Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 146 One Year Has Passed, Feng Chen Has Transformed! [4/10]

"How long does it take for the passage to pass!"

Fengtian stood in the void, with unparalleled power, like a god, spreading terrifying pressure.

Even though the figures around him were also Supreme, Fengtian's aura still suppressed everyone.

"Divine Child, the passage has some fluctuations. In the past, due to the influence of the rules of this world, it may take more than ten years for us to forcefully open it.

"But these days, the Great Dao law in this world seems to be affected by something, up to two years."

"Even less!"

A Supreme wearing a black armor and stomach said to Feng Tian with a little respect.

"Divine Child, Feng Chen can't make any big waves in two years. In a resource-scarce world like the lower realm, even if his talent is strong, he will only reach the level of Saint King in more than two years."

A Supreme said with slight disdain.

For the creatures in the Immortal Domain, the lower realm is like this. The rules are incomplete. One person enters the Supreme in one life. Some good ones may emerge from the lower realm as two or three.

But in general, the lower realm is all the same.

Needless to say, the resources are incomparable to Immortal Domain.

However, due to the differences in the world and the gap in resources, the Supremes who are often killed from the lower world, those who are more evil, are also extremely powerful in the Immortal Domain.

The Supreme of Immortal Domain is 070 different. Because there are enough resources and the Great Dao rules are complete, as long as you reach that limit, you can easily enter. Because there is less competition, the Supreme's combat power in the upper realm may not be better than that in the lower realm. The Supreme is powerful.


Those monsters and geniuses cannot be compared.

Those who can be called monsters in places like the Immortal Domain are among the most monsters in any lower realm.

"Feng Chen will definitely die this time. As long as the passage is opened, even if he is a monster, he will not escape death!"

"Yes, as long as Feng Chen dies, we will have nothing to worry about."

These Supremes all have similar attitudes.

They recognized Feng Chen's talent

But again, due to the problem of the lower realm and the short time, even if Feng Chen's talent is evil, there is no way to grow up in a short time.

Moreover, they had almost wiped out the strong men under Feng Chen’s command before, leaving only a few defeated soldiers. This time, if the four Supremes are dispatched, will they be unable to destroy Feng Chen?

Some Supremes even think that there is no need to dispatch so many Supremes, as one Supreme can sweep them all.

However, Fengtian wanted to eliminate the root cause and did not want to leave any future troubles, so he mobilized several Supremes and took action personally.

The purpose is to completely eliminate Feng Chen without leaving any future troubles.

Feng Tian knew very well that Feng Chen's talent, with the supreme talent of the Void Divine Eyes, once he grew up, would be the Feng family's formidable enemy and difficult to contend with.

"You are waiting to notify me when the channel opens!"

Feng Tian did not join in the conversation of several people, and his attitude was similar to those of these people.

I don’t think Feng Chen can make big waves.

After all, the conditions are there.

Is it possible that Feng Chen could step into Supreme and True Immortal in a lower realm within a few years?

And even if Feng Chen can persuade some people in the lower realm to get some strong people to help him, but so what?

How many strong men are there in the lower realm?

There is probably only one Supreme. As for the so-called ancient Supremes, they don't know about them.

However, they generally look down on such Supremes, because if they cut themselves off, their own path is cut off. Even if they are fully sublimated and return to the top, it will be short-lived.

There is no way to compete with them.

For a Supreme like this, they kill one by one when they see them, and there is no way they can shake them.

To this.

Feng Tian doesn't think Feng Chen can achieve much in the lower realm. He can win over some strong people, but that's all.

As for how many Supremes you can win over?

Even True Immortal?

(chcd)That's impossible.

Time is like fine sand at your fingertips.

A year passed like this.

During this period of time, it was rare for the Canglan world to be peaceful.

Perhaps most of the top forces have been swept away, or perhaps there are behemoths like Yama Palace. Although there are still some battles in the Canglan Realm, they are just small fights compared to the past.

The impact is not big.

Maybe it's because Supreme has fallen too many times, and time has accelerated in this life. Originally, we had to wait for hundreds, or even hundreds of years, and the imperial path suddenly opened.

This means that the Canglan Realm must condense the Tianxin Seal and choose a leader in the Canglan Realm.

Choose the supreme respect above all living beings in this life.

The opening of the Imperial Road made many surviving strong men excited, especially those Quasi-Emperor strong men with short life spans.

They don't have much life left, only the last glory left in their lives. They originally planned to seal the source of the gods, waiting for the opening of the imperial road, and rush forward.

Now that the Imperial Road is opened ahead of schedule, this is a huge good thing for them.


Luo Heavenly Dao Sect.

In the palace, Feng Chen's aura was powerful, like Wang Yang, and every ray was extremely astonishing, like an ancient sacred mountain, like the vast Galaxy, extremely heavy and terrifyingly powerful.

"The Great Saint Ninth Layer has finally entered this level, and is only one step away from the Quasi-Emperor.

Feng Chen opened his eyes, and there was a divine light shining in his eyes.

After the acceleration of the time field, Feng Chen practiced hard during this period and finally entered the level of the Great Saint Fifth Layer.

Just a stone's throw away from Quasi-Emperor.

As long as he takes this step, the future body he summons will become the Dao Body of time and space. At that time, he will also be a True Immortal.

The combat power is comparable to that of the Immortal King.

It has to be said that the secret technique of the future body is extremely heaven-defying. Quasi-Emperor exerts a combat power comparable to that of the Immortal King, and does not have any major side effects. It is comparable to the most heaven-defying secret technique.

If this spreads to the Immortal Domain, it is estimated that many old monsters will take action.


Feng Chen can achieve this step, in addition to his future body defying heaven, the bigger reason is that Feng Chen himself is even more defying heaven.

Time and Space Dao Body, one of the most terrifying physiques in history, a taboo within the Immortal Domain. .

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