Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 368 Shocking Chaos [Please Order]

The palm of the Transcendence Realm was blocked by the Chaos Demon God and others.

Due to the constraints of cross-border rules, this transcendent figure had no choice but to choose to leave.

As the other party left, the Chaos Demon God and others focused their attention on the Lord of Destruction and Ku Lao.

At this time, the faces of the two people were full of horror.

Of course, their fear was not directed at the Chaos Demon God and the others, but because the gods were killed in front of their eyes.

Especially Ku Lao, he couldn't imagine the kind of destruction he would endure after returning to the Hongmeng world.

Under their gaze, the Lord of Destruction and Ku Lao glanced at Feng Chen who was devouring his origin in the distance.


They disappeared between heaven and earth in an instant.

Their departure heralded the end of this war.

At this moment, the eyes of countless creatures looked at Yama Luodian and others, and their eyes were full of horror.

Even being able to withstand attacks from beyond the realm, they dare not imagine who in the Yama Palace can stop him in the future.


At this moment, the sound of morning bells and evening drums sounded, rushing into the sky, causing thousands of strange images to fall one after another.

Billions of stars paved the way and fell in front of Feng Chen.

At this moment, Feng Chen's whole body was enveloped in endless bright light, and the black and white haloes intertwined with each other, making Feng Chen's whole body look extremely majestic.

In front of everyone, Feng Chen's aura surged endlessly, and in an instant, he stepped onto the Galaxy and entered the universe.

Having devoured Ye Cheng and Tianzhou in the chaotic battlefield before, and now devoured Shen Meng, Feng Chen is now strong enough to enter the Origin Realm.

Visions arose, and thousands of visions shrouded Feng Chen, attracting the attention of countless people.

The Lord of Space, who had just ordered that the void should no longer be sealed, now had a mixture of coldness and resentment on his face.

Originally, he thought that a strike from a powerful man in the transcendent realm would definitely kill Feng Chen, but he never expected that the attack of the Chaos Demon God could be resisted.

Even now Feng Chen still has to break through and become the true origin state.

This made him feel a little desperate. After all, Feng Chen was so difficult to kill when he was still in the half-step Origin Realm, let alone one who had become the Origin Realm.

When Feng Chen was about to break through, he did not hesitate at all and ordered the sealing of the universe again.

The only thing the current Lord of Space can do is to avoid the edge.

The same thoughts as the Lord of Space are the strong men of the Weird Clan.

They also thought that Feng Chen would be crushed by the attack of a powerful person who transcended the realm, but in the end, instead of being killed, he took this opportunity to break through.

The strong men of the strange clan looked at Feng Chen, who was shrouded in thousands of strange images in the sky, with solemn expressions on their faces.


Under their gaze, it stands to reason that Feng Chen should have broken through to the Origin Realm, but his cultivation stopped at the peak of the Half-Step Origin Realm, and he could not go any further.

"What's going on? Why didn't he break through?"

"Hasn't he already devoured three Great Dao half-step origin realm people? Why didn't he make a breakthrough?"

"I understand! He possesses two kinds of Great Dao, time and space. He needs some opportunities to become the Origin Realm."

"Right now, he has only succeeded in devouring the Great Dao of time, but has not yet seen a Great Dao of space. In other words, he must devoure enough Great Dao of space and need some opportunities to break through after half a step to the origin state.

"The weapon of the long river of time!"

"It is the weapon of the river of time in the Source Palace!"

"Only the Artifact of the River of Time has the ability to fuse the two Great Daos, and only in this way can he break through."

"If this is the case, it will be a good thing for our weird clan."

"That's right, he can't become the true origin state now, and we still have a chance to kill him."

"What we have to do now is to keep an eye on the weapon of the long river of time, and we must not let it break through and become the origin state."

"That's right, if he becomes the true Origin Realm, no one will be his opponent unless the Ancestral God is completely revived.

The weird clan talked a lot, and they let out a sigh of relief when they saw that Feng Chen had not broken through to the Origin Realm.

After all, Feng Chen posed such a big threat to them when he was still half-step to the Origin Realm, let alone him after the Origin Realm.

Countless people also discovered this. They noticed that Feng Chen failed to break through the origin realm, and started various discussions about this.

The Lord of Space also let out a sigh of relief.

As long as it doesn't become the true origin state, there is still a chance.

"Hmph, I will make it impossible for you to reach the origin state for the rest of your life."

The Lord of Space snorted coldly, returned directly to the Space Dao Domain, and completely blocked the Space Dao Domain...

As long as he does not die, the half-step origin state of the Great Dao of Space will not come out, which means that Feng Chen will never be able to become the origin state.

In full view of everyone, Feng Chen fell from the universe.

Although the current Feng Chen has not reached the origin state, the fluctuations in his aura are also making the Lords of Reincarnation rise to the top.

"Although it's a pity that you didn't reach the Origin Realm, I can feel that your strength at this time is comparable to the Origin Realm."

Feng Chen smiled when he heard this: "It's still a little worse after all."

As he spoke, he looked towards the place where the Lord of Space disappeared in the distance.

It won't be long before it's him.

"Let's go back."

Everyone left this chaotic battlefield that had experienced an unprecedented battle.

Their departure attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone knows that in the future, Yama Luodian will become the overlord of the entire heaven, the true overlord.

The clouds are covered with mist, the breath is diffuse, the cranes are singing, and the waterfalls are flowing down.

In the sky like a fairyland, an extremely huge Tao Domain is suspended.

Below the Dao Domain are huge cities. This palace stands over countless cities, indicating the palace's identity.


At this time, a loud noise was heard in the Dao Domain, and the palaces collapsed and shattered into pieces.

In the sky full of ruins, the ruler of Hongmeng World 5.4, Shen Xiao.

At this time, Shenhong's whole body was filled with anger, causing the creatures in countless cities below to tremble continuously. They felt Shenhong's anger.

Shenhong's face was filled with anger, his face was ashen, and vicious numbers came from his mouth.

"The Palace of Yama!!"


In anger, the space is distorted, and Elder Ku returns.

However, Elder Ku at this time is not at the Eighth Layer Origin Realm, but at the peak of the Ninth Layer Origin Realm.

At this time, Ku Lao walked towards Shenhong cautiously.

"God...God, I'm sorry, I failed in my duty this time."

"Dereliction of duty?" Shenhong's eyes narrowed.

Ku Lao's whole body trembled violently and he did not dare to look at the divine attack.

"Can your little dereliction of duty save Meng'er's life?"

"Or are you saying that Meng'er can be resurrected by simply neglecting your duty?"

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