Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 379 Overlooking The Lord Of Destruction [Please Order In Full]

The Primordial God's gaze swept across, causing the roaring and clashing sounds that had been raging between heaven and earth to stop abruptly at this moment.

In particular, the powerful men in Hongmeng World and the Lord of Destruction did not dare to look at each other when they were stared at by the Primordial God.

The main reason is that the fighting power that the Primordial God just broke out was too terrifying. Even the Death Great Dao strongman at the peak of the Ninth Layer Origin Realm was completely crushed. How could they fight against the Primordial God?

After scanning, the gaze of the Primordial God was fixed on the Lord of Destruction.

He could clearly feel that there was no battlefield in front of him, only the Lord of Destruction was more anxious, and the Lord of Destruction was also the strongest being among the five of them.

Being locked in this way by the Primordial God, even the purpose of destruction couldn't help but feel shocked.


The Primordial God took two steps and came to the Lord of Destruction.

"You step back first."

The Lord of Reincarnation behind him did not hesitate at all when he heard this, but instead had a touch of joy on his face.

He has clearly seen how powerful the Primordial God is, and of course he is not worried if he is used to deal with destruction.

The Lord of Reincarnation retreated, and the Primordial God looked at the Lord of Destruction with a simple and honest smile on his face. 27

"Destroy the Great Dao, I love it."

Although the smile of the Primordial God looked very honest, in the eyes of the Lord of Destruction, it was so unkind that he subconsciously activated all the Great Dao power in his body.

When the Lord of Destruction urged the destruction of the Great Dao, the whole world was going crazy at this moment, and the roar was endless.

One after another, strong winds swept away, filled with endless aura of destruction, as if they were going to destroy the entire world.

The Lord of Destruction stared at the Primordial God and took the lead.

I saw the big hand of the Lord of Destruction changing, and the rich aura of destruction rapidly condensed in the sky.


The killing move condensed and roared loudly, causing the high altitude to shake rapidly and turn into a thick strange vision.

At the same time, the sky trembled, and an extremely huge sphere condensed above the Lord of Destruction.

This huge sphere is so huge that it is even comparable to a meteorite, and the aura of destruction contained in it is even more terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, this ball of destructive light, which was comparable to a meteorite, was suspended in the sky. It was hundreds of millions of feet in size, and it looked as if it was threatening to destroy the entire chaotic battlefield.

In an instant, the Lord of Destruction activated the extremely huge meteorite of destruction, blasting across the sky towards the Primordial God.

Under the extremely huge meteorite of destruction, the body of the Primordial God was as small as gravel.

However, the Lord of Destruction didn't care at all, his rough face was full of calm.

The aura above the meteorite of destruction swirled, the sky shook, and the violent wind caused by the rolling vision fell on the Primordial God. ,

The Primordial God was not affected in any way. He looked at the rapidly approaching meteorite of destruction and slowly clenched his fists.

There aren't too many fancy attacks, just fists.

Facing the meteorite of destruction, the Primordial God swung out a fierce punch.


Under the gaze of countless eyes, the sound of morning bells and evening drums resounded throughout the world, turning into boundless visions. When this loud sound came, the whole world trembled violently, and the surrounding void had already shattered. It's out of shape.

In the center of the sound, the heaven and earth fell into silence. Only the scattered aura of destruction was shattered by the prehistoric breath emanating from the Primordial God.

One punch, just one punch. This killer move performed by the Destroyer Lord was directly blasted to pieces. There was no way to resist the punch of the Primordial God.

The power of the punch once again shocked the Lord of Destruction, and he had indeed seen the power of the prehistoric protoss just now.

But now as the opponent of the Primordial God, the power that burst out from that move shocked him again.

Just when the Lord of Destruction was shocked by the power of the Primordial God's punch, the power of the Primordial God's punch that shattered the meteorite of destruction did not weaken at all, and it was already blasting towards him.


The speed of the Primordial God was too fast, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Lord of Destruction had just raised his head and saw the Primordial God, and that punch was coming.

A dull sound sounded, and the fist of the Primordial God landed firmly on the Lord of Destruction.

The Lord of Destruction instantly sprayed blood, his whole body flew backwards, and his chest was deeply sunken.

When a roar sounded, the figure of the Lord of Destruction was violently blasted into the ruins below.

One punch, then another, the Primordial God seriously injured the Lord of Destruction.

The strength of the Primordial God suspended in mid-air once again exceeded everyone's expectations and shocked countless people.

The ancient god who was involved looked at the ruins below with his copper bell-like eyes, and the honest smile reappeared on his face.

"Your destruction of the Great Dao is not very pure."

As soon as the words came out, all living beings were instantly speechless.

He is an old monster who destroyed the Great Dao Ninth Layer's origin realm. He has lived from ancient times to the present.

People actually say that the Great Dao of Destruction is impure. If the Great Dao of Destruction of the Lord of Destruction is not pure, they dare not imagine that there is anyone else in the world whose power of Great Dao of Destruction can surpass that of the Lord of Destruction.

The Primordial God Lord fell down with a sound, and his fist condensed again.

And with the condensation of this punch, strange images rolled instantly between heaven and earth, and the endless prehistoric breath surged crazily.

Those wisps of pure prehistoric breath turned into a torrent and gathered crazily towards the punch of the prehistoric god.

At this moment, the entire 197 people in the alley between heaven and earth felt the extremely terrifying aura of the ancient times, making them tremble continuously deep in their hearts.

Countless creatures also know that this time the Primordial God is planning to kill the Lord of Destruction.

The Lord of Destruction in the ruins below felt this extremely terrifying power and the breath of the ancient world, and his whole body was agitated, and he jumped up without caring about the injuries on his body.

Seeing the Prehistoric God condensed his fist again, the Lord of Destruction's face was filled with solemnity and anger.

He is the majestic Lord of Destruction. Even in ancient times, he has never been suppressed and beaten like this.

But now, he has reached the Ninth Layer Origin Realm, and he is actually being suppressed and beaten. How can he not be angry?

Especially since the opponent did not use any Divine Ability at all, and every attack was a simple fist.

But it was this seemingly simple fist that made the Lord of Destruction unable to bear it.

Feeling the rapid surge of power from the fist of the Primordial God, the Lord of Destruction did not hesitate at all, and instantly activated the Great Emperor of Destruction that could be activated in his body.

A pair of eyes stared at the Primordial God. When he was destroying the Great Dao and urging it, the surrounding void continued to shake, and the vision had already reached the sky.

The Lord of Destruction raised his head to the sky and roared.

"No one can have an easy time today!"

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