Chu Qing gave too much.

Cui Moyang and others thought about it for a long time, but they didn't know how to repay.

Chu Qing smiled.

From the secrets obtained by Tang Wuming and the Xu family daughter, several people were completely tied to the chariot.

This is actually the greatest reward for him.

After all, he is really a jerk.

There is no foundation at all.

Even though eight prodigies from aristocratic families killed people with him.

Even though we are on a chariot, if there is no benefit, it will fall apart sooner or later.


Now, after Chu Qing throws out the secret that is not a secret, he can tie them up.

With this benefit:

Even if we are separated the day after tomorrow, we can still watch each other.

And this is what he wants.

He is no longer interested in the simple Shiji County Martial Arts Academy, he is interested in Fucheng, Zhoucheng, and even the wider world.

The boys and girls pondered.

Chu Qing stood up and said, "Everyone, I'll go to the library first."

"By the way, this iron whistle is for everyone."

"If you're alone and in trouble, blow the whistle."

"If you hear it, you must go and help."

He distributed the bloody whistle to everyone.

One for each person, no more and no less.

The boys and girls suddenly understood and laughed immediately.

Chu Qing went to the Library Pavilion to look for skills.

Cui Moyang and others discussed in low voices how to repay Chu Qing.

Someone offered gold and silver.

"How much can we mobilize?"

"Can that little gold and silver sell the secret of 365 Jinjin?"

Someone suggested sending a woman.

Nangong and Cui Moyang rolled their eyes: "As long as you are strong enough, what kind of woman can't get you? What kind of man can't get you?"

Until noon, they had not come up with a charter.

And at this time:

Chu Qing has already set foot in the library.

The first floor is filled with ordinary fist and kick techniques, densely packed with thousands of them.

Mantis Fist, Iron Hand, etc. are among them.

"In the past, I worked hard for a skill."

"How long has it been before I can watch it as I please?"

Although there were many low-level techniques, he no longer looked down upon them.

After all, the low-level skills activate too few iron bars.

The second level is the middle level exercises.

Most of the techniques here can activate about fifty iron bars.

But, he is not satisfied.

The third level, advanced skills.

There are only a few dozen species here.

Each type can produce about sixty iron bars.

Chu Qing picked and picked, still not satisfied.

Continue climbing the stairs.

However: at the entrance to the fourth floor, there is a martial artist blocking the way.

This martial artist was in his forties or fifties. He had lost both legs and was in a wheelchair.

"Identity token!"

Chu Qing handed it to him.

Wu Fuzi checked it and said in surprise: "You are the new inner court!"

"Logically speaking, someone will teach you the pros and cons and knowledge of the exercises in the afternoon, and you will choose the exercises in the evening or tomorrow."

"I didn't expect you to be so impatient!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Master, our inner court has offended many masters."

"So those masters are not willing to teach martial arts knowledge."

The master with a broken leg said disdainfully: "Didn't you just kill a master? You didn't kill their parents, so why do you still hold a grudge?"

Chu Qing smiled and said nothing.

Master Broken Leg asked him again for his seal, his signature, and his seal.

Chu Qing did as he was told.

Master Broken Leg said: "The fourth floor is about weapon skills; there are two types of weapon skills: ordinary and secret."

"The fourth floor only has ordinary weapon skills."

"According to the rules, you can choose one."

Chu Qing asked curiously: "Where is the fifth floor?"

The Broken Leg Master smiled and said: "The dean's retreat on the fifth floor contains secret techniques of fists and feet, weapons, bones, internal organs, flesh and skin, and fur."

"If you want to go to the fifth floor, you need a lot of credits."

Chu Qing clasped her fists in thanks.

The master with a broken leg saw that he was polite and said happily: "The master on the fourth floor is my master. I will whisper to him in a while and ask him to ignore you."

"Learn whatever you like."

Chu Qing was stunned.

The broken-leg master said proudly: "What I hate most are rules."

Chu Qing clasped her fists in thanks and went upstairs.

As soon as he reached the fourth floor, he was stunned.

He thought:

Weaponry is precious and the quantity must be very small.

Result: I found densely packed bookshelves, as many as one floor.

at this time:

Footsteps sounded.

A master with a white beard came over.

This master's arms are empty, but his legs are fine.

When he saw Chu Qing, he smiled and said:

"My disciple said that a ruthless man who likes to kill Master is here."

"Let me secretly ignore you."

