Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 373: On The Verge Of Breaking Out [Please Order]

There are six top Origin Realm experts. This time Hongmeng World is determined to kill Feng Chen.

"My Divine Child was obliterated by Feng Chen, so I will naturally take revenge."

"It's just that what people didn't expect is that they actually sent out so many strong people, the lowest ones are all in the Eighth Layer origin realm."

"And they are still suppressed, otherwise their cultivation would be even more terrifying.

"Although there are still six people in Yama Hall, including the Lord of Reincarnation, there are too many differences compared to them."

"Although Feng Chen is powerful, I don't think he can deal with an Eighth Layer Origin Realm.

"I feel like this time, Yama Luodian is really going to fail."

"Almost, in the face of so many strong men, what force in the entire universe can resist them."

Seeing the powerful men filling the sky, countless creatures started talking about it. "Zero Five Three"

It is not difficult to see from their words that they do not have much hope for Yama Luodian.

After all, the opponent has many top experts. On the other hand, the strongest one in Yama Palace is the Lord of Reincarnation, but he will definitely be resisted by the Lord of Destruction.

How do other people face the powerful people in the Hongmeng world?

When the powerful men from Hongmeng World appeared, they instantly attracted the attention of Myriad Worlds.

The Weird Clan also set their sights on the battlefield.

"It seems that there is no need to be so anxious about the recovery of the ancestor god.

"Haha, there are so many powerful people, it is absolutely impossible for Yama Hall to resist them."

"But we can inform the other side and we can postpone the revival of the ancestor god."

"Originally, I was thinking about the resurrection of the ancestral gods to prepare for the advent of the Time River Tool, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

"Indeed, everything will be over after this war is over."

"As for the Yama Palace, it will also disappear into the long river of time with the end of this war.

"But I have to say that the appearance of this Yama Palace has caused us a lot of trouble.

"It's useless, it's all over now."

"As long as the Yama Palace is destroyed, the end of God will come."

"As for the Lord of Darkness, he is of no use anymore."

The strong men of the Weird Clan looked at the battle that had not yet begun.

Although the battle has not yet begun, they have already seen the results of the battle.

The final result of a battle that has not yet started has already been seen, which is enough to prove how big the disparity in strength is in this battle.

In full view of everyone, in the center of the battlefield.

Feng Chen and others looked at each other with Ku Lao.

Ku Lao looked at Feng Chen coldly, not in a hurry, and threw the time clock high into the sky.


The huge sound came again, clearing everything along the way. The light of the time clock rose instantly, like a huge blazing sun, carrying countless rays of light between heaven and earth.

As the light of the time clock bloomed, Ku Lao looked at Feng Chen coldly.

"Ant, have you ever thought about today?"

"You dared to kill my Divine Child in the Hongmeng world that day, and today is your day of death."

After finishing his words, Ba Dao snorted coldly: "Kill him, kill him, what's the big deal? Whoever dares to stop your Majesty from moving forward, he will die!"

An arrogant and domineering sword, even if it faced so many strong men in the Hongmeng world at this time, it didn't care at all, and instead faced Ku Lao directly.

Listening to Ba Dao's words, Ku Lao was startled for a moment, and then looked at Ba Dao coldly.

"Don't worry, you will die miserably later."

Hearing this, Ba Dao looked at Ku Lao disdainfully: "Just you?"

"Don't talk too much, don't end up at a disadvantage, and you can't even say sarcastic words.


Ku Lao was so angry at Ba Dao's words that his teeth itched, and the murderous intent in his eyes rose crazily.

"What's wrong, old man? Don't be too angry, otherwise I'm afraid you'll get mad at me later, and you'll die suddenly before the battle begins."

"Ant! I'm going to kill you!"

Ku Lao was completely irritated, and the anger in his whole body broke out instantly. The power that swallowed up Great Dao was also spreading rapidly, and he was about to kill Ba Dao.

"Withered and old."

Seeing the angry old man, the Lord of Destruction hurriedly reminded him.

After being reminded by the Lord of Destruction, Ku Lao sobered up a lot, and the original anger in his body dissipated a lot.

"You ant, if you keep your tongue, let's see how long you can keep it up."

After finishing his words, his eyes locked on Feng Chen: "Follow me and go back to Hongmeng World to die. I don't have to kill your companions.

Although the outcome of the battle is already obvious, it is of course better to not fight.

Listening to Ku Lao's words, Feng Chen also smiled: "Are you so old that your eyes are dim?"

"Since I showed up here today, I definitely have nothing to say about going back to die. What's more, you brought the treasure of time, how could I not accept it...

"If you have bad eyesight, I suggest you spend more time paying attention to your eyes. If you are an old person, no one will come out to do it.

"Ah!" Ku Lao couldn't help it, and his voice reached the sky.

Originally, he was provoked by Ba Dao's words, and now he was said by Feng Chen. How could a dignified Origin Realm powerhouse ever be so angry?

A pair of eyes full of anger stared at Feng Chen. If eyes could kill, Feng Chen would have died countless times.

After finishing his words, Feng Chen was a little surprised. He thought to himself, could it be that he was influenced by Ba Dao? When did he say these words?

But I have to say, it feels pretty good.

Under the old and angry gaze, one word suddenly rang out.


One word, just one word, made the hearts of all the people in the world tremble violently, and an unspeakable danger instantly enveloped them.

This hoarse word was like the arrival of death to them, making them extremely frightened.

Under the aura of death, the voice slowly fell.

In a blink of an eye.

Together with the Lord of Destruction, waves of heaven-destroying aura erupted on everyone in the Inner Hongmeng World.

The breath rises, everything sinks, the breath rushes into the sky, causing strange images to appear.

The Lord of Destruction took the lead and took one step forward to lock eyes with the Lord of Reincarnation.

The Lord of Reincarnation 5.9 also looked at the Lord of Destruction.

"In today's battle, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your master!"

The Lord of Destruction spoke, his words filled with murderous intent.

The Lord of Reincarnation's expression was a little solemn. In the last battle, he teamed up with Heavenly Venerable to suppress the Lord of Destruction, but today, his mission is to fight the Lord of Destruction alone.

Although the task is somewhat difficult, there is no fear.

"If that's the case, then I'll be offended today."

As soon as the words fell, the power of the Great Dao of Reincarnation rose rapidly, and the tyrannical shattering space made the world tremble.

The Lord of Reincarnation locked his eyes on the Lord of Destruction and then shot out.

Upon seeing this, the Lord of Destruction also charged towards the Lord of Reincarnation with the breath of destruction filling the sky.

At this point, it was announced that an unprecedented war had officially begun. .

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