Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 305 Future Body, Time Great Dao Half-Step Origin Realm [Please Order]

"So confident?"

Tianzhou, who is also the Great Dao of time, also noticed this battle.

Especially when he saw Feng Chen actually dared to directly face the strong man who had taken half a step to the Origin Realm, his face was very surprised.

"Is it the future body?"

Tianzhou, a practitioner of the Great Dao of Time, murmured, and immediately thought of his future body.

This is the Divine Ability exclusive to Time Dao Jing, which possesses transcendent abilities.

They also have this kind of Divine Ability, which is usually used against enemies.

It's just that the strong person reflected in the future body depends on himself.

If the future is not strong or dies, the future body is nothing.

Even if he uses his future body, the improvement is not huge. At most, it is only the level of Heavenly Emperor.

And Feng Chen is just an ordinary Immortal Emperor. No matter how much he improves, he will only be a giant Immortal Emperor at most, or a Heavenly Emperor. How can he be so confident to compete with a strong man who is half a step into the Origin Realm?

At this moment, when Feng Chen faced the master of the half-step origin of the spear, countless creatures in the universe came to pay attention.

After all, in the previous competition for space crystals in the Galaxy Dao Domain, the Divine Child of Yama Palace stole the show.

Under the attention of many parties, in the Taiyin area, the strong gunman stared at Feng Chen with anger.

Although he knew that Feng Chen was powerful, in the final analysis, he was just an Immortal Emperor and could not bridge the gap between the Immortal Emperor and the Origin Realm.


Right now.

The mutation suddenly broke out.

A bright light bloomed from Feng Chen's body, and stars flashed rapidly in the universe, turning into a Galaxy.

An infinitely powerful aura penetrated the sky, rushed across the sky, and shook the nine heavens and dry earth.

As the tyrannical power circulated, Feng Chen seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

A bright and shining river of time descended directly, hovering in his hand as if it were his appendage.

At this moment, Feng Chen was like a master, controlling the heaven and earth, dominating the universe. The terrifying air waves and the long river of time were endlessly churning.

The aura that is superior to all living things spreads to the outside world, and the aura of the Half-Step Origin Realm begins to rise.

The mutation broke out, causing this yet-to-be-started battle to once again cause endless shock.

Between heaven and earth, within the universe, whether it is the countless creatures watching this battle, or those old monsters, the Lord of Space, the Lord of Reincarnation, and the Universe, many other powerful people in the Origin Realm are feeling Feng Chen's When changing, everyone showed a look of shock.

Not to mention God, even in the chaotic battlefield of chaos at this moment.

Countless black figures, that is, the strong men of the strange clan, all felt the terrifying Great Dao aura of time.

"Time Great Dao's Half-Step Origin Realm."!"

"When did God appear such a powerful man from the Great Dao of Time?"

Exclamations came from the mouths of every strange clan, proving the shock that the breath of the Great Dao of Time had brought to them.

Under the shock of many parties, Feng Chen's eyes blinked in the Taiyin area, and the long river of time in his hands surged rapidly. A butterfly-shaped pattern began to bloom in his eyes, and he looked directly at the gunman with a scornful gaze.

Come down, wave your big hand at will.

Click, click, click!

The sky shattered, the space collapsed, and the universe trembled. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be plunged into an apocalypse.

A divine rainbow penetrated the sky, tore apart the space, and fell overwhelmingly towards the powerful gunman.


"How can this be!"

Seeing with his own eyes the surge in Feng Chen's strength, and feeling the divine rainbow that could pierce the heaven and earth, the gunman exclaimed.

However, amidst the exclamation, his reaction was also similar and he continued to fire out attacks with the spear in his hand.

In an instant, wisps of gun light bloomed and blasted towards Shenhong.


The offensives collided, erupting with the sounds of morning bells and evening drums.

As for the attack performed by the strong gunman, the moment the wave of sound sounded, it was directly turned into pieces, and there was no resistance at all.

At the same time, the god of castration continued to fall rapidly.

The expression of the strong gunman changed drastically. He had just sensed Feng Chen and the power of this blow, but after the first collision, he fully realized what power was!

Facing the increasingly final Shenhong, the spear master continued to use Divine Ability.

After a series of collision sounds, Feng Chen's attack was barely able to be resisted by him.

The terror of Feng Chen's strength didn't wait for him to be shocked.

Feng Chen waved his hands again.


The long river of time vibrated, and little stars gushed out from it, as if echoing the stars in the universe.

In a blink of an eye.


The universe was torn into pieces, and huge stars that covered the sky and sun fell from the universe.

Huge meteorites fell from the sky, exuding an extremely terrifying power.

Not to mention the strong gunmen below, as the meteorites fell one after another, the expressions of countless Immortal Emperors and Heavenly Emperors below changed dramatically, and they quickly retreated, not daring to stay in the center of the battlefield.

The focus once again came to the strong gunman.

Looking at the falling meteorites in the distance, the strong gunman looked unusually solemn.

The next moment.

The spear in his hand was swung rapidly, launching attacks one after another.

At the same time, Divine Ability was used, and the aura in his body suddenly surged. At this moment, facing the overwhelming meteorites, he used all the aura that could be used in his body.

In an instant, offensive lines appeared in the entire sky.

It's colorful, and every attack contains extremely terrifying power.

Facing Feng Chen's seemingly random attack, the strong man tried his best to seize the path.

In full view.


A deafening sound rang out from mid-air, and streams of Divine Ability continued to collide with meteorites.

The terrifying sharp breath continued to smash the meteorites into pieces.

However, the number of meteorites is so large, and the number is huge. Even if they are constantly being smashed, there are still huge stones scattered.

A strong wind rose, and the world was in chaos. In the blink of an eye, the meteorites were constantly turned into stones under the full attack of the strong gunmen.

But even so, the powerful gunman had no time to resist the overwhelming rocks.


The rubble fell from the sky and fell directly on the gunman. A huge sound was heard, and it fell hard on the ground below, stirring up dust.

Two attacks, just two attacks, beat the master of the spear who was also in the half-step origin realm to the point where he was unable to fight back. This scene fell into the eyes of countless creatures, and the desolate expressions on their faces could not dissipate for a long time. .

When Feng Chen used his future body, they had already sensed how powerful Feng Chen was, but they never expected to be able to crush a strong man who was half a step into the Origin Realm of Gun Dao.

"..."What a strong man!".

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