Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 200 A Mission From Eternity, To Kill The Foreign Quasi-Immortal Emperor [4/10]

"You have sacrificed so much for the Immortal Domain, Spirit Snake, how dare you say such a thing.

"You must know what you and the Holy Lord have done secretly. How many Immortal Domain heroes have died due to the cooperation between you and Foreign Domain."

“I don’t need to tell you how the Heavenly Sword Immortal King died two thousand epochs ago!”

The Eternal Immortal King looked at the Spirit Snake Immortal King indifferently, and then his eyes fell on the Holy Lord Immortal King, full of coldness.

"Sky Sword Immortal King, didn't he die in the hands of the Black King of the foreign land?"

"Eternal Gu, why do you need to bring this matter up to talk about it?"

The Immortal King immediately sank.

Skyward Sword Immortal King.

Back then, there was an unparalleled Immortal King in the Immortal Domain. He was the master of swordsmanship. He was a giant Immortal King with the talent to become a supreme giant.

When the Heavenly Sword Immortal King died, the Immortal Domain was shaken, and many people were saddened by it. However, this matter has passed a long time ago, and the Heavenly Sword Immortal King did die in the hands of the Black King.

There is no doubt about this.

And now.

The Eternal Immortal King suddenly brought it up, which made many Immortal Kings wonder. Could it be that the fall of the Heavenly Sword Immortal King was really related to the Holy Lord Immortal King and the others?


The eyes of many Immortal Kings fell on the Spirit Snake Immortal King and the Holy Lord Immortal King, their eyes flickering with suspicion and confusion.

"Eternal, I know you have some conflicts with the Holy Lord, but there is no need to say it on this occasion.

"The Holy Lord is the most powerful force of my Immortal Domain. If I lose the Holy Lord today, my Immortal Domain will undoubtedly kill myself."

Spirit Snake Immortal King said in a deep voice.

"Shut up!" The Eternal Immortal King snorted coldly, and vast coercion swept over him. Immediately, the spirit snake Immortal King felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his body was severely injured.


The Spirit Snake Immortal King's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked at the Immortal Announcement Pillar in surprise.

at this moment.

Only then did he remember that the person in front of him was no longer the eternal Immortal King who might have been the supreme giant.

But the Eternal Quasi-Immortal Emperor who has already entered the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor!

"How Tian Jian died was something I witnessed with my own eyes. I don't know why. I wanted to take action against you at that time, but unfortunately I didn't take action because of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor behind you..."

Eternal cold snorted.

Then he said in a deep voice: "I, the Immortal Domain, will never interfere in today's matter. The affairs of Yama Hall and the Holy Lord are left to you to resolve on your own."

"And don't think that we will join forces."

The words fell.

The Immortal King suddenly turned pale, his face pale, his eyes filled with fear.

"Ancestor!" Spirit Snake Immortal King asked in a low voice towards his ancestor.

"Let's go!" The Quasi-Immortal Emperor was extremely decisive. After Eternal chose not to practice, he waved his hand and left directly with the spiritual snake Immortal King.

In an instant.

Without the support of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the other Immortal Kings also dispersed.

Without the help of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the Holy Lord Immortal King is almost certain to die.

There was no possibility of living at all.

"He ran pretty fast."

“But it’s also quite interesting.”

Feng Chen looked at the direction where the spirit snake Immortal King was going and said directly: "Kill him."

The words fell.

Kong Xuan's eyes flashed and he came out directly.

A big wave of his hand.

There was no majestic power, let alone earth-shattering fluctuations. Everything was very ordinary, as if it was just a gentle wave of the hand.


Although it seemed calm, it was as shocking as thunder, the void broke, and it was torn directly like paper.


The Immortal King was completely wiped out, his body turned into a blood mist, his soul was horrified, and he was completely shaken.

Completely fallen into the world.

A supreme giant.

He just fell like this, without any earth-shattering battle, just like being swatted to death by a mosquito.


The Immortal King fell, and the world was in turmoil.

A rain of blood fell down and spread all over the Immortal Domain. Tens of thousands of people were shaking and screaming.

Another Immortal King fell.

Many Immortal Kings were silent.

They had all forgotten which Immortal King this was.

Only after the birth of Yama Luodian, the Immortal King fell one after another like no money.

in the past.

Even if there is a war with a foreign land, after countless years of fighting, only a handful of Immortal Kings have fallen, and now the Immortal King seems to be free of money.

Fallen one after another.

Unimaginable times.

This is an extremely difficult era. Even the immortal Immortal King cannot protect itself. Even the supreme giant will fall.

"Sure enough, there's still no fight!"

Looks like the battle is over.

The foreign Quasi-Immortal Emperor sighed. He still hoped that the two sides would fight, so that he could intervene and maybe destroy the Yama Palace.


Things went against expectations, and in the end the two sides did not fight.

Without Eternal's support, the people on Spirit Snake's side would not dare to take action, even if he had the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.


The Holy King was still abandoned.

This supreme giant of the Immortal Domain, who once stood at the top of the Immortal Domain, has completely fallen in the Immortal Domain.

There is no chance of recovery, the soul is wiped out and completely disappears into thin air.

"..."Ancestor, fortunately we didn't take action."

"Otherwise it would be really dangerous."

The Black King was still frightened and admired his ancestor.

If they had forced their way in, maybe both sides would really give up on the Immortal King and take action against them.

after all.

The relationship between Foreign Land and the two families is not good. Even if the two families fight internally, they will be the first to get rid of them.

A certain section of Immortal Domain is empty.

Two figures (Wang Hao) were standing in front. Seeing the two figures in front of them, Feng Chen and everyone stopped.

"What's the matter?" Feng Chen asked.

The two people stopped here, feeling that something was going on.

"I wonder if your Yama Luodian will accept the mission!" Eternal Gu got straight to the point and stated his purpose directly.

He came to Feng Chen for something, and he still followed the previous rules of Yama Palace.

Delegate tasks.


Hearing these words, Feng Chen sighed a little. It seemed that he hadn't done this for a while. He didn't expect that the first customer at Immortal Domain would be these.

"My mission is very simple, kill Quasi-Immortal Emperor of Quasi-Immortal, and we will take care of the rest of Quasi-Immortal.

Eternal eyes flashed with infinite murderous intent.

He has been hiding for so many years and seems to have seen the situation clearly.

He took action on foreign lands.

Is this the plan to get rid of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and then bloodbath the foreign man?

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