Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 137 The Star World Takes Action! [5/10]

"This is impossible!"

"How could the supremely sublime Eternal Supreme lose!"

Qianhua Supreme seemed to have seen a ghost, and screamed a little crazy. The sound was harsh, like fingernails scratching glass, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

She had no faith in the Law Manifestation, and the supremely elevated Eternal Supreme actually lost and was beheaded~.

You must know that after the Eternal Supreme is fully sublimated, it will be the Eternal Great Emperor, and few people throughout the ages can compete with the Great Emperor.

That is a Great Emperor like them. Facing the eternal Heavenly Emperor, they are in danger of falling.

And now.

The Eternal Great Emperor was actually beheaded.

Even though the other party was also a Great Emperor, Qianhua Supreme couldn't believe it.

"The Aeon Supreme is dead."

"The Immortal Supreme is so strong, he can even kill the Eternal Supreme who has returned to his peak."

"What kind of strength is this? Even among the Great Emperors, it is definitely the best."

"Unimaginable strength."

"Fortunately, we have the Immortal Supreme. Otherwise, if the ancient Supreme were born, no one would be able to stop the world from being filled with blood.

"Great, another ancient Supreme has fallen. Now these ancient Supremes should be afraid, right?"

All the beings in heaven and earth cheered. For them, it would be best if the ancient Supremes died, because they did not want to become the capable emperors of these ancient Supremes.

The image of Supreme, the god of war, directly devouring billions of living beings is vivid in their minds, and they don’t want to be one of the current gods of war, Supreme, devouring living beings.

Even ants have a desire to survive.

Not to mention people.

Star Realm.

"Should I take action later?"

The real dragon Supreme's face was solemn, and he looked at the unparalleled immortal Supreme showering Supreme's blood with some fear.

Even the Eternal Supreme, who had been fully sublimated and returned to the top, died in the hands of this man. This man's strength is unimaginable.

Even if it is him, he is no match for the opponent at his highest level.

Not a combined enemy.

after all.

He is much weaker than the Everlasting Supreme.

If he met the Immortal Supreme, he would probably die faster.

"How about letting this matter go?"

Heavenly Demon Supreme hesitated a little, a little frightened.

Even if he was lucky enough to become the Great Emperor, he was not as good as any of the Supremes here. His combat power was at the bottom among the ancient Supremes and Great Emperors.

Ask him to bully some Quasi-Emperor or something, and maybe do it.

If you meet a werewolf like Changsheng Supreme.

Heavenly Demon Supreme is a little timid.

And he is a person who cherishes his life very much. If there is any danger, he will never be involved.

I had seen so many ancient Supremes joining forces before, so I thought it would not capsize. After all, Star Supreme and Eternal Supreme were both extremely powerful beings.

If they join forces, it will be easy to deal with a Yama Palace.

who knows.

The Yama Palace slaughtered an immortal Supreme.

Not only is he a truly flawless Great Emperor, he is also frighteningly powerful. If he goes out, he will definitely not be the opponent of the Immortal Supreme.


There is also a King of Hell in the Hall of Hell, whom he met with Transcending Tribulation Heavenly Venerable.

In the blink of an eye, youth blooms in an instant.

The flow of time accelerated countless times, almost annihilating him and the Transcending Tribulation Supreme.

Now that the King of Hell has not taken action, several members of the Yama Palace have already killed the two Supremes.

If they hadn't intervened, the Supremes in Eternal Mountain would probably have died. The Changsheng Supremes were too strong.

Can't compete.


Xingchen Supreme snorted coldly and said coldly: "This is a good opportunity. Those guys in Eternal Mountain have already consumed Eternal Supreme. Even if he kills Eternal Supreme now, he will probably be hit hard."

‘And the three adults have a lot of injuries on their bodies. If we take action, we will definitely be able to kill these guys!

"The life essence of one perfect Great Emperor, and the life essence of three great adults."

"Don't you want it?"

"If we absorb the life essence of these people, it is not impossible for our strength to return to its peak.

"We don't even need to go to the extreme level of sublimation. We already have the strength of the peak realm."

The Supreme of Eternal Mountain managed to injure the people of Yama Palace, which was their chance to close the net.

How could Star Supreme give up!

"But the King of Hell from the Palace of Hell hasn't taken action yet!" Heavenly Demon Supreme was still a little afraid.

…Please give me flowers…

The magic of the past was still fresh in his mind, like a scar, reminding him.

There is also a peerless figure in Yama Hall.

Even if it is not stronger than the Immortal Supreme, it will not be weaker than the Immortal Supreme.

If they take action.


Don't talk about being an oriole, maybe you will become a praying mantis in the eyes of an oriole.

'Even if the King of Hell is powerful, he will not be that powerful!'

"There are four ancient Supremes outside. If we take action and join forces with these people, we can stop the destruction of the Yama Palace."

Star Supreme's tone was firm.

It cannot be reversed or changed.

"Heavenly Demon, if you don't want to, you can sleep in the star world!" Star Supreme glanced at Heavenly Demon Supreme.


He knows this guy is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"I go!"

Heavenly Demon Supreme gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Although he really wanted to refuse, when he thought about the life essence he could gain through success, his heart trembled and he immediately agreed.

And what Xingchen Supreme said was right.

Even if the Nine Ancient Supremes take action, they still can't destroy the Yama Palace?

Even if there is one more King of Hell, it will not be possible.

"Do it!" Star Supreme snorted coldly.

The words fell.

next moment.

Five terrifying pressures came from the star realm, and the vast aura oppressed the entire world.

All sentient beings are in despair

"Five ancient Supremes?"

"Does heaven want to destroy us?"

They were desperate, so they eliminated two ancient Supremes, and now five Supremes have appeared.

This is really outrageous.

The hopes that had just arisen after the fall of the Eternal Supreme were instantly extinguished by Xingchen Palace and others.

"Kill Dacheng Physique first!" Xingchen Supreme shouted angrily.


The five Supremes took action immediately, and at the same time, after Qianhua Supreme and others knew about it, they seemed to have a telepathic understanding and swept towards Meng Qiangu.

Meng Qiangu's expression suddenly changed, and he cursed: "Do you think I'm easy to bully? If Sacred Body doesn't kill me, will you kill me?"

What the hell

Doesn't this mean that it is easier to deal with him if it is directly aimed at him?

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