
With the death of another statue, the heaven and earth were in turmoil, blood rained from the sky, and a sad emotion spread throughout the heavens.


A crack in the sky opened once, as if it was disturbed by something, and the traces of the crack gradually expanded.

You can vaguely see some scenes inside.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, it seems as if you can see the ups and downs of a large universe, and there is a huge universe in the center.

Like the center of the heavens, like the source of everything, vast and spectacular.

"Immortal Domain!"

Zhu Qiang's heart moved, and the eyes of the ancient Supremes were full of blazing meaning. It was the Immortal Domain they had been waiting for for countless years, and which they had hoped for for countless years.

"The fall of Supreme led to the turmoil of the Great Dao in Canglan Realm, and the boundary between the two realms was shaken!"

"If we want to open Immortal Domain as soon as possible, more Supremes must die."

"The fall of Supreme is the only key to unlocking Immortal Domain!"

An ancient Supreme looked up to the sky and roared, and saw how to open the crack.

Everyone practices the laws of the Canglan Realm, and entering the Supreme Realm is closely related to the laws of the Canglan Realm.

Once Supreme falls, the laws of Canglan Realm and Great Dao will also be shaken

“This time, Supreme fell too much, 27, causing the channel between Canglan Realm and Immortal Domain to be completely opened.

Some ancient Supremes have also been released.

The fall of the ancient Supreme was the only way to open the passage between the two realms. If enough Supremes fell, the passage between the two realms would be opened.

The road to immortality that they have been pursuing for countless years will begin.

"The opening of the Road to Immortality is a foregone conclusion. It will definitely open in two years. Of course, if you want to open it in advance, you can."

"Then let everyone sacrifice themselves for the path of others, sacrifice their lives, and make everyone happy!"

An indifferent voice came out.

The expressions of many ancient Supremes changed, but in the end they all remained silent.

What is the purpose of killing oneself and becoming neither a human nor a ghost?

It is for the path to immortality, and for the opportunity to become an immortal.

Now the road to becoming an immortal is right in front of you, it will take at most two years.

As long as they wait two years, they can embark on the road to immortality.

Step into the Immortal Domain and find your chance to become an immortal!

Two years is not long, for them, it is just the blink of an eye.

after all.

After so many years, it is impossible to survive just these two years.

As for opening the Immortal Road in advance?

That's impossible.

They are the most self-centered people in this life and cannot sacrifice their lives to help others.

So hearing about the fall of Supreme was a way to speed up the opening of Immortal Domain.

All the ancient Supremes stopped talking.

"If anyone dares to launch a dark turmoil in the future, Yama Hall will kill them all."

Cold words came out.

No one spoke.

There was no rebuttal from anyone.

This battle.

Twelve ancient Supremes have already fallen, and they also saw the brutal way Ao Cang killed the ancient Supremes.

Deeply aware.

The strength of Yama Palace is unfathomable. If you really provoke them, you will definitely die tragically, which will become an acceleration period for the road to immortality.

In this regard

Many ancient Supremes have shut up, and some ancient Supremes who originally wanted to absorb hundreds of millions of living beings to restore themselves have also put aside their thoughts and returned to the restricted area to sleep.

With the departure of the ancient Supreme.

This battle that swept the heavens was finally over.

In the two restricted areas, all eleven Supremes fell, no one remained, no one was spared.


The top ten powerful men who caused this war all fell, and such heaven-defying figures as Long Aotian and Feng Qingtian were not spared either.

Luo Heavenly Dao Sect.

Feng Chen stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the starry sky, and ordered Feng Yu beside him: "Wash the ten major forces with blood, leaving no one behind."

Although there is no need to bloodbath the ten major forces, no one in the entire Canglan Realm can compete with the Yama Palace.

No one dares to provoke Yama Luodian anymore.

after all.

The two Supremes in the restricted area, plus the Supreme at the back, make the fall of twelve ancient Supremes vivid in our minds.

As long as the other top forces are not stupid, they all know that Canglan Realm is already ruled by Yama Luodian.

"There are still two years to go!"

Feng Chen's eyes were deep, as if he had transmigrated the void and saw the cracks in the endless starry sky.

He was familiar with that crack.

Because when he and Aunt Xue came down to the lower world, they came down through that passage, but they didn't open it directly, but used a special method.


Too many ancient Supremes have fallen, and the laws of the Canglan Realm can no longer shield the entire Canglan Realm. Even if there are no ancient Supremes falling now, this crack will gradually expand, and it will take up to two years.

This crack will be completely opened, and the passage between the two realms will appear.

By that time.

People from the Feng family will definitely be able to detect it.

"We still don't have enough manpower, so we need to kill more lucky people."

"The current power of Yama Luodian has no problem sweeping across the Canglan Realm, but it is still a little behind when it comes to dealing with the Feng family."

Feng Chen let out a breath.

Although the Feng family is not the top force in the Immortal Domain, and there is no Immortal King in the clan, there are still many True Immortals.

There are more than a dozen True Immortals, especially his cheap uncle, who was once a powerful Quasi-Immortal King like his father.

With the current power of Yama Luodian, it would be extremely difficult to resist a behemoth like the Feng Family.

To this.

To contend.

You still need to draw a lottery. Only by drawing more strong people can you have enough ability to compete, and thus improve his cultivation.

If he can improve his cultivation level, his future body can summon the Dao Body of Xiaocheng Time and Space.

By that time.

Feng Chen is also as powerful as the Immortal King. Even if his cheap uncle seals the world, he is still not afraid.

"Two years, although very short, should be enough for me to improve my level. It shouldn't be difficult to step into Quasi-Emperor."

"And stepping into Quasi-Emperor, the future body of my summons should be able to reach Xiaocheng's time and space path.

Feng Chen's eyes were deep, thinking about the road to becoming an immortal and the enemies from the Feng family he was about to face.

No doubt about it.

He was pressed for time.

the other side.

As Feng Chen's order was issued, a new round of bloodbath began. The ten major forces, even top races like the Dragon and Phoenix clans, would not be spared.

They were all killed by the people of Yama Palace.

But not everyone was killed. Some people from the Yama Palace did not take action, but brought back Luo Heavenly Dao Sect.

Let Feng Chen handle it!.

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