Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 344 The Prestige Of The Prehistoric Dragon Gate (Please Subscribe!)

Luna's robe fluttered like a Celestial Immortal's son. At this moment, there was a trace of coldness on her flawless face, and her beautiful eyes stared at the blue sky, revealing killing intent.

As soon as Lan Tian was stared at by Luna, he felt a chill.

With a cold look in his eyes, he said: "Go up and capture this girl!"

The five big God Kings started, and immediately the treasures were criss-crossed, and the runes were dazzling, and they attacked the old soul and the moon god.

Master Hun squeezed the seal with his hands and made a dragon-shaped seal.

The jade hand of the moon god swiped, and the law of the moon condensed and turned into a bright moon, pressing down forward.


The two sides collided, Hun Lao took the lead and flew out horizontally, the Ghost Qi around him was dim, and he was seriously injured.

The moon god blocked it, but her graceful body trembled, and a look of pain appeared on her white cheeks.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, bright red.

Obviously, she forcibly blocked the attacks of the five big God Kings, and suffered heavy injuries herself.

In the distance, Su Chen was sitting in the chariot, his eyebrows raised, and there was a trace of anger in his heart.

Moon God is his friend, who helped him a lot when he was in the lower realm, and also taught him the method of cultivating the immortal golden body.

He kept all these kindnesses in his heart, and now the Moon God was wounded in order to help him, making him want to kill.

"Old Soul, lend me your Magic power." Su Chen said via voice transmission.

At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Luna to make him retreat.

Moon God glanced at Su Chen, and saw confidence in her eyes. She nodded slightly, and with a sway, she appeared in the chariot.

Moon God and Soul Elder poured Magic power into Su Chen's body at the same time.

In an instant, Su Chen felt his body swell, the Magic power of the God King realm was too thick, even if there was only one wisp, it was not Venerable to bear. Fortunately, he cultivated the immortal golden body, and his physical body was strong.

If it was another genius, he would have been blown up long ago.

"Honghuang Longmen, you have been asleep for long enough, it's time to move."

Su Chen poured Magic power into the prehistoric dragon gate, this chaotic Magical Item glowed, the dragon-shaped rune on the dragon gate shone brightly, a rune lit up, revived, and a faint dragon's power spread out, with a radius of 100 The creatures in Wanli trembled and knelt down in this direction.

"Su Chen, are you pretending to be a ghost?" Lan Tian felt bad when he saw the aura emanating from Su Chen's body, and immediately said: "Hurry up, kill Su Chen!"

The perception of the five great God Kings was sharper, and they had already discovered that something was wrong. They immediately took action, sacrificed the Magical Item, and blasted towards the chariot.

0...seeking flowers...


A dragon-shaped rune on the Great Desolate Dragon Gate opened its eyes, and it roared loudly.


The God King Magical Item that came over was shattered, turned into powder, and drifted with the wind.

And the five big God Kings also remained motionless, and then they were broken like porcelain by the wind.

"This..." When Lan Tian saw this scene, he was extremely shocked, a chill came from his back, and he wished he could give birth to eight legs and run away quickly.

"Luna, be careful." Su Chen didn't look at Tianyi, but supported Luna, whose magic power was exhausted, and placed her carefully on the soft fur cushion.

Elder Hun was also supported by Dugu Xue, and was poured with Magic power.

"Lan Tianyi, what skills do you have, let me see." Su Chen stared at Lan Tianyi, the middle floor of the Holy Garden.

Lan Tianyi trembled all over, as if he was in a violent storm.

"Retired elder, help!" Lan Tian shouted intermittently.


In the void in the distance, Sword Qi erupted one after another, and the battle of Saint continued.

Originally, it was the retired elder of the Sea God Clan who stopped Su Chen's guardian Kong Lao, but now it was Kong who came to stop the retired elder of the Sea God Clan.

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