Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 102 At The Snap Of A Finger, Youth Blooms In An Instant [10/10]

In the boundless Galaxy, in a vast Star Domain.

Two fairy lights shot straight into the sky, and the terrifying pressure swept across the entire Galaxy like a tide, frightening countless creatures. They seemed to feel that the real Great Emperor was about to resurrect.

The godless man who suppressed the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, slaughtered three thousand realms, made all spirits awe, and suffocated the world, revived.

Galaxy world.

This is a restricted area of ​​life in Canglan Realm.

As for when it became a restricted area, there is no way to find the source, but the Galaxy world has existed for a long time tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of years ago.

The Great Emperors of the past sleep inside. Some of those Great Emperors are so long ago that no information can be found in ancient books.

It's like the Mythical era, and it's like the Great Emperor in ancient times.

But there are no exceptions.

These former Great Emperors eventually became the ancient Supreme~.

These Supremes sleep all year round, and only when they are waiting to replenish their energy will they appear to hunt the entire world.

And now.

The ancient Supreme has revived, and it’s not just a statue.

Two ancient Supremes took action.

In the rumblings, laws flew, the heaven and earth trembled, fairy sounds sounded one after another, two astonishing Law Manifestations appeared in the eyes of all living beings, the huge figures spread beyond countless Galaxy, the vast Galaxy was in their eyes, It was extremely small, and it was behind the two of them.

It seems to contain a world and a universe. The breath is amazing and shakes all wishes.

The two ancient Supremes took action directly.

The huge palm easily grabbed a piece of Galaxy, as if it contained a whole world, and grabbed it towards Meng Qiangu.

This is a middle-aged man with wildly dancing black hair. He has a domineering attitude that is no weaker than Meng Qiangu. At the same time, the indifference in his eyes is even better than Meng Qiangu.

It seems that all emotions have been wiped out and he has become an emotionless creature.

Although Meng Qiangu is also cold and ruthless, he is far from as ordinary as this ancient Supreme.

"With your Dacheng Hegemony and unparalleled physique, it's not bad that you have come this far, but it's a pity that you will die on the spot today!"

This ancient Supreme's voice was extremely cold. Although he still had a trace of the unparalleled aura of the past and his eyes were cold, he did not find the style of the Great Emperor of the past at all.

This is no longer the Great Emperor.

Although he entered that level in the past, he eventually cut himself off and became a living rat.

"How dare a bunch of losers who are just hanging on to bark in front of me?"

"Today I will be showered with Supreme blood."

Meng Qiangu was extremely arrogant, his black hair danced wildly, his eyes were wanton, and an astonishing aura erupted from his body. The aura climbed layer by layer, as if he had entered the level of a warrior immortal, possessing astonishing power.



Meng Qiangu, who was seriously injured, did not change his color because of the ancient Supreme's actions, but chose to kill the ancient Supreme.

Directly abandoning Long Aotian and others, it seems that they really want to kill the ancient Supreme and shower them with Supreme blood.

If Meng Qiangu is not injured, he may not be able to compete with the ancient Supreme.


Now Meng Qiangu is injured, and his combat power is not as good as the seventh level in his heyday. If he really wants to fight, he may not be able to compete.

However, even if it is not its heyday, Meng Qiangu's combat power cannot be underestimated with the support of fighting spirit.

the other side.

Another ancient Supreme also took action brazenly. This was an old man, wearing a black Taoist robe, without the slightest aura of immortal wind and crane bones. He was even a little sinister and terrifying, as if he was an evil ghost coming out of hell.

It makes people feel scared.

This ancient Supreme seemed to be a Demon Dao to everyone, with a sinister aura, fierce eyes, and a giant hand reaching out at that moment.

All over the Star Domain, surrounded by black light, there are countless creatures wailing. These are the creatures that the Supreme killed in the past, and they all turned into souls and wrapped around his body.

"Heavenly Demon Supreme!"

Someone exclaimed.

Recognized this Supreme.

This is a Supreme with a far-reaching reputation. Countless years ago, when this Heavenly Demon Supreme was still the Great Emperor, he did countless things that disgusted many living beings.

Because he does not have the grandeur of the ordinary Great Emperor, nor the heroic spirit of the Great Emperor, nor the domineering power.

Not even the slightest bit of backbone.

Before becoming an emperor, the Heavenly Demon Supreme surrendered to others for many things, even after becoming the Great Emperor.

In the era when he was the emperor, some forbidden areas joined forces to attack him. After knowing that he was invincible, this Heavenly Demon Supreme chose to join forces with those forbidden areas and harm all living beings.

It can be said.

This Heavenly Demon Supreme is the most hated Great Emperor and is not recognized by many powerful people.

Even if he really became the Great Emperor, almost most people never thought that he was the Great Emperor.


I always feel that he insulted the title of Great Emperor.

"The sword is dyed with Supreme's blood, and it is spreading across the world!"

Facing the ancient Supreme's brazen attack, Li Azure Lotus hummed in his mouth, his eyes full of sharpness.

No fear at all.


Full of fighting spirit.

Even the Great Emperor of the past, the pressure brought by these ancient Supremes is far more powerful than the will of the Yakuza weapons countless times.



It was even greater than the pressure brought by the previous sieges by several major weapons.

But Li Azure Lotus didn't feel scared, not even a little bit panicked, but just excited.

Just like a dream that has lasted for a long time, it seems that it has found its opponent, as if it has found its prey.

Peerless Divine King Li Azure Lotus.

at this moment.

His fighting spirit has completely blossomed, without the otherworldly temperament before, only the fighting spirit that alarmed the nine heavens and the spirit of swallowing up the nine heavens and ten earths.

at that moment.

Lee Azure Lotus scent.

Even more so than the Heavenly Demon Supreme.

As if he is the Supreme, he is the Great Emperor.

Extremely amazing.

Let countless living beings feel admiration, and make countless living beings feel awe.

And right now.

Li Azure Lotus and Meng Qiangu stopped at the same time and looked in the direction of Gu Xing, their eyes twinkling.

This surprised everyone.

What happened.

Let both of them stop.

next moment.

An unimaginable pressure swept across the entire sky. Under this pressure, everyone felt deep fear.

The body is trembling and the soul is trembling.

next moment.

A voice suddenly came: "The mice should hide in the darkness and linger, and don't come out randomly to scare people!"

"This is not the place for you to wait!"

The words fell.


A long river came from nowhere and ran through the entire Canglan Realm. Countless figures emerged in the water of the river.

There is the unparalleled Supreme, and there is the True Immortal who occupies the nine heavens. The lives of these supreme figures are unfolding in front of them.

Follow closely.

An arm came from nowhere and grabbed the two Supremes.

"With a snap of your fingers, you can experience beauty in an instant!"

A low moan sounded.

The astonishing law of time spread out, covering the two Supremes instantly.


The expressions of the two Supremes changed, their figures dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their aura disappeared at an extremely terrifying speed.

The physical body disappeared, and the white bones were faintly visible.

It seems like countless years have passed.

The unparalleled Supreme of the past has been reduced to a pile of bones and a cup of loess!

PS: I’m so tired. The tenth update is finally completed. I’m asking for flower review votes, rewards, monthly votes, especially monthly votes. If you have one and think this book is good, please give it a vote.

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