Chu Qing nodded and went upstairs with satisfaction.

As a result, when he was about to go to the top floor, Master Jin whispered: "Master Qing, there are guests on the top floor."

Chu Qing stopped and smiled: "Then it's on this floor."

After that, he was about to take his seat.


After he took two steps, he suddenly asked: "Who is on the top floor?"

The leader of the Xuehe Gang immediately said: "Master Qing, it's the He family, Lan family, Zhang family, a total of 18 forts, and eight inner courtyard disciples."

Chu Qing turned around and said: "Let's go to the top floor."

The leader of the Xuehe Gang and others were a little embarrassed.

Chu Qing went upstairs and explained:

"If it was someone else on the top floor, I would never go up."

"But, the fort has a grudge against me."

"I don't allow my enemies to eat and drink on my head."

"What's more"

While speaking, he went upstairs and saw Cui Moyang holding a hairpin sword in both hands, murderous.

The twins and Wang Yinyang and others also held weapons and confronted a group of people.

"What's more, I have to show my power to the powerful people in the fortress."

"This is a good opportunity."

Top floor:

When Cui Moyang and others saw Chu Qing, their eyes suddenly lit up.

As if they had found a backbone, they held their weapons tighter and their killing intent became stronger.

And the head of the He family and others looked ugly.

Especially when they heard Chu Qing say that he wanted to show their power, their faces looked even uglier.

How many years has it been?

Even if Chief Constable Shi was strong, he didn't dare to say that he would show his power to them, let alone suppress them in public.

But Chu Qing was so strong when he just rose to power.

He didn't respect them at all.

It's too much!

Chu Qing asked Cui Moyang and others:

"What are you doing?"

Mingyue said in unison: "Brother, we asked them for some pearls, and they asked us to kill you before giving them."

"Wang Yinyang didn't agree, so they said that the swords of the children of the fortress were very sharp and could kill people."

"Sister Moyang said that our swords were also very sharp and could kill people."

"Then, you came."

Chu Qing was quite satisfied with what Cui Moyang and others did.


"You don't threaten people like this."

While speaking, he walked to the side of a big man in the fortress, suddenly raised his leg, and the red snake leg bloomed like a big snake, whipping him fiercely.


The big man screamed, flew backwards, broke the window, and fell down.

"Look, this is considered a threat."

The huge top floor was silent.

A little:

The head of the He family laughed angrily: "Chu Qing, you are very arrogant!"

Chu Qing didn't even look at the head of the He family, but sat upright with a big horse and a golden sword, waving to the leader of the Blood River Gang.

The man from the fort was so angry that he gnashed his teeth.

The leader of the Blood River Gang hesitated, and immediately came over and clasped his fists and said: "Master Qing, what do you want?"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Well, I went to the Jin residence today, and someone was cursing Mrs. Jin there."

"I have a special relationship with Mrs. Jin, and I can't tolerate others cursing."


The leader of the Blood River Gang secretly glanced at Fatty Jin, secretly laughed, and quickly said: "Master Qing, don't worry, I will catch them back immediately and let you punish them."

Chu Qing shook his head and said:

"Don't make so much trouble, just chop off their heads and send them to the gate of the martial arts academy."

"By the way, I am kind-hearted and can't bear to see my relatives separated; you can take the heads of their entire family and send them over, so as to avoid the pain of life and death separation."

The leader of the Blood River Gang

Everyone was horrified.

Is this called kindness? Killing the whole family for fear of the pain of life and death? What a cruel heart.

At this moment, whether it is Cui Moyang or the head of the He family, they have a deeper understanding of Chu Qing.

The leader of the Blood River Gang was sweating profusely.

His younger brothers have killed many people.

However, there are very few people like Chu Qing who can kill a whole family at any time.

He mustered up his courage and said carefully:

"Isn't it a bit too many people that have died like this, Master Qing?"

Chu Qing wondered: "Are they a lot? When the Daqian Empire was founded, a general buried 400,000 surrendered soldiers, and the history books praised it."

"The victims outside the city can starve to death dozens or hundreds of people every day."

"I asked you to kill some people in the city, and you refused?"

"Do you look down on me? Or do you look down on the hard bones of the people in the city?"

The leader of the Blood River Gang was sweating profusely.


The twins' eyes were curved with laughter, and they said crisply: "They are so stubborn, so we have to give them a decent treatment."

