Star Realm!

This is one of the restricted areas in Canglan Realm. It used to be the vast Galaxy, bright and dazzling.

Beautiful, but full of danger.

No living thing can get close to it, and if you enter, you will die.

But after Feng Chen cut off the Star Realm with just one piece, the entire Star Realm has changed. It is dilapidated and no longer what it once was.

The surroundings were dark, lifeless, and without any light, like a place of the dead.

at this time.

In the boundless starry sky, two figures crossed the void.

The two figures were very newsy. They were hidden figures and seemed not to want to expose themselves.

And these two figures are clearly the patriarchs of the dragon and phoenix clans.

Long Aotian and Huang Qingtian.

The two of them were walking on the road to the Star Realm.

"The Holy Court has agreed. If things go well for them, the Supreme of Eternal Mountain will also take action. When the Supreme of the two restricted areas take action, I believe that even if the King of Hell has extraordinary abilities, he will not be able to escape death."

Long Aotian's eyes were fierce and his tone was murderous.

Only after that battle.

He sought a way to destroy the Yama Palace.

Ancient Supreme.

It was the only way he could think of.

In addition, Dragon Race has the Great Emperor who became the Supreme in the Star Realm, and there are two ancient Supremes in the Star Realm who were severely damaged by the Palace of Yama.

first timing.

Long Aotian contacted his ancestor.

But at first.

The ancient Supreme of the Star Realm was not too interested, perhaps because the sword was too stunning.

Or maybe the two Supremes have retreated, making the other Supremes feel fearful.

So I didn't take action.

These ancient Supremes who have lived in restricted areas for a long time are basically sleeping. Unless they are really destined to become immortals, or their life essence is insufficient and they need to devour living beings to extend their lives, they can come out.

The rest of the time, they don't show up.


When they heard that they were going to deal with Yama Luodian, the Supremes refused without even thinking, especially the Heavenly Demon Supremes.

They had just been hit hard and hadn't recovered yet.

How could he still run out and enter the battlefield and put himself in a dangerous distance?

With the fall of Luotianchi.

After Long Aotian learned about it, he contacted Luoshan immediately.

He was behind the scenes and had a Dacheng Sacred Body, so he was directly contacted.

There are no other words, just get straight to the point.

Tell Luoshan directly and prepare to join forces in the restricted area to deal with Yama Luodian.

Hearing this, Luoshan agreed directly without thinking.

If there are two restricted areas to attack, no matter how strong the Yama Palace is, it will be destroyed.

"Yam Luodian is very strong, but unfortunately they are too self-righteous and arrogant.

"Otherwise, they would not have reached the point where they are today and are the enemy of the whole world."

Huang Qingtian sneered, his words filled with resentment towards Yama Luodian.

"Don't worry, as long as the two forbidden areas agree, the Yama Palace will be destroyed.

Long Aotian seemed confident, as if he had already reached an agreement.

Not long.

The two came to the star world, and Long Aotian took out a token.


The token glows.

A passage appeared, and Long Aotian and Huang Qingtian stepped into it.

Not long.

The two came to a place that was like a fairyland.

There are no magnificent palaces around, only groups of peaks and a few very ordinary houses.



A terrifying coercion spread, and the aura was so terrifying that the expressions of Long Aotian, Huang Qingtian and others changed drastically.


An old man appeared in front of the two of them, wearing a black Taoist robe, with a sinister and terrifying aura.

"Dragon Race Long Aotian, Heavenly Demon Supreme,"

The two of them bowed to Heavenly Demon Supreme, which was not very respectful.

It can only be regarded as a courtesy

after all.

Both Long Aotian and Huang Qingtian are extremely powerful. They are both supreme experts of Quasi-Emperor Ninth Layer. Even if they are not as good as Supreme, the difference is not as big as imagined.

It is still possible to contend.

Heavenly Demon Supreme nodded.


Four more breaths revived.

Follow closely.

Four figures appeared in front of Long Aotian.

There are two figures among them, which are very similar to Long Aotian and Huang Qingtian.

And these two people.

Astonishingly, he is the ancestor of the dragon and phoenix tribes.

The Great Emperor of the past, the ancient Supreme who cut himself off.

Saw four Supremes appear.

Long Aotian and Huang Qingtian saluted at once.

Dragon Race Ancient Supreme, named True Dragon Supreme.

The ancient Supreme of the Immortal Divine Phoenix Clan, named Divine Phoenix Supreme.

This seems to represent their wish to ascend to the fairyland, become a real dragon, and become a divine phoenix.


The names of the remaining two Supremes are Transcending Tribulation Supreme and Star Supreme.

The Five Supremes of the Star Realm.


They all appeared in front of Long Aotian.

Facing the auras of the five Supremes, even Long Aotian and Huang Qingtian felt a lot of pressure.

Star Supreme is a young man, wearing a star robe, like the Lord of Stars who controls the stars. He was once the Divine Body of Stars, and then entered the Supreme Realm world, and has already transformed.

Among the five Supremes, he is also the strongest.

He is also the supreme power who controls the entire star world.

at this time.

His face was cold and stern, without the slightest emotion. He looked at Long Aotian and the two of them, and said in a deep voice: "... "Can the Eternal Mountain side agree?

"The Eternal Mountain side has agreed."

"But they have one requirement. They need the body of the King of Hell. Other than that, they have no other requirements."

Long Aotian answered truthfully.

Hear this.

Xingchen Supreme sneered and said: "These guys are still the same as before, quite greedy!"

for them.

The rest of the treasures in the Yama Palace are nothing. Only the two Dacheng Physiques and the King of Hell are the most valuable things.

Because the three of them have a lot of life essence, if they can be absorbed, there is a high probability that their own qi and blood problems will be restored.

Among them, the physical body of the King of Hell is definitely the best and the most numerous, and may not be comparable to the two great physiques.


Eternal Mountain directly wants the King of Hell, and Xingchen Supreme will say that Eternal Mountain is greedy.

"Eternal Mountain has more combat power, so it's okay to agree!" True Dragon Supreme expressed his opinion.

"If they give it their all, they can indeed agree to this condition," Heavenly Demon Supreme said.

"I can agree!" Transcending Tribulation Heavenly Venerable is simply shocking and I don't want to say another word.

Hear this.

Xingchen Supreme had no other consciousness and said: ‘Tell Eternal Mountain that you can agree to this condition!’.

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