Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 363 The Lord Of Destruction Appears [Please Order In Full]

"Who is he and what does he have to do with me?"

Feng Chen looked at Ku Lao indifferently, not caring at all what the other person said.

"court death!"

He spat out the words "Ku Lao Bing Bing" and stared at Feng Chen. The power of the Great Dao swallowing up his whole body spread crazily, shrouding Feng Chen in a steady stream.


When he was about to attack Feng Chen, ripples of space rippled out. In these ripples, there was extremely strong sealing power. The target was Ku Lao.

The person who took action was naturally the Chaos Demon God.

As the ripples came, the withered old body flashed rapidly, and he avoided directly, looking at the Chaos Demon God.

"Is this little God planning to become the enemy of Hongmeng World?"

As the words rang out, the Chaos Demon God sneered: "You'd better take care of your Divine Child."

As soon as the words came out, his withered old body trembled violently, and he turned his head hurriedly.

When he turned his head, his eyes suddenly condensed. Although he had dodged the ripples in space, there was no way that Shenmeng behind him could resist them.

However, Ku Lao's reaction was not slow. Seeing the ripples about to fall on Divine Child, the Great Dao power in his whole body was quickly activated, and he suddenly shot out with both hands.


A rapid gust of wind swept across, blowing Shen Meng away.

Behind the strong wind, the immortal seal ripples approached rapidly.

After the two chased each other, they came directly to the chaotic battlefield, and the ripples dissipated.

Obviously, the Chaos Demon God knows that there will be a war next. If it unfolds in the universe, the entire universe will be unable to bear it.

At this moment, the Chaos Demon God, Feng Chen and others also quickly arrived at the Chaos battlefield.

Ku Lao also did not hesitate when he saw this, and went straight to the Chaos battlefield. After all, Shen Meng was in the Chaos battlefield.

In the chaotic battlefield at this time, Ku Lao was facing Feng Chen, the Chaos Demon God, and the five powerful masters of the Origin Realm of the Field of Reincarnation.

However, facing so many powerful people in the Origin Realm, he was not afraid at all, with a cold expression on his face and his eyes fixed on Feng Chen.

"I advise you to think clearly about what the consequences will be if you offend our Hongmeng world because of an ant who is half a step into the Origin Realm."

The words rang out, but neatly, Feng Chen and others did not respond, just staring at Ku Lao, the meaning was self-evident.

Looking at their expressions, Ku Lao nodded repeatedly.

"very good!"

"I have recorded what happened today."

As he spoke, his figure flashed, and he waved his big hand to take Shenmeng away, intending to leave this chaotic battlefield.

After all, the current situation is very unfavorable to him. Even though he is angry, he is not stupid.


When he was about to leave, the Chaos Demon God took action.

I saw the hands of the Chaos Demon God changing, and the void above the chaotic battlefield twisted, turning into ripples.

The ripples transformed into an immortal sword in the twisted void.

The long sword roared, piercing the void, carrying a huge sealing power, and swept directly towards Ku Lao.

Sensing the terrifying force coming from behind, Ku Lao's expression changed and he quickly formed seals with one hand.


Along with his seal, the surrounding space once again turned into whirlpools.

There is a power from the whirlpool that can swallow up the heaven and the earth, causing the wind to roar and strange images to appear.

When these whirlpools appeared, they directly accelerated the falling speed of the immortal sword.


In an instant, the immortal long sword was directly absorbed by the vortex, and the immortal ripples bloomed rapidly [Roaring sounds continued to be heard in the chaos.

Although he successfully resisted the attack of the Chaos Demon God, it still knocked Ku Lao back a few steps.

This time, the withered old eyes were focused on the Chaos Demon God, and his eyes were full of evil.

How could the Chaos Demon God let them leave? After all, Feng Chen finally waited for a practitioner of the Space Great Dao. If he just let him leave like this, he didn't know when he would have to wait until the next time.

Ku Lao also stared at the Chaos Demon God without speaking, and he also understood what it meant.

The Great Dao power of the Chaos Demon God roared up and turned into a majestic wave, stirring up wisps of immortal runes and sweeping towards Ku Lao.

"It seems that you are planning to bully the minority."

"In that case, don't watch anymore."

The withered old face blinked, piercing the void, as if telling someone.

When his words rang out, the expressions of the people instantly changed.

"No way. Could it be that the boss of Hongmeng World is here?"

"Hiss! The boss of Hongmeng World, hasn't his cultivation reached the realm of transcendence?"

"Oh my God, who can resist the arrival of a powerful man who has transcended the realm?"

"Impossible! There are restrictions in every Chaos. The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the punishment. If the opponent is really out of the realm, the rules alone can severely damage him...

"If it's not him, that means there are still people from the Hongmeng world in the sky?"

Under the discussion of countless creatures.


In the distance, the sound of morning bells and evening drums erupted, the heaven and earth shook violently, and an extremely terrifying breath of destruction turned into a violent wind and rolled over.

At this moment, the world changed drastically, and the creatures in Myriad Worlds trembled one after another.

The aura is shrouded, endless, and the force of destruction and violence is terrifying as if it is going to destroy the entire world.

Above the sky, gray dark clouds rolled rapidly. It seemed that even the dark clouds were infected and became extremely violent.

Under the rolling dark clouds, a figure came across the border, shaking the world and roaring Myriad Worlds.

"This breath!"

"He is the Lord of Destruction!"

The moment he felt this aura, the Lord of Samsara's expression suddenly froze, and he looked at the source of the vision with a look of shock on his face.

The other party is the Lord of Destruction. The top strong man who survived in ancient times was a strong man from the same period as Ming Wushuang.

He never expected that the Lord of Destruction would appear at this time.

Crushed by infinite violent power, the skinny figure of the Lord of Destruction moved across the border, flashing rapidly in the sky, and the majestic pressure enveloped the entire Chaos Battlefield 4.6.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, someone would still remember my name."

The voice of the Lord of Destruction came, spreading violently and vastly throughout the Chaos battlefield, echoing continuously in the Myriad Worlds.

In a word, it shook the hearts of all living beings, making the common people extremely palpitating. None of them dared to look at the Lord of Destruction, for fear that the other party would be unhappy and kill them casually.

The Lord of Destruction appeared in the chaotic battlefield in the blink of an eye, and stood next to Ku Lao. With the aura of destruction rising all over his body, his eyes locked on Feng Chen and others.

Although the Lord of Destruction looked extremely skinny, no one present dared to look down upon him. Instead, they were extremely wary of each other.

The Lord of Destruction blinked his stern eyes and spoke calmly.

"Forget it about today."

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