Three thousand floors, three thousand avenue symbols flow, and the reflected void is transparent and extremely gorgeous.

Amidst the dense light, a figure stepped out.

This is a really incomparable young man, dressed in yellow clothes with fluttering sleeves, with a detached temperament, and a pair of eyes containing the sun, the moon, the stars, and the universe.

"This is... the fighting body condensed by the Dao symbol. Could it be that there is a ray of ancient immortality in it?"

Everyone was startled, especially some important figures, who felt an aura beyond the world from the young man in yellow.

There is no doubt that only immortals who have transcended the upper realm have such a temperament.

"Facing the ray of Qi of the ancient immortal, coupled with the physical body condensed by the Dao symbol, I am afraid that Su Chen will definitely lose if "three four three"!" A big man secretly said.

It's not that they underestimate Su Chen, but that Gu Xian's wisp of aura is too powerful, even if it's just an instinct, it's not something mortals can match if they don't know treasure techniques.

"Although Su Chen can't match Gu Xian's wisp of energy, he should be able to make a few moves, but he doesn't know how many moves he can block.

"I think it should be able to block three moves."

"Five strokes, Su Chen is a Double Pupils after all, and broke the record on the ancient road of gods and demons."

Some big shots discussed and stared at the two figures on the fairy ladder.


The young man in yellow shot fiercely, and the sun, moon and star gushed out of his palm, turning into a universe, forming a field, trapping Su Chen.

In an instant, Su Chen felt the pressure from all directions, his body was cracking, and his blood seemed to stop flowing.

"Usually I use the Double Pupils technique to restrict other people's movements, but now I am restricted by others.

Su Chen found it interesting. Although the young man in yellow in front of him was extremely tyrannical, far surpassing the ancient Supreme, he also had no fear in his heart.

After all, the other party is in the same Realm as him.

Within the same territory, he is not weaker than others.


The 129,600 acupoints in Su Chen's body were opened, the qi and blood flowed, and turned into a dragon-shaped air column, rushing into the sky and shaking the sky.

A terrifying air force spread out, breaking open the field in an instant.

Su Chen's eyes were blazing, and a Fangtian painting halberd was swept out, and the stars were split open one after another, turning into light curtains and dissipating.

Su Chen charged towards the young man in yellow, his palm rune shining brightly, turning into a real dragon roaring out.

The sky is shining brightly, the real dragon roars, and its huge body fills the sky.

True Dragon Treasure!

This is the first time he has performed this treasure technique in front of the people of the upper world.

"True Dragon Treasure Technique!"

"It is rumored that Su Chen got the real dragon jade in the ancient dragon's lair, and it is true."

"It's such a powerful comprehension, so quickly Insight out the real dragon treasure technique, and use it.

A series of exclamations sounded.

You must know that the True Dragon Treasure Technique is the supreme treasure technique, extremely obscure and mysterious, even Saint Insight may not be able to gain Insight.

It has not been many days since Su Chen obtained the True Dragon Treasure Technique, but Insight actually released the True Dragon Treasure Technique, which really shocked everyone.

"Is this the real dragon treasure?"

Taiyang Daozi, Zhan Ming and others looked at the terrifying coercion emanating from above, and felt shocked in their hearts.


When the young man in yellow moved his body, the air exploded, turning into air waves and spreading in all directions. With him as the center, black cracks spread in all directions.

His speed is very fast, like a flash of lightning, like a ray of light, which makes people unable to react.


Using his hand as a knife, he slashed down obliquely towards the real dragon.

His palm is as crystal clear as jade, flowing with runes, as if carved from immortal jade, but at this moment it has turned into the sharpest heavenly knife, as if even the gods can cut through it.

This is a very powerful Saber Technique.

Su Chen seemed to see that the avenue was about to be cut off under this knife.

Cut the road with one knife!


Su Chen activated the True Dragon Treasure Technique, the dragon's claws protruded out and turned into the size of a millstone, directly pressed down and collided with the knife in his hand.

There was a "bang", like two sharpest Divine Armaments colliding, sparks splashed, cracks appeared on the dragon's claws, and cracks also appeared on the palm of the young man in yellow.

Centering on his crystal-clear jade palm, the cracks spread from the wrist to the arm, and in an instant, the arm was full of cracks.

This strike collided, both of them used all their strength, it can be said that the winner was decided by one blow.

"You're very good. You passed." After the young man in yellow finished speaking, his body shattered and dissipated into spiritual light.

At the same time, a large number of Dao symbols merged into Su Chen's body, helping him temper his body.

In Su Chen's body, the acupoints expanded one after another, transforming into caves.


Below, everyone stared at Su Chen dumbfounded, with deep disbelief pouring out of their eyes.

That was Gu Xian's 2.2 ray of energy, which was actually defeated by Su Chen.

"When!" "When!"

At the next moment, the Taoist bell in the ancient immortal city rang slowly, and the transmission spread. Countless big figures in the upper world heard the bell and were very surprised. They ascended to the ancient immortal Taozhou.

On the immortal stele, Su Chen's ranking is lined up, and a few words appear: Climbing the Immortal Ladder, Three Thousand Floors.

It was a record, and he broke another.

"Su Chen......"

The young Tianjiao's mouth was full of bitterness and their eyes were gloomy. They thought they could catch up with Su Chen. Now it seems that Su Chen has gone farther and farther. They can still see the back now, but they may not even be able to see the back in the future. . .

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