Chu Qing smiled and clasped his fists and said, "Master, there is no need to ignore me."

"Just follow the rules."

"And I don't like killing my husband."

The master with a broken arm laughed loudly and said: "The martial arts academy has been established for nine hundred years. In such a huge empire, you are the first one who dares to drag the master out of the martial arts academy and kill him."

Chu Qing said modestly: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. There will always be someone who can surpass me and kill the master in the martial arts academy."

Broken Arm Master

Chu Qing

The Broken Arm Master smiled and said, "Originally, I should have listened to my apprentice and let you learn weapon skills as you please."

Chu Qing's heart moved.

If you could learn all the weapon techniques, that would be awesome.

He has an occupation column. He only needs to read it once and register it in the occupation column.

By then, he will be proficient in all eighteen kinds of weapons.

How awesome is that?

As a result, Master Broken Arm continued:

"However, I suggest you specialize in one weapon."

"If you can practice a certain weapon technique to the point of breaking the limit, then you are several times more powerful than those who are proficient in seven or eight techniques but have not reached the limit."

Chu Qing's mind moved and he said:

"Weapons cannot train the bones and muscles, so there is also such a saying as breaking the limit?"

The Broken Arm Master said: "If the weapon technique breaks the limit, there is a chance to practice the road to heaven; if you can practice a road to heaven before the limit of the fur, then your future achievements will be limitless!"

Chu Qing was at a loss, he didn't know what the road to heaven was.

The Broken Arm Master admired his courage to kill Master Zai and explained it to him.

Weapon techniques are divided into three categories: orthodox, unorthodox, and strange.

Swords, spears, swords, halberds, etc. are orthodox.

Axe, hammer, shield, etc. are unorthodox.

Crutch, meteor, chain gun, etc. are strange.

Total three roads to heaven.

Chu Qing asked curiously, "Is there anyone in our martial arts academy who has mastered the Tongtian Road?"

The broken-armed master was silent for a long time and said, "Even the dean didn't master it."

Chu Qing

"Is it very difficult?"

The broken-armed master said, "Among a thousand people who have mastered 365 golden tendons, only one can master the Tongtian Road at most."

"Do you think it's difficult?"

Chu Qing felt that this was not a question of whether it was difficult or not, it was simply an impossible achievement.

The broken-armed master rolled his eyes and said, "It is said that if you practice the secret weapon method to the limit, there is a 10% chance of practicing the Tongtian Road."

"If you have the ability to get some secret medicine, the chance is even higher."

Chu Qing was speechless.

"Can I go to the fifth floor to see the dean?"

The broken-armed master smiled and said, "Do you want to get the secret weapon method from the dean?"

Chu Qing nodded.

The broken-armed master smiled and said, "One thousand credits, you can see the dean."

"As for the secret weapon method, you need to pay a huge price."

Chu Qing thought: "I want to learn the secret weapon method."

The broken-armed master laughed and said, "You have ambition."

"Back then, I led 36 apprentices to attack the secret weapon method. As a result, 35 died, I lost both arms, and the remaining one lost both legs."

"Do you still dare to ask for the secret weapon method?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Master, I used to be a flag-waving minion; but, since I started practicing martial arts, I told myself: I, Chu Qing, will never be a minion."

"I want to practice, so I will practice the best."

The broken-armed master said, "You have ambition!"

"If I still have hands, I will definitely give you a thumbs up!"

Chu Qing

"The best secret weapon method in this martial arts academy It's the Overlord Spear!"

"Which dean of mine said: If you want to learn the Overlord Spear, it's best to practice the Chain Spear first."

"Soft first, hard later, Qimen first, authentic later, with the blessing of the secret, the chance of practicing Tongtian Road can be increased to 20!"

Chu Qing said with a thought: "Then, which chain spear should I choose?"

The Broken Arm Master smiled and said: "The chain spear is the most difficult weapon to practice in Qimen, and the double-headed chain spear is even more difficult!"

"But, the harder it is, the more it fits with the secret Overlord Spear!"

"It just so happens that the martial arts academy has a double-headed chain spear technique."

Chu Qing said with a thought: "Did you practice it at the beginning?"

The Broken Arm Master said with resentment: "Back then, I had my arms cut off for the double-headed chain spear, a prerequisite technique."

"Tell me, have I practiced it?"

Chu Qing

"Fortunately, I can get it for free!"

The Broken Arm Master

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