Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 117 The Book Of Time Volume 3 [5/10]

"finally reached!"

About ten minutes later.

Feng Chen stopped at a towering mountain range and confirmed the place in the memory of Holy Lord Taiyi.

Fly directly to the top of the mountain.

No one seemed to have set foot here, so there was no one there either. Feng Chen took a familiar path and came to a place on the top of the mountain - on the wall.

According to the method in the memory of Holy Lord Taiyi, his hands flashed with divine light and were placed in four places on the wall.


A roar sounded, and the wall cracked, revealing a passage where light gathered. This was not inside the mountain, but leading to another space.

This Immortal Cave Mansion is on the other side of space.

Feng Chen took a look and stepped into the passage.

Several minutes passed through the dark passage.

Not long.

A bright light flashed from a distance, and Feng Chen walked directly through the passage.

Come into view.

It is a place like a fairyland, full of spiritual energy, blue sky and white clouds.

below it.

There is a magnificent palace, with lights shining all around, and a magic circle operating inside.

Feng Chen flew down.

Come to the front of the main hall and run the time scripture.


The entire palace rumbled, and the surrounding lights flickered, as if in a state of alarm.


The door of the main hall suddenly opened, revealing the scene inside.

Feng Chen walked in.

There is not much in the palace, only three shelves.

Two of the shelves were empty, with only one shelf at the bottom containing something similar to a compressed slip.


There is nothing else.

Feng Chen walked towards the shelf in the back and was about to reach out to grab it.

A flash of light appeared on the shelf, and then it enveloped the entire shelf, preventing anyone from touching it.

Like some kind of protection mechanism.

Feng Chen had already expected it, because Holy Lord Taiyi had tried to pick up the jade slip, but he was directly blocked.

It was impossible to pick up the jade slip.


After a while.

An ancient text emerged. This is the text of the Immortal Domain.

"Those who practice the Taoist Scripture of Time can open it."

There was no change in Feng Chen's expression. He had seen these words from the memory of Holy Lord Taiyi, and that was why.

He just came to Canggu Star.

Running the Taoist Scripture of Time, Feng Chen's fingertips are surrounded by a breath of time, which is extremely mysterious.


As if feeling the power of the passage of time, the protective shield trembled for a few seconds, and then exploded directly, turning into fragments and disappearing in front of Feng Chen like light.

The ban is open.

Feng Chen directly grabbed the jade slip and his spiritual thoughts came into view.

In an instant.

Mysterious scriptures poured into Feng Chen's mind. The scriptures were extremely complicated, and even Feng Chen couldn't understand them for a while.

Like a high-level Great Dao, it cannot be understood without reaching an equal state.

"The third volume of the Book of Time!"

Feng Chen was shocked and a smile appeared on his lips.

He knows that this Cave Mansion is related to the Time Taoist Sect, and this jade slip may be the method or secret technique of the Time Taoism Sect.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the third volume of Time Dao Jing.

It just so happened that he owned the first two volumes and now got the third volume.

He has collected most of the time scriptures.

"I know the news about the fifth volume of the Dao of Time. Now there is only the fourth volume. As long as I can collect the fourth volume, I have a good chance of collecting the Dao of Time."

Feng Chen was a little excited.

The complete Taoist Scripture of Time has not appeared for many years.

Terror has existed for countless ages.

If he can successfully collect all the Time Dao Scriptures, coupled with his Time and Space Dao Body, it will definitely become extremely terrifying.

At least in terms of time, few people will be able to compete in the future.

"Both volumes of Time Dao Scripture are in the Canglan Realm. What happened in the Canglan Realm back then?"

If only a volume of the Taoist Scriptures of Time were in Canglan Realm.

That could be considered a coincidence.

But both volumes are there.

This made Feng Chen have to think deeply.

Moreover, Canggu Star is extremely special.

He could see that this was not something that a strong person in the Canglan Realm could refine, only a strong person who had entered the True Immortal level, or even a higher level.

Only then is it possible to refine something as powerful as Canggu Star.

Such a thing can appear.

Canglan Realm is obviously not simple.

Countless years ago.

Perhaps Canglan Realm once had its glory.

"This time the harvest is very good."

Feng Chen smiled and immediately left the Immortal Cave Mansion.

Now that I have obtained my things, I no longer need to stay here.

When he came outside, Feng Chen murmured to himself: "It's almost time to hunt..."

Canggu Star.

In a mountain range.

A big war is going on.

The two Dragon Races showed up and were hunting down a group of humans.

There are quite a few humans, with dozens of them.

…………Please give me flowers…….

It's just that the realm is a little different, and the highest ones are only sages.

As for the two Dragon Races, one is the True King and the other is the Saint King.

"Why are you running away? It's your honor if this Divine Child can eat you."

A black Dragon Race's pupils burst out with cold light, and he shouted at the human race below.

This is the Divine Child dragon battle of Dragon Race.

"Dragon Race, you are killing people randomly here, aren't you afraid of starting a war between the human race and Dragon Race?"

One of the sages from the human race shouted at Long Zhan.

"Shut up, are you allowed to speak here or there?" The Saint King of Dragon Race shouted, and the terrifying pressure spread.

Facing the powerful aura, the human sage's face turned pale.

There is a big difference.


He is not the kind of villain who attacks in adversity.


"The ancient royal family and the human race are mortal enemies. Either you kill me or you kill me. How can there be any talk of war?"

"This war has started countless years ago." Long Zhan shouted.

He opened his mouth wide and rolled up a terrifying hurricane, and the dozen or so humans below were instantly swallowed.

The human race killed the ancient royal family, took their flesh and blood to refine elixirs, and their skeletons to refine Law Weapons. This existed countless years ago.

The ancient royal family devoured human beings to satisfy their appetites and at the same time increase their cultivation. This also existed countless years ago.

To a certain extent, both sides are not wrong, it just depends on which side they stand on.

Although the ancient royal family and the human race have been at peace in recent years.

No major war broke out.

But secretly, conflicts often occur.

Like dragons devouring and killing people indiscriminately.

That's extremely normal.

"Besides, even if I kill you, do you think someone from the human race will help you stand up?"

"You are just a member of the human race, your status is not important. Even if you are all dead, the forces of the human race will not care."

Dragon War isn't stupid either. The murderers specifically pick out people with little background.

As for those with background, even if he takes action, he will not kill many, so that the war between the ancient royal family and the human race will not break out.

With Saint King holding the battle.

Dragon Zhan was extremely happy to kill and couldn't compete at all.


At this time.

A sword energy suddenly appeared in front of Long Zhan.

Before he could react.

The sword energy passed through his body.

In an instant, the body split into two halves, and blood spurted out, spreading all over the sky. .

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