Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 330 The Flames Of War Are Boiling [Please Order]


Above the sky, billowing visions rolled over, and two powerful men from the Origin Realm of a strange clan came over, causing the entire chaotic battlefield to be instantly filled with endless ominous atmosphere.

With the sudden killing of these two powerful men of the strange clan, the hearts of the creatures in the sky were instantly raised in their throats, and each other was very worried about the Chaos Sword Lord.

Although the Chaos Sword Master was powerful, they did not believe that they could survive facing a strong man from the Origin Realm.

And now that Killing Heavenly Venerable is entangled by the stars, and the Lord of Reincarnation cannot take action, how can they not be worried.


Just when those two powerful men from the strange clan suddenly appeared to kill the Chaos Sword Lord.



In the direction of the sky, there were also two huge sounds erupting.

The raging wind, a line of heaven and earth, rushed from the sky towards the battlefield of chaos, and in that strong wind, there was a figure flickering.

The tyrannical aura spread all around, and it was clearly an origin state.

At the same time, the earth shook, earth-yellow light flashed, and an extremely strong aura of the earth spread out.

An earth-yellow figure broke through the void and came to the battlefield where the Chaos Sword Master was located. He was also in the Origin Realm.

"It is the Lord of the Wind and the Lord of the Earth."

“I didn’t expect that at such a critical moment, God’s origin state would be in disgrace.

"Fortunately, fortunately, a strong man took action, otherwise, the Chaos Sword Lord would really fall today.

With the appearance of these two Origin Realm powerhouses, the threat from the Chaos Sword Group was immediately alleviated.

The Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth appeared directly in front of the two strange clans you had just appeared.

The Lord of Wind locked onto the two of them, the Great Dao's power steamed through his body, and he shouted loudly.

"God is not five people. What you are doing is going too far to deceive others!"

The Lord of Earth on the side also nodded: "The Chaos Sword Master will become the real sword master today, and you cannot resist him."

"The moment the Chaos Sword Lord becomes the gold master, you, the weird clan, are waiting to be slaughtered!"

The words reached the ears of these two powerful men of the strange clan. They looked at each other, and each other also erupted with terrifying auras.

"Hmph, they are just two Fifth Layer origins. Do you really think you can save him?"

"Have you forgotten that my weird family never makes unprepared plans?"

"Since the plan is implemented, all consequences must have been thought of."

"As for the arrival of you two, it's just to bury the Chaos Sword Lord with you.

The voice sounded, and the Lord of Wind sneered.

"It's shameless to say so, it's hard to say who will be buried with whom!"

With a sound, a breeze gathered in the palm of his hand, and then the army moved out fiercely.


The breeze that originally seemed small in the palm of my hand, at the moment of taking off my hand, directly enlarged to the line between heaven and earth, and was mixed with an extremely powerful and sharp breath, blasting towards a strong man from a strange clan.

As the Lord of Wind took action, the Lord of Earth also took action at the same time.

I saw the Lord of the Earth's big hand condensing, and the ground below began to shake. In the blink of an eye, it condensed into an extremely huge stone, as big as a meteorite.

But unlike meteorites, this huge stone was condensed from the ground.

The huge stone rolled with momentum, as if to suppress one party, and blasted towards another strong man of the strange clan.

The Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth took action at the same time, and the two powerful men of the Weird Clan also took action at the same time.

The auras of the two people's whole bodies were high, and the power of the Great Dao was pouring out continuously. Both of them were also at the Fifth Layer origin level.

Locking the Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth to each other, they turned to welcome the killing move and blasted away.

The battle between the four origin realms of both sides started instantly.

At this time, on another battlefield.

When he saw the Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth appearing, Killing Heavenly Venerable also had some surprise on his face.

However, in general, if you can choose to help at this time, you are considered one of your own.

Thoughts burst out, killing Heavenly Venerable's attacks also did not stop.

With a thought in his mind, a streak of blood-colored light whizzed past, and along with the mass of the Great Dao of Killing, it crushed towards the stars.

Tianxing's expression changed, he didn't dare to be careless, and kept urging Divine Ability to resist.


There was a sound of collision, and Tianxing's Divine Ability had no resistance at all under the blood and was directly blasted to pieces.

The star itself was blown away again.

However, Tianxing, who stood up, regained his confidence once again. He looked at Heavenly Venerable from a distance and sneered.

"Do you think that just these two people can change the situation?"

"The people of my clan have just said that my weird clan will never carry out their plan without absolute certainty.

"Today, your Yama Palace will fall!"

Listening to Tianxing's words, Killing Heavenly Venerable did not respond, nor did he want to respond.

The other party has always said that there are strong people in his weird clan, doesn’t it mean that there are no such people in Yama Palace?


At this time, there are battlefields everywhere in the world, three of which are battlefields of the origin realm, and one is naturally the half-step origin realm, which is the battlefield where the Chaos Sword Master is located.

The sword roared, and the bright sword light flashed. The figure of the Chaos Sword Lord held the Immortal Executing Sword, and was condescendingly killing the Heavenly Sword Venerable.

Originally, when the two powerful men from the Weird Clan appeared, he was indeed a little wary, but when he saw that there were powerful men from the Origin Realm coming to help, he put all his attention on the Heavenly Sword Venerable.

With a sword in the air, the Chaos Sword Master brought his supreme kendo power and pointed directly at the Heavenly Sword Venerable.

As for the Heavenly Sword Venerable, he was already covered in wounds. Now he felt such a terrifying blow from the Chaos Sword Lord. His pupils shrank sharply and he kept waving the long sword in his hand, trying to resist the Chaos Sword Lord's blow.


The Immortal Executing Sword collided with Venerable's Divine Ability, and a harsh clang erupted.

Under this clanking sound, the Heavenly Sword Venerable was directly pierced by the Immortal Executing Sword, and the Qian Yue) Immortal Sword left a huge hole in the Heavenly Sword Venerable's chest.

Heavenly Sword Venerable was also violently dropped to the ground, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

However, he had no time to care about his injuries at this time. He stared at the Chaos Sword Lord, trying to distance himself from him.

Because, he could feel that the Chaos Sword Master was concentrating his killing moves at this time.

It was a killing move that he couldn't bear.


The sword chant came, the sky trembled fiercely, the Immortal Executing Sword burst out with light, and the terrifying sword power instantly filled the sky, Myriad Worlds, and sounded in the sky above the chaotic battlefield.

Under the strange vision, a sword shadow the size of billions of feet pierced the void, killing the Heavenly Sword Venerable below who was trying to distance himself.

The sword shadow flickered, terrifying to the extreme.

The sword Venerable looked at the huge sword shadow, and his expression changed drastically. At this moment, he could no longer care about so much, and immediately shouted to the sky.

"..."Take action!".

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