Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 308: Obliterating The Half-Step Origin Realm, The War Of The Origin Realm [Please Order]

The bright sun was in the sky, mixed with an extremely hot high temperature, pointing directly at Feng Chen under the mighty power.

At the moment of crisis, a voice came.


It was this sound that made all the creatures in the world tremble instantly.

At this moment, they felt an extremely strong killing breath, as if the other party could kill them directly if they were willing.

When everyone was shocked, the sky that was shattered by the battle was directly rendered into a blood-red color.

Under the bloody sky, the terrifying murderous intention spread rapidly, and in an instant, a line of blood light condensed.

Blood light lay across the sky, and the murderous aura that could kill all living things in the world was revealed from this blood light.

The blood light surged and fell hard on the huge blazing sun.


The two collided with "Zero Two Seven", and a huge sound erupted. The scorching high temperature that originally shrouded the world disappeared in an instant, and instead, the endless killing breath increased.

Looking at the center of the collision, that bloody light had an absolute advantage and shattered the bright sun in one encounter.

Just as the roar in the air continued, below.

Feng Chen and Chaos Sword Master used their killing moves at the same time.


As time rolled by, the Immortal Executing Sword erupted with bright light, and two powerful forces that destroyed the world fell on the strong gunman and the strong man of the fasting way.

The two of them were already at the end of their game. How could they resist the killing moves of Feng Chen and Chaos Sword Master?

In the constant sound of explosions, the bodies of the two people directly turned into blood mist, as well as the long river of time behind them.

In the blink of an eye, the two half-step origin realms declared their demise, leaving two origins in the air.


"Two half-step origin realms fell at the same time!"

"Oh my God! Maybe I can understand the Chaos Sword Lord killing a powerful Ax Master, but how can the Divine Child of the Yama Palace be so terrifyingly powerful?"

"so amazing!"

“Although the two of them killed two half-step Origin Realm experts, I feel like the battle has just begun.

"It seems to be true. There are too many strong people in the Origin Realm."

Witnessing two half-step Origin Realm masters being killed with my own eyes, the surrounding creatures were extremely shocked.

But then, their eyes were focused on the streak of blood in the sky.

At the same time, when the outside world saw the appearance of the Killing Heavenly Venerable and resisted the attack of the Lord of the Sun, the Lord of the Space couldn't help it, and his aura burst out, wanting to go down and kill Feng Chen himself.

"Where do you want to go?"

However, just when the Lord of Space was about to leave, the figure of the Lord of Reincarnation appeared and looked at the creature in space with a smile.

The Lord of Space was not surprised at all by the sudden appearance of the Lord of Samsara. He also looked at the Lord of Samsara: "What can you do if you block me?"

The words fell.


The extreme cold fighting turned around, and a figure with an extremely cold chill all over his body quickly came to the side of the Sun Lord, and even the Ice Lord.

The Ice Lord had long wanted to join the battlefield. He had always remembered his failure in the Yama Palace, but the power of the Heavenly Venerable Killer at that time also brought him powerful generosity.

But now, he saw the anger on the face of the Lord of the Sun and already knew what would happen next.

How could the Lord of the Sun not be angry at this time? Those who were killed were two half-step origin realm experts. They were half-step origin realm experts that he had cultivated for many years in the Sun Dao Domain.

How difficult it is to cultivate a half-step origin state, but now, two of them have fallen. How can he not be angry?


The angry Lord of the Sun looked up to the sky and roared, and the aura in his body gradually became violent.

This violent aura swept wildly towards the surroundings. In an instant, countless universes were shaken and collapsed. Nine heavens and ten earthquakes rang. The creatures in the Myriad Worlds trembled under this violent aura.

The breath was swirling, and in addition to this violent breath, countless creatures also felt a scorching high temperature.

Above the sky, the bright sun hung, exuding a vast and boundless aura, and the scorching high temperature shook the sky.

At this moment, when the power of the Lord of the Sun completely exploded due to anger, the power of the Lord of the Sun was fully revealed. The cold winter sky shocked countless creatures, countless strong men, even half-step original realm, and even strong men in the original realm. .

The Lord of Space and the Lord of Samsara, who were originally blocking each other, felt the breath of the Lord of the Sun, and their faces were full of shock.

They are both in the Origin Realm, and they clearly feel that the Lord of the Sun has entered the Seventh Layer Origin Realm at this time. The Seventh Layer Origin Realm is considered a giant in the Origin Realm...

This kind of fighting power is extremely rare in heaven.

Because the Lord of Space and the Lord of Reincarnation are only at this level.

Naturally, the Origin Realm also has high and low levels, divided into one to Ninth Layer, with First Layer being the weakest and Ninth Layer being the strongest.

The strongest person in the world was Ming Wushuang, because he was the only one in the Ninth Layer. However, he has fallen and disappeared between heaven and earth.

At this time, the Lord of the Sun burst out with the aura of the Seventh Layer Origin Realm, how could they not be shocked.

They must know that the Lord of the Sun was injured in the chaotic battlefield before. They did not expect that the Lord of the Sun would recover so quickly and even improve.

The aura of the Seventh Layer's origin realm broke through the world and spread throughout the sky, causing some old monsters to change their expressions.

"Seventh Layer Origin Realm!"

In the endless darkness of the dark realm, the Lord of Darkness was equally shocked when he felt this aura.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that you would actually come to the Seventh Layer origin realm."

"It seems that God has a good show."

"Hiss! Another top strong man has appeared."

"It's a pity that our clan didn't kill him back then. After so many years, we actually let him come to the Seventh Layer Origin Realm."

"The Seventh Layer's origin realm is indeed terrifying, and his ability to recover is indeed surprising, but it was not easy for the strong men of our clan to kill the Lord of Taiyin back then.

5.6 "It seems that God's overall strength has improved a lot recently."

"Seventh Layer's origin state, my ancestor must have sensed it."

In the chaotic battlefield, when they sensed the strength of the Seventh Layer Origin Realm emanating from the Lord of the Sun, they were equally shocked.

At this moment, everyone who felt the breath of the Lord of the Sun was shocked.

The Ice Lord next to the Sun Lord was also shocked, and then his whole body released a terrifying chill.

Although the Ice Lord is also an Origin Realm, he is only a Third Layer Origin Realm. Although not as good as the Sun Lord, he is still a genuine Origin Realm.

At this time, both of their eyes were focused on the bloody Heavenly Venerable. The murderous intent was revealed in each other's eyes, and the meaning was self-evident.

A battle belonging to the Origin Realm is about to begin!

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