The leader of the Blood River Gang nodded frantically and said: "Master Qing, don't worry, I will do it!"

Chu Qing nodded and said: "I remember everyone's face."

"Don't fool me!"

The leader of the Blood River Gang swore to the heavens and the earth that he would never fool.

Chu Qing was satisfied.

He said to the leader of the Blood River Gang: "This is your first time to do something with me, I allow you to ask questions."

"But, next time I ask you to do something, you do it."

"Don't ask me back, understand?"


The leader of the Blood River Gang knelt down, sweating profusely, and said: "I understand!"

At this time:

Chu Qing looked at Nangong and said: "You said that the world is a world of human relations. The ten-day deadline is coming soon. I look forward to your human relations-bearing!"

Nangong and others laughed.

Chu Qing stood up and left.

At this time:

The head of the He family suddenly said in a low voice: "Chu Qing, you are too arrogant."

"You think highly of Madam Jin? Okay, tonight, I will cook Madam Jin into a human soup."

Chu Qing said without turning his head: "Okay, remember to give me a share of the soup when the time comes!"

As he spoke, he went downstairs and walked away.

On the top floor, there was silence.

The rabbits were running, day after day:

The leader of the Blood River Gang, like a mad dog, chased those who went to Jin's house to curse.

Then, they beheaded them and sent them to the gate of the martial arts academy.

Chu Qing didn't even look at it.

He asked the Blood River Gang to do this just for one word - prestige!

With prestige, things will be much easier and less troublesome.

And the head of the He family and others didn't dare to make Mrs. Jin into a soup after all.

He just wrote letters to the rebels frantically, asking experts to come and kill Chu Qing.

In the deep mountains:

There is a small rebel camp.

Not far from the camp, there is a waterfall.

The waterfall is turbulent, with a drop of a hundred meters.

Under the waterfall:

There is a rebel named Zheng Tie.

He stood on a boulder, holding a two-handed sword, resisting the waterfall and practicing swordsmanship.

The boulder under his feet was stepped on by him to leave two deep footprints.

It is obvious that he has been practicing under the waterfall for a long time.

The sword whistled, cutting the waterfall, and bursting into clouds of water mist.

One minute

Three minutes

Suddenly, Zheng Tie roared to the sky, rushed out of the waterfall, and landed on the shore like a big bird.


The two-handed sword weighing more than 30 kilograms hit a huge rock.

Under the impact of skill and strength, the huge rock was pierced by the two-handed sword like tofu.

"Chu Qing from Shiji County is only at the level of tendon training."

"Such a small person, do you still want me to take action?"

"What a waste."

Zheng Tie strode to the middle tent.

Inside was the commander-in-chief-Zheng Zhixiang.

"Sir, I should go to Shiji County."

Inside the tent:

There was a sound of metal clashing:

"Xiao Tie, be careful."

Zheng Tie chuckled and said, "Commander-in-chief, he is just a student at the level of tendon training. My two-handed swordsmanship can mobilize a hundred iron bones, which is equivalent to five hundred iron tendons;"

"He is a tendon trainer, what can he use to compete with me?"

Zheng Zhixiang said, "Chu Qing is nothing to be afraid of!"

"But, you also have shortcomings."

Zheng Tie wondered, "What are my shortcomings?"

Zheng Zhixiang said, "In order to wear the secret heavy armor, you have strength, but endurance No. "

"Moreover, fighting with others does not rely on the number of tendons and bones, but on experience, moves, and one's own shortcomings. "

"Military martial arts are open and closed, and the loss is huge. "

"If you can't kill your opponent within three minutes, you must give up immediately and come back with heavy armor to protect yourself. "

Zheng Tie disagreed, but still nodded and said: "Yes!"

In the tent, Zheng Zhixiang said again: "I have reached a critical moment in my practice and need personal guards to protect me!"

"However, I contacted a team near Shiji County and asked them to go to support you."

Zheng Tie thanked.

"Remember, even if a lion fights a rabbit, you must do your best!"

"After killing Chu Qing, come back to practice martial arts quickly."

"We don't have much time, and there will be big moves at any time."


Zheng Tie packed up his things, rode his warhorse, and headed straight for Shiji County.

Calculating the time, he can reach the He family in the fort tonight.

"If everything goes well, kill Chu Qing tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow, I will be back."

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