Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 365 The Breath Of The Transcendent [Please Order]


Over the chaotic battlefield, continuous sonic booms continued to sound.

The Lord of Reincarnation and Slaughter Heavenly Venerable join forces to deal with the Lord of Destruction. Although the Lord of Destruction is extremely powerful, it is still a bit overwhelming to face the two of them joining forces now.

On the other side is the battlefield between the Chaos Demon God and Ku Lao.

One is to devour the Great Dao, and the other is to seal the Great Dao.

The battle between the two was a collision of Divine Abilities, and neither could gain the upper hand for a while.

Under the gaze of all living beings, the two battlefields intensified.

Without anyone noticing, Feng Chen had shattered the void and came to the protected Shenmeng.

Seeing Feng Chen's arrival, Shen Meng's expression changed and flashed with fear.

Turning around, he looked at the wisps of black aura, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, you can't break it."

"When Ku Lao takes care of you, it will be your death."

"If you are wise enough to admit your mistake, I will leave you with a complete body."

Feng Chen did not respond to Shen Meng's words, but picked up the God-killing Spear and mobilized all the strength of his body to focus on the God-killing Spear.

In an instant, he brandished the God-killing Spear and blasted towards the black protective barrier.


A loud noise resounded in the void, causing ripples to appear in the void.

Looking at the black barrier again, it was not affected at all by Feng Chen's blow.

After all, the one who cast the barrier was a strong man from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm.

Seeing that the defense was not broken, the smile on Shenmeng's face became more intense.

"Haha! It's all in vain."

Feng Chen still ignored it and slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment.

A bright light bloomed from Feng Chen's body, and the entire void instantly became like daylight, and an unprecedented wave of momentum emanated from Feng Chen's body.

The fluctuations rise, and the whole person's cultivation is infinitely close to the original state.

Future body, at this moment, Feng Chen chose to use his future body.

Feng Chen, who has used his future body, has improved by leaps and bounds. Holding the God-killing Spear, he once again stared at the black barrier.

In an instant, all the power in his body was concentrated in the God-killing Spear.

The void shook, and under this extremely terrifying force, it seemed that even the void could not bear it.

Under the infusion of endless power, the God-killing Spear bloomed with endless light, and an aura that seemed to destroy the world burst out from it.

Feng Chen's eyes condensed and locked directly on the black barrier.

Then there was a loud shout, power exploded, and the light of the God-killing Spear suddenly surged, hitting the black barrier hard.

"Hmph, useless.々.

In the black barrier, Shenmeng snorted coldly.

The next moment.

This defense exerted by Eighth Layer's origin realm directly caused a ripple at this time.

Shenmeng in the barrier even stared at him.


A crisp sound sounded, and this crisp sound also defeated the last line of defense in Shenmeng's heart.

Under Shenmeng's wide-open pupils, the black barrier was shattered by Feng Chen's gun.

"not good!"

At this time, in the outside world, the expression of the old man who fought with the Chaos Demon God changed drastically in an instant, and he felt the barrier being broken.

Without any hesitation, even if he takes a blow from the Chaos Demon God, he will still shoot towards the void.

The Lord of Destruction, who was fighting the Heavenly Venerable and the Lord of Reincarnation in the distance, also had a change of expression.

You must not let God die. If the other person really dies in God, it is a trivial matter that he cannot escape. Then he will bear the wrath of that person.

For a moment, the Lord of Destruction did not dare to hesitate at all and shot towards the void.

"Junior, stop!"

The Lord of Destruction and Ku Lao shouted at the same time, activating the Great Dao power in each other's bodies, overwhelmingly moving toward Feng Chen.

As their opponents, it was naturally impossible for the Chaos Demon God and others to just watch Feng Chen being attacked.

The moment the Lord of Destruction and Ku Lao exploded, they had already been sold and stopped.

This also resulted in the extremely anxious two people being blocked in mid-air.

No matter how angry the two roared at them, the Chaos Demon Gods still had no intention of getting out of the way.

this moment.

Everyone's eyes were on the broken void.

They saw Feng Chen, who was using his future body, holding a god-killing gun and blasting towards the seriously injured Shen Meng.

"It seems that this person from Hongmeng World is going to die."

"This also means that Feng Chen's strength in Yama Palace will increase dramatically."

"But I am a little worried. If I kill this Shenmeng, it will definitely arouse the anger of the Hongmeng world, and our God will not be able to bear it by then."

"It is inevitable that the Hongmeng World will be angry. After all, their Divine Child died in God, but there is no need to worry too much, because there are restrictions and rules. I still don't believe that the Hongmeng World dares to invade the territory with an army to attack God."

"Yes, and this is the Great Dao dispute. It will happen sooner or later. Doesn't Feng Chen kill Shen Meng and wait to be devoured by Shen Meng?"

The sentient beings were talking a lot, and some were worried that after killing Shen Meng, they would have to bear the wrath of the Hongmeng world.

However, some people know that in the Great Dao battle, there will inevitably be death, and they will not attack because of the identity of the other party.

Because this is the battle of Great Dao.

At this time, the Lord of Destruction and Ku Lao stared at Feng Chen who was using his killing move. They were extremely anxious now, and there was fear in each other's eyes.

They couldn't imagine that if Shenmeng was really killed, they would have to bear his wrath.

On the contrary, the Chaos Demon God and the others did not care about this, but had smiles on their faces.

For them, seeing Feng Chen swallow the half-step Origin Realm of a Space Great Dao means that Feng Chen's strength has been improved again.

As for the so-called anger of the Hongmeng world, that is all for later.

The most important thing now is to devour Shen Meng.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, Feng Chen held the God-killing Spear and locked onto Shenmeng like a killing god.


The figure exploded, and the god-killing gun in his hand burst out with a force that destroyed the world, roaring, and fell towards Shenmeng.


Just when the God-killing Spear in Feng Chen's hand was about to fall.


The sky, the universe, the Myriad Worlds, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the battlefield of chaos. At this moment, billions of creatures in countless universes in the entire sky heard this deafening roar.

When the roar sounded, for hundreds of millions of living beings, it was as terrifying as the end of the world.

The sky collapsed, and the entire sky fell into endless darkness. An infinite and majestic power spread crazily from all around.

This endless terrifying aura, not to mention Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, even if they are half-step Origin Realm, even if they are Origin Realm, and even the top Origin Realm masters like the Lord of Reincarnation, their hearts sink. They feel A strong threat.

"Beyond the realm!".

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