“The place is a little bit behind... well...”

Recalling the news that he inquired, Chen Heng nodded secretly.

A little bit behind means that the force value in this area will not be too high, at least those knights that are too powerful, even big knights, may be greatly reduced in this area.

In this case, what he wants to do in this area will be greatly reduced.

This thought flashed through his mind, still with a bright and cheerful smile on his face, and kept talking with Jit in front of him, trying not to make the other person feel embarrassed.

His tone was calm, his attitude was kind, and he didn't put his aristocratic status on his body when talking, but only put on the appearance of a younger generation, which made Jit in front of him couldn't help but feel a good feeling.

Looking at Chen Heng in front of him, Kit couldn't help thinking of Ormando.

Although they are brothers, Ormando would never speak like Chen Heng.

"If it's Oman, how much...what will he do to me?"

He couldn't help thinking of this question.

Then, he recalled the previous scene, recalled Ormando's indifferent eyes, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Disabled on the battlefield, for those people, he is already a cripple, and it is not worth wasting any more thought.

Only Chen Heng in front of him could pay such attention to him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little moved, and looked at Chen Heng with more gratitude.

Chen Heng saw this change in his eyes and just smiled to himself.

After sending Jit back, Chen Heng went to visit his family.

As he had learned earlier, there were many people in Kit's home.

He has five children and there are elderly people at home.

Originally, Git had a job as a guard, and although life was difficult, it was barely sustainable.

But now, Jit was injured on the battlefield and had to retire after being disabled, and their lives became more and more difficult.

Chen Heng consoled these people, gave some things he brought as gifts, then visited the people around him symbolically, and then left the place.

After he left, the people here had to send each other off. Seeing this, he was very fond of his lord and second son.

On the way back, in the carriage, the servant in charge of serving Chen Heng was a little puzzled.


He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "You seem to be too kind to those cheap... free folks..."

Looking at the familiar face of Chen Heng, he couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Chen Heng in the past was not like this.

In the past, Chen Heng's predecessor was similar to Omando. Although he was not as indifferent as Omando, he also did not pay attention to those ordinary civilians.

After all, to them nobles, those commoners are just pariahs, not worth mentioning at all.

"You do not understand....."

Looking at his servant, Chen Heng just smiled and shook his head without explaining too much.

In fact, the reason why he did so was just an attempt.

The mechanism of point acquisition depends on his influence.

In other words, the more people he influences, the more points he can get.

So, he did it.

Everything is just trying.

Of course, gaining goodwill is also one of the reasons.

Although the strength of ordinary civilians is weak, it is also a strength in the end.

And a good reputation is also a kind of power.

If so, why not do it?

Anyway, in the end, his contribution is not much.

Returning to the manor where Baron Kaysen is located, the atmosphere in the manor has changed.

Today, the scene where Chen Heng personally sent Jit away was seen by many people.

And those people told this to more people.

In addition, what Chen Heng explained to Tina before now also showed the effect.

This place is in the manor, and everyone knows that Chen Heng pitied the Kit's family and hired him as his teacher's benevolent act.

For these, Chen Heng smiled and did not do much.

In the days that followed, time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, five months passed quickly.

In the past five months, Chen Heng has changed a lot.

After his arrival, he changed his previous habits and did many surprising things.

As for himself, he is extraordinarily frugal, without any noble style and luxury. Each meal only has water and a little wild vegetables, saving all the money for each meal.

But for those elders and those who are in difficult circumstances, he is unusually generous, and sometimes he would rather embarrass himself than help his friends.

He has great respect for his teacher, and even once quarreled with his brother Ormando in order to protect his teacher.

He is also very friendly to business travelers and travelers from afar. Not only will he send people to take care of him, but sometimes he will also ride horses in person and act as a guide to help them get through some difficult roads.

In an instant, the attitude towards Chen Heng in the entire manor changed.

Whether it is a servant, a guard, or an ordinary commoner, as long as Chen Heng is mentioned, his face will be filled with emotion.

He was full of respect, and respected him very much.

Although the same is true for Ormando and Baron Kaysen, everyone knows that there is a big difference between the two.

Early in the morning, the sun just rose outside.

On the grass, little drops of water wet the ground, making the surroundings look a little wet.

It was still early in the morning, the genius was just a little bright, and it seemed a little dim.

It was only at this time that he had already woken up.

Carrying the sword, Chen Heng walked to the spacious training ground alone.

This is his habit.

From a few months ago, after he just arrived, he was the first one to start every day.

Every day, as long as it was a little light, he would get up from the head of the bed and start training for the day.

For nearly half a year, his diligence is obvious to all, and everyone knows it.

In sharp contrast, Ormando.

Every time, he was the last to arrive, and he had to wait for all the guards to be assembled before arriving here.

Compared with Chen Hengyi, the contrast is very strong.

Of course, the reason why it is so strong also has Chen Heng's own reasons.

After all, the reason why he put the daily training location here is so that the guards can see him training for the first time after they come over.

For nearly half a year, he has gotten used to it.

Silently drawing his sword and training in this place, Chen Heng stood up familiarly and waved his long sword.

Over a long period of time, he has recovered his former swordsmanship, and now his swordsmanship is not inferior to anyone else's. Even the most skilled warriors in the territory are by no means his opponents.

Just today, while training silently, Chen Heng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"This feeling......"

On the training ground, he was training alone, but at this time, he suddenly stopped.

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