Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 122 The Son Of Destiny Dies, With 600,000 Luck Points [10/10]

One hundred thousand mountains.

Tang Yuan was flying high in the sky, his eyes looking downward from time to time, as if he was looking for something.

"Teacher, I'm still a little worried about being found by the people from Yama Palace."

"After all, this has become the headquarters of Yama Palace."

Back to Guxing, this is not what Tang Yuan thought.

Because he knew very well that Guxing had long been the headquarters of Yama Hall. If he came back this time, he would inevitably be discovered by Yama Hall.

But there was nothing he could do.

The old man with the ring insists on getting it back

"What are you afraid of when I'm here? I used secret techniques to help you disguise yourself. As long as you're not seen by the Divine Child of Yama Palace~, no one can spot you!"

"And if I don't come back to Ancient Star this time and look for something to help me restore my soul, I will fall into a deep sleep and even my soul will be destroyed. At that time, it will be even more difficult for you to take revenge on the Yama Temple - !"

The voice of the old man with the ring was a little weak, as if the oil lamp was about to run out.

There was nothing he could do.

The last time he forcibly upgraded his void body to Dacheng, his already weak soul became even weaker.

If it weren't for his willpower to support him, he would have been swallowed up by the black aura.


As time passed, the old man with the ring found that he was becoming increasingly unable to resist the black aura.

If you don't replenish your soul quickly, it is very likely that it will be swallowed directly by the black aura.

To this.

He could only ask Tang Yuan to return to the ancient star to find a kind of heaven and earth spirit fruit that could replenish his soul.

This kind of heaven and earth spirit fruit is very rare, but he does know that there is a place where it can be found.

Just in Shiwandashan.


Tang Yuan responded helplessly.

Although he had the guarantee from the old man with the ring, he felt that this time it might not be as easy as the old man with the ring said.

There's a good chance it will be discovered.

This is his intuition.

Right now.

A sound rang out, shaking the entire forest

"I've been looking for you for a long time. I thought you would be hiding on that uninhabited planet in the endless sky!"

"I didn't expect you to deliver it to my door in person."

Hear this sound.

Tang Yuan was furious and felt horrified.

He would never forget this voice for the rest of his life. It was Feng Chen who almost killed him.

Divine Child of Yama Temple.

The words fell.

Ripples appeared in the void, and two figures slowly walked out.

It’s Li Azure Lotus and Feng Chen.

It's just that Feng Chen at this time is completely different from a month ago.

The aura became more terrifying and mysterious, like a black hole, with no depth visible at all.


Grandpa Ring shouted in his heart and directly controlled Tang Yuan's body to leave here without even thinking.

Tang Yuan stepped directly into the void like a fish.

Did I let you go?"

"seal up!"

Feng Chen let out a low drink, waved his hand, and a divine light spread out, and an incomparable terrifying power spread out.

The powerful force of the ban swept across the entire Shiwan Mountain.

In order to prevent Tang Yuan from running away.

Feng Chen deliberately used the future body.

Now he is Quasi-Emperor Ninth Layer, with strong combat power, and at the same time, he has reached the level of proficiency in various secret techniques.

For example, the Feng family's secret method is in Feng Chen's current state.

Don't talk about it being empty.

Even the Great Dao, Feng Chen can seal it with just one word.

The forbidden secret technique immediately unfolded.

The void with a radius of thousands of miles was sealed, as if the void was piled with cement, and Tang Yuan was suddenly squeezed out by the void.

"I have to burn my soul again. I have sacrificed so much for you. If you become enlightened in the future, remember to revive me!"

The old man with the ring shouted in his heart, directly burning his soul, just like the last time.

Great void body.

He has no choice now.

If Tang Yuan couldn't run away, it would be difficult for him to resist Feng Chen and the others. He was just a ray of remnant soul, and his strength was restricted. If he wanted to resist Feng Chen and the others.

It’s as difficult as climbing to heaven.

Burning the soul this time will have a great impact on the ring grandfather, and it is very likely that he will be swallowed by the black aura.

Although very dangerous.

But there was nothing he could do.

Either way, you'll die, so it's better to give it a try.


A terrifying breath burst out.

In an instant.

Tang Yuan burst out with an aura belonging to a mature physique, and then the old man of the ring controlled Tang Yuan's body to merge into the void.

The Dacheng void body can turn itself into void, as if it is a part of void.

.........Please give me flowers...

So he is not afraid of Feng Chen's banning technique.

"As I said, it's impossible to let you leave this time, so what about the Dacheng Void Body?"

"Leave it to me!"

Feng Chen put his hands together, the power of Time Dao Body exploded, the terrifying space laws spread, and the divine light spread.

"Suppress the Divine Prison!"

The words fell.

The laws of space exploded, condensing into countless chains of Great Dao order, piercing towards the void.

Follow closely.

A big change occurred in the space, and the old man with the ring who was traveling in the space discovered it.

do not know when.

The surrounding space turned into a prison, sealing him directly inside. No matter how he used the power of the Dacheng Void Body, it was of no use.

It was as if he had been suppressed by some higher power, directly suppressing his power.

At this time.

The Great Dao Divine Chain of Order pierced through Tang Yuan's body in an instant

"It's over!"

The old man with the ring had an ominous premonition in his heart.


Countless chains of Great Dao order fell down, directly penetrating Tang Yuan into a sieve.

Not long.

Feng Chen came to Tang Yuan, reached out with one hand, and burst out with power, instantly wiping out Tang Yuan's soul.

Almost at the same time.

The soul of the old man with the ring rushed out and headed towards Feng Chen's eyebrows, as if he wanted to take this opportunity to seize his body.

Feng Chen sneered

"court death."

"The moment of youthfulness!"

The Law of Time broke out, and before the old man of the ring came to Feng Chen, the ability of the Great Dao of Time was activated.

in a blink.

The old man with the ring turned into ashes and was completely annihilated in this world, along with the black aura.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 600,000 luck points!"

At this time.

The system prompt sounds.

Hear this sound.

A smile appeared on Feng Chen's lips, and he said lightly: "This time I can smoke a big one, I hope ten or eight Supremes, True Immortal will do as well.


Feng Chen left Shiwandashan and returned to Luotian Daohao.

This time.

He wants to smoke more!

PS: Ten updates are completed, please give me a wave of flower evaluation votes, rewards, monthly tickets,,, well that’s all! Begging!.

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