“Ding—Congratulations to the host for summoning the Immortal King.

"Ding——Congratulations to the host for summoning Supreme."

“Ding—congratulations to the host for summoning Supreme.


Numb, Feng Chen is already a little numb.

After this continuous lottery, the luck value of 12 million has only 4 million left.

In other words, if you draw eight million luck points, you will get nothing.

Even Feng Chen felt that he was a bit unlucky.

"How about we smoke again tomorrow?"

"Forget it, do it again for the last time."

Feng Chen, who was unwilling to give up, continued to say to the system: "Continue to do it.

As the voice fell, Feng Chen was already planning to exit the system space.


Just when Feng Chen was about to exit the system space, his eyes suddenly froze.

Colorful light, colorful light finally appeared, it’s not easy.

"Ding - Congratulations to the host for summoning the Primordial God."

"Ding——Congratulations to the host for summoning the Immortal King."

“Ding—Congratulations to the host for summoning the Immortal Emperor.

Feng Chen didn't care about the prompts at the end. He finally got the lottery prize of more than 8 million yuan.

Feng Chen's originally listless face instantly showed a smile.

A prehistoric breath of tyranny came from ancient times, and endless power surged rapidly, gathering on the bronze body.

The tyranny of this aura made Feng Chen feel extremely strong pressure.

Origin Realm! And it is also the top Origin Realm.

This aura is too powerful, even surpassing the aura when he summoned the Slaughter Celestial Clan and the Chaos Demon God.

The origin realm, and it is also the origin realm of the Great Dao.

When the world first opened, the power of the prehistoric era was scattered throughout the chaos. It can even be said that the prehistoric era surpassed the righteousness of countless Great Dao.

In addition, we also learned from the introduction of the system that this prehistoric god has a special ability.

The Primordial Realm, relying on the Primordial Realm, the Primordial God can directly defeat the strong men who have transcended the realm. As for the people in the Origin Realm, they can naturally kill them at will without even giving them a chance to reshape themselves.

In other words, the strength of the Primordial God is at the peak of the Origin Realm and can even fight against the Transcendence Realm. Isn't this exactly what he is looking for now?

Moreover, it can ignore the origin realm and directly obliterate the existence of the origin!

Without any hesitation, he said directly when he was excited.

"Summon, gather your breath. ||."

Naturally, we have to restrain our aura. Now it is revealed that there is a Chaos Demon God in the Yama Palace, killing Heavenly Venerable and them. This ancient god is completely a trump card, a trump card that those enemies can't think of.

It is also his trump card for attacking the space realm.


As Feng Chen's voice fell, his breath burst out, and the entire secret room shook instantly. Even though he restrained his breath, "the breath that stretched half a step out of the realm was still so terrifying."

At the moment when the Primordial God was summoned, the entire universe and even the powerful men in the entire chaotic battlefield trembled in their hearts.

At this moment, they felt an extremely terrifying threat.

at the same time.


Figures shot out one after another.

Chaos Sword Master, Chaos Demon God, Killing Heavenly Venerable, and Tyrant Sword came to the secret room at the same time.

When they felt this terrifying, prehistoric aura, the four people's expressions instantly froze.

"This smell is very scary, I feel a strong threat."

Chaos Demon God, Killing Heavenly Venerable looked solemn at each other.

"I'm no match for him."

"For such a strong person, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you and me to gain the upper hand."

You must know that the Chaos Demon God and the Killing Heavenly Venerable are both top Seventh Layer Origin Realm powerhouses. There are only a handful of people in the entire universe who can make them feel threatened.

But now, feeling this terrifying prehistoric breath makes the two of them so solemn, which shows how much pressure the prehistoric god has on them.

In the secret room at this time.

The void twisted, and an earth-yellow aura instantly spread out. A man with a bare upper body and solid muscles like a horned dragon slowly walked out.

The Primordial God has a resolute face, his hair stands on end, and his shockingly majestic body. It seems that every hair of the Primordial God contains extremely terrifying power.

With the appearance of the Primordial God, the sense of oppression felt by the outside world increased exponentially.

Looking at the Primordial God, Feng Chen had a smile on his face.

And the Primordial God looked at Feng Chen with respect on his face: "The Primordial God has seen your Majesty."

The sound was like muffled thunder, constantly moving between the heaven and the earth.

When they heard the voice of the Primordial God, all the Chaos Demon Gods outside let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they were not opponents. Otherwise, it would be hard for them to imagine how they could defeat each other.

After realizing that they were not opponents, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

They are not their opponents, but their own people, and they are also their own people who make them feel the pressure. This represents the extraordinary strength.

During this period, with the outbreak of wars and the emergence of powerful people who transcended the realm, they have increasingly felt that their own strength is insufficient, and they are trying to improve themselves as much as possible.

However, there must be a process for improvement.

The appearance of the prehistoric god now undoubtedly does not mean that a top strong man has appeared among them.


Feng Chen's figure flickered and appeared in the sky, with a smile on his tired face.

The reason why I am tired is naturally that the eight million lottery draws over and over again make me exhausted physically and mentally.

But fortunately, I got the report in the end.

Feng Chen looked at a few people with a smile on his face: "How is the expansion of Yama Dao Realm recently?

The Chaos Sword Master heard this and responded: "Currently, most of the forces in heaven have joined the Yama Dao Domain."

"There is no news except for the powerful people with top origin realms such as Space Dao Domain, Dark Dao Domain, and Destruction Dao Domain. Most of them have joined."

Feng Chen nodded: "Space Dao Realm?"

After finishing his words, he blinked his eyes and looked into the universe. The place where Feng Chen looked was the sealed space realm.

Of course it is impossible for Feng Chen to find where the space realm is, but the Primordial God can.

I asked the other party just now when they were in the secret room, and the Primordial God gave an affirmative answer.

And the other party said that if he uses the original form of the Great Desolation, (Wang Li Zhao) he can break the space realm, even if the other party blocks it.

After briefly asking about the development of the Yama Realm, Feng Chen took a deep breath and locked the blocked space realm.

"Integrate it and attack the space realm."

"The appearance of the Artifact of Time is getting closer and closer, so I have to speed up my body."

As soon as the words came out, the Chaos Sword Lord was stunned: "Your Majesty, do you mean to directly devour the Lord of Space?"

Feng Chen nodded slightly.

The Origin Realm is actually simple to put it bluntly. In addition to fighting for the Great Dao to break through to the Origin Realm, there is also a dangerous way.

That is to directly devour the owner of a certain Great Dao, so as not to engage in a Great Dao battle.

It's just that this method is too dangerous. After all, who would decide the Immortal Emperor's cultivation level to devour the origin realm? This is no different from seeking death.

But now Feng Chen has to do this, because Feng Chen can't wait any longer and wants to speed up his practice, so he directly chooses the Devouring Lord.

"Let's get going.".

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