Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 104 Defeat Supreme With One Finger, Cut Off The Restricted Area With One Sword [2/10]


The bright sword light fell down, the dazzling light made people unable to open their eyes, and the terrifying pressure made even Quasi-Emperor tremble.

He fell to his knees involuntarily, his eyes filled with awe, as if he was facing the gods directly.

Unimaginable power.

The vast and boundless star world, the restricted area of ​​life that existed countless years ago, is now penetrated by a sword energy and torn into pieces. The ultimate divine power is shattered. The bright stars flicker and then turn into dazzling light.


next moment.

The power that destroyed the world erupted, and the terrifying explosion swept through the entire Canglan Realm. In the vast Star Domain, the dazzling light blocked everything.

After a long time.

The light fades.

It was originally as bright as a flower, like the most beautiful star world in the world, but now it was divided into two halves, and the surrounding stars were dim and lifeless.

It seems that it is heading towards destruction and is no longer what it used to be.


The strong men who were watching all this had their faces widened, as if they had seen something incredible.

Someone actually dared to attack the Life Forbidden Zone and cut the entire Life Forbidden Zone in half with one sword.

To know.

That was the old home of Supreme.

Everyone whispered in their hearts.


They looked in the direction of the ancient star, their eyes full of fear, which even turned into awe.

"Defeat Supreme with one finger, cut off the restricted area with the sword!"

"Who is the person who took action? Is it the surviving unparalleled Great Emperor, or is he the same as those ancient Supremes?"

"No wonder Yama Palace is so arrogant. With such a person in charge, arrogance is normal."

"With unimaginable strength, the two ancient Supremes were directly repelled. It is impossible to imagine how high the cultivation level of the people who did it was."

"Don't mess with Yama Palace."

Star Domain, in the vast Galaxy, many top experts are looking in the direction of the ancient star.

Full of awe and fear.

Some of them have already entered the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Layer, and some of them seem to be peerless figures of their era, all with impressive cultivation.

He is the top figure in the entire Canglan world.

And now.

After seeing the terrifying scene of the two ancient Supremes retreating and severing the Supremes with one sword, they became afraid.

It can even be said that I was scared.

They couldn't imagine the strength of the person who took action. Was it also the ancient Supreme?

Or have you already entered the Great Emperor Realm?

They don't understand.

I can't understand it either.

But they know that if they offend the other party, the consequences will be unimaginable, and they cannot resist.

"There are still many outstanding people in the ancient star, and earth-shattering monsters appear in every life."

A top expert in the starry sky sighed, and looked at the ancient star's reverse direction with a pair of deep eyes.

There are billions of creatures in the Canglan Realm, not only the creatures in the ancient star, but also many creatures in countless stars beyond it.

There are races, and there are all races.

It's just that even if there are many, there are more monsters and geniuses in each life than the ancient stars.

In addition to the unique position of Gu Xing, which holds most of the luck in the Canglan world, there are also many top forces here.

This creates Guxing’s unique status.

The creatures in the starry sky and all the forces.

It’s not that I haven’t thought about attacking Gu Xing.

It's just that the power is really incomparable.

There are too many Great Emperors appearing from the forces of the ancient star, and there are dozens of extreme weapons. We really need to take action.

Even if all the top races outside the starry sky gather together, they may not be able to win.

"What a grace this is, the Heavenly Emperor is nothing more than that."

Old Man Tianji looked at the star world that was cut in half, with mixed eyes, some awe, some envy, but more of a sigh.

He knew that the person who took action should be the King of Hell from the Hall of Hell.

Although he knows that the strength of the King of Hell will not be low, otherwise he would not let Dacheng Hegemon and Dacheng Divine King return to their hearts.

But he didn't expect that.

The King of Hell can actually be so strong.

Defeating the ancient Supreme with one finger, the two ancient Supremes were frightened by the news and quickly retreated, not staying for a long time.

They were afraid that the King of Hell would take action again and kill them.

Can the ancient Supreme be defeated by two people?

Apart from the Great Emperor, how many people throughout the ages have been able to do this?


Although he doesn't know what the strength of the King of Hell is.

But it definitely didn't reach the level of the Great Emperor.

Because he could feel that the Great Emperor did not appear in the entire Canglan world.

This means that the King of Hell has not truly entered the highest realm, but is a Quasi-Emperor, or is he a man of unparalleled physique?

Not only the Great Emperor, but also the ancient Supreme can be defeated.

The fighting power of such monsters made old man Tianji tremble with fear, and he was filled with awe in his heart.

Before reaching the Great Emperor, you can repel the opponent.

If you become the Great Emperor, what's the point?


At that time, it was not without problems to sweep across the nine heavens and ten lands, suppress the restricted area of ​​life, and make all spirits surrender.

At that time, it is estimated that he will become the person who can truly unify the Canglan world.

If the King of Hell's action and astonishing strength made Old Man Tianji feel frightened, then the domineering power of cutting off the restricted area with a sword, which made even the ancient Supreme dare not say a word, made Old Man Tianji feel awe and admiration.


No one has ever dared to do this.

But Yama did it.


After Long Aotian saw the two Supremes retreating and the restricted area being cut off, his eyes immediately became frightened. He was not as arrogant and arrogant as before, and he no longer dared to look at Li Azure Lotus and others with a condescending attitude.


Long Aotian was extremely decisive. After the King of Hell took action, he did not hesitate and swept away Dragon Race's ultimate weapon and left.

He really doesn't have the courage to stay here. Even the two ancient Supremes have retreated. How can a Quasi-Emperor Ninth Layer like him be here?

Although he also has the strength to compete with the ancient Supreme.

But he also saw that the two ancient Supremes were almost defeated, if not for their many tricks.

Respond promptly.

The two ancient Supremes may have really turned into a cup of loess.

At the snap of your fingers.

Time flies, and Supreme is gone.

This ability to control the law of time is so powerful that it makes Long Aotian feel desperate.


Before anyone could react, Long Aotian ran away with the Ji Dao weapons.

He ran away.

The people of the ancient royal family and the Supreme Dao Sect were all dumbfounded.

"Is this the dragon and phoenix tribe? They don't have any other abilities, but their running speed is unmatched by anyone."

Meng Qiangu snorted coldly. .

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