Sword Playing +1]

In one second, twenty or thirty progresses are refreshed; the progress of flicking the sword is close to 80,000.

At this time, there are three days left before the preliminary exam.

"Looking for Pharmacist Li these days has taken up a lot of my time."

"Otherwise, the sword flicking progress would have been reached long ago."

"Damn fake monk, how can you compensate me for causing me to waste a lot of time?"

The tapping of his fingers and the clanking sound of gold and iron actually aroused his murderous intention.

"If there were no accidents, my Toad Skill would have been perfected ten days ago."

"If you have perfected the Toad Skill, you may be able to speed up the improvement of the copper bars."

"How much they have delayed my progress!"

The night fell, and Chu Qing's murderous intention became three times stronger as the night fell.

He held the sword in both hands, covered his face, and went straight to Wangyou Temple.

When he arrived outside Wangyou Temple, he jumped on a big tree and looked at the temple.


The lights are bright and the smell of meat is wafting in the wind.

There is also a female voice, faintly visible.

"They are indeed a bunch of fake monks."

Chu Qing waited silently.

He wanted to see if that group of people would hire swordsmen.

If hired, it would be a good time for the swordsmen to test the methods of the fake monks.

Otherwise, he can only take risks.

One hour

two hours

At around ten o'clock in the night, the fake monks were sleeping and many lights were out; however, the lights were brightly lit in key locations, and there were fake monks patrolling.

Chu Qing observed carefully and found that there were two or three fake monks in a team, carrying gongs and whistles; alternating classes and patrolling ranges were quite organized.

After looking at it for a while, I felt that it was a patrol method used in the military.


"Or the regular army?"

One hour

Chu Qing discovered that there was no way to sneak in quietly without alerting the patrollers.

"It seems that those people didn't hire swordsmen either."

"This time we have to force our way through."

After several hours of observation, he found that the fake monks paid special attention to a wing room.

There are many lanterns and torches outside the wing. Whenever anyone comes out, they will be seen by the patrolling monks.

"Physician Li and the others may be locked up inside."

He moved his limbs, preparing to force his way in.

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