Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 314 It Doesn’T Matter If There Is One More Statue, I Can’T Prevent Your Fall [Please Order]

Rolling black flames burned the sky, turned into black rain, and fell towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed. No one thought that the strong men of the Weird Clan would suddenly come to kill them, which surprised them all.


When they were surprised, a clang sounded, and in the face of the black flames filling the sky, Heavenly Venerable kept waving the God-killing Spear in his hand, shooting out bright rainbow lights.

The rainbow light rushed into the sky, constantly shattering the black flames.

However, the origin state of this strange clan appeared too suddenly, and Heavenly Venerable could not even react to the killing. In panic, he barely blocked the endless black flames in the sky. His body retreated continuously, and his eyes stared at the sudden appearance. The strong man of the strange clan.

The situation has changed. Originally, Heavenly Venerable was killing one against two, but now, he is facing the three origin realms.

The Lord of Samsara was completely panicked when he saw this scene. This powerful man from the strange clan was a genuine Sixth Layer Origin Realm powerhouse.

Although he has absolute confidence in killing Heavenly Venerable, he is not confident now when he sees the strong men of the strange clan.

Killing Heavenly Venerable is going to deal with the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of Ice in the 27th. How can it be possible to face an origin state.

The Lord of Reincarnation stared at the strong man of the strange clan and shouted: "Who are you!"

The words shook the world, and the vast breath of madness made the strong men of the weird clan suppress it.

The strong man of the strange clan just shrugged his shoulders and shattered the pressure, and a laugh came from under the black robe.

"The weird clan, Dark Flame!"

"Jie Jie Jie, God is really extraordinary. There is such a strong person. It really opened my eyes."

"But it's a pity that he will die today."

As soon as he finished speaking, before the Lord of Samsara could speak, the Lord of the Sun in the distance seemed to be very familiar with Dark Flame, and directly smiled and said: "We must join forces to kill him today no matter what, his threat is too great for us. Big.”

As soon as these words came out, countless creatures suddenly felt their minds buzzing, especially the creatures in the Sun Dao Realm, whose complexions instantly turned pale.

The meaning of the words of the Lord of the Sun is too clear.

When the Lord of Samsara heard these words, the aura in his body surged crazily, causing the whole sky to fall into violent vibrations. The Lord of Samsara stared at the Lord of the Sun with anger and shouted loudly.

"Lord of the Sun, are you going to betray God?"

Listening to the words of the Lord of Reincarnation, the Lord of the Sun also sneered: "Betrayal doesn't count, it's just to live longer.

"And for us beings at this level, God is just a place and a springboard. There are still big places waiting for us to perform in the future."

"Of course this is not a betrayal. After all, whatever happens to God will not count as anything in the future."

"Besides, only the victors can write history, isn't it?"

The words of the Lord of the Sun came out from the chaotic battlefield and resounded throughout the entire main alley.

At this moment, the faces of all the creatures looking at the Lord of the Sun were filled with anger.

They never thought that the powerful man in their own world, the Lord of the Sun in the Sun Dao Domain, would betray God with such powerful combat power.

"Lord of the Sun! It's so shameful that you are still from the Sun Realm."

"Aren't you afraid of the ridicule of the world for actually abandoning darkness and turning to light and betraying God?"

"I thought you just wanted to devour the Taiyin Domain, but I never expected that you would betray the Sun Dao Domain. You are really a shame to God.

"The master of the Great Dao, the majestic sun, actually defected to the weird clan. Aren't you afraid that your descendants will not be able to hold their heads up in the future? Aren't you afraid of being cast aside by thousands of people!"

"You are in the Origin Realm in vain, and you said that God is just a springboard. I think you have long wanted to join the weird clan."

"Lord of the Sun, I wish you a bad death!"

For a time, angry criticisms continued to be heard from heaven and earth. Even some Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors issued angry criticisms at this time [facing the origin state of the Sun Lord Yuanzun].

At this time, when everyone in the Taiyin area saw this scene, it goes without saying that there was anger on each other's faces.

The Heavenly Emperor standing next to Dongfang Mingyue said fiercely: "I finally understand why the Lord of the Sun recovered so quickly!"

"It turns out that he was acting for us all along, and he had already joined the weird clan at that time."

"What a cunning Lord of the Sun!"

Under the overwhelming criticism, the Sun Lord's face was filled with smiles.

"You are just a group of ants. You don't understand anything. This is a choice."

"It's a choice for the future."

"In your eyes, the original realm and even transcendence are already the limit, but you don't know that there is a sky beyond the sky.

"And you are just frogs in the well now, you can't see the time outside at all. What qualifications do you have to criticize me?"

While the Lord of the Sun was looking for reasons for himself, the Lord of Samsara could no longer bear it. He stared at the Lord of the Sun with murderous eyes and was already planning to join the battlefield.

However, the Lord of Space on the side had his aura flowing throughout his body, stopping the Lord of Samsara.

Suddenly stopped by the Lord of Space, the Lord of Samsara stared at him with anger: "Why did you stop me!"

"Are you going to collude with the weird clan too!"

As the words rang out, everyone's eyes instantly turned to the Lord of Space.

If 380 the Lord of Space also joins the weird clan at this time, it will definitely be a disaster for God!

Faced with the angry questioning, the Lord of Space behaved very calmly: "The Lord of the Sun colluded with the Weird Clan. It was his own decision and had nothing to do with me."

"Since it doesn't matter, let me pass!"

The Lord of Space shook his head: "The Divine Child of Yama Palace killed my disciple and humiliated me many times. Yama Palace will cease to exist no matter what."

"The most important part of destroying the Yama Palace is the origin state of the Great Dao of Killing."

Listening to the Lord of Space's words and the anger in the other person's eyes, the Lord of Samsara knew that the Lord of Space was determined to stop him.

For a moment, he had no choice but to summon up the breath of the Great Dao all over his body and roared angrily in the whole sky.

"Isn't God's Origin Realm planning to take action? It's time to punish the traitors!"

These words of the Lord of Reincarnation spread throughout the nine heavens and ten earths, echoing in the Myriad Worlds.

This quote from the Lord of Reincarnation is very useful.

In an instant, several powerful auras burst out from the sky, and they were all from the Origin Realm, and their target was the Lord of the Sun.


Just when they were about to show up and take action, a cold voice came.

"Even if there is one more Origin Realm, it can't prevent you from falling today!".

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