Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 394 The War Is Boiling [Please Order The Full Version]


The bright light above the sky continues to bloom, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that exude blazing light emit brilliance high in the sky.

The huge Source Palace hanging in mid-air became the focus of everyone's attention at this moment.

Especially the strong men of the Weird Clan, they knew that the war was about to begin.


Turning around, sounds of piercing the air continued to be heard, and figures kept shooting from the direction above.

These figures exuded a tyrannical Great Dao wave from each other, and they were all strong men in the Origin Realm.

"They are the strong men from the Yama Dao realm."

"There are also strong men from the realm of reincarnation."

"With so many strong men gathered together, can it be said that a great battle will begin today?"

"Looking at the situation, it seems that there is a complete war between God and the Weird Clan."

"In this case, we can't be idle. It's time to join the battlefield."

"The current battlefields are all battles at the origin level. Our cultivation level is too low. Even if we join the battlefield, it will not have any effect. We should just wait and see what happens.'

As the powerful men from the sky burst into each other, they were suspended behind Feng Chen's back, locking on the people of the Weird Clan.

Similarly, with the arrival of the strong men from the sky, figures of strong men are constantly shooting out from the direction of the weird clan. These people also exude extremely strong aura fluctuations.

Astonishingly, they are all experts at the Origin Realm level.

For a time, the entire sky was divided by the strong men from both sides.

But it is obvious that the number of strong men in the Weird Clan is more than the number of strong men in the sky, because they also have two strong men in the Ninth Layer Origin Realm, Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang from Sky World.

At this time, the two of them looked at the two sides confronting each other, then looked at the Source Palace hanging in the air in the distance, and directly chose to stand in the Weird Clan camp.

The two sides facing each other were not in a hurry to start fighting. Instead, they locked onto each other and chose their opponents.

Killing Heavenly Venerable locked a strong man in the Eighth Layer Origin Realm.

The Chaos Demon God locked the opponent's strong man in the Ninth Layer Origin Realm.

Chaos Sword Master and Ba Dao were also staring at an Eighth Layer Origin Realm and a Seventh Layer Origin Realm.

The breath of the Great Dao spread all over the Lord of Samsara, directly covering the Seventh Layer origin realm of the three strange clans.

As for the Primordial God, the Primordial Breath was emanating from his body, and he was directly eyeing Mr. Chen and Mr. Wang in the Sky World.

After excluding these top-level experts, the remaining experts from both sides were also staring at each other at this time.


The confrontation did not last too long. Ba Dao shouted loudly, announcing the beginning of the battle.

Ba Dao holds a long knife in his hand, and the Great Dao power of his whole body bursts out like a spring, turning into wisps of sharp energy and instilling it in the long knife.

Holding a long knife in his hand, he concentrated all his strength and blasted towards the person in the Seventh Layer Origin Realm in the distance.


The shadow of the knife flickered, turning into a majestic wave, and the bright light bloomed, condensing into a bright sword light in mid-air.

The shadow of the knife seemed to penetrate the heaven and earth, rolling and moving, tearing the void into pieces forcefully, and heading straight towards the opponent.

The Seventh Layer Origin Realm felt the lack of breath, and his eyes froze sharply. Although Ba Dao's cultivation was only the Fourth Layer Origin Realm, § The sword under the sun still made him feel a strong dangerous aura.

Without the slightest hesitation, he waved his hand directly, and the darkness all over the sky condensed in his hand, and an ominous breath rose up. Under this endless ominous breath, a huge dark palm was condensed.

The palm of his hand was hanging high in the sky, and the terrifying ominous breath seemed to shatter the entire sky.

In an instant, the huge knife shadow fell vertically and horizontally, colliding hard with the palm.


A loud noise broke out, followed by a dull sound that resounded throughout the world, turning into a howling wind that spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

In the center of the collision, a chaotic collision storm spread, and the power of the sword revealed extremely terrifying power at the moment of collision.

As a loud noise came, the world shook, and the huge palm shattered directly, unable to withstand the blow of the Tyrant Sword.

The shadow of the knife penetrated the palm and blasted towards the Seventh Layer's origin realm.

"how come!"

The person from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm exclaimed, looked at the rapidly falling knife shadow, and quickly activated his Divine Ability to resist.

In an instant, streaks of Divine Ability pierced the sky, exaggerated by the strong wind, and collided with the shadow of the knife.


Continuous sonic booms echoed throughout the world. The panicked Seventh Layer Origin Realm expert used his Divine Ability to barely resist the blow.

At this moment, he looked at Ba Dao again with solemn eyes. Before the battle began, he had already estimated Ba Dao's strength. But after this collision, the threat Ba Dao brought to him Another surge.

"Come again!"

Seeing that the opponent had resisted one of his blows, Ba Dao let out a loud roar and charged towards the opponent with his long knife in hand.

A fierce battle began between the two.

At the same time, the Chaos Sword Master's eyes flickered, and the Immortal Executing Sword in his hand was emitting bright light. The sharp breath flowing from the Immortal Executing Sword was as terrifying as if it was about to shatter the sky.

The Chaos Sword Master held the Immortal Executing Sword and locked onto the opponent. He felt that the opponent was the Eighth Layer's original strength. The Chaos Sword Master was neither careless nor underestimated. He activated the Great Dao power in his whole body and blasted directly towards the opponent. .

At the same time, Chaos Sword Master's opponent, the strong man from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm, stared at the Chaos 580 Sword Master with murderous intent in his eyes.

His current idea is to kill the Chaos Sword Lord as soon as possible and help his people as soon as possible, so that he can seize the weapon of the river of time as much as possible.


As the figure of the Chaos Sword Master got closer and closer, the powerful man from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm stretched out his palm and waved fiercely.

A harsh sound pierced the Shattering Void sky, and in an instant there was a strong sense of ominousness, and then a terrifying bone claw appeared in its hand.

The bone claw was directly put on his hand, and a chilling feeling filled the air.

At this moment, the Chaos Sword Lord came to kill him holding the Immortal Executing Sword.

The extremely bright Immortal Executing Sword flew across the sky, and fell hard from above, directly targeting the head of the Eighth Layer's origin realm.

At the same time, the Eighth Layer's bone claws protruded from his hand and lay horizontally above him.

The Immortal Executing Sword fell.


A harsh clang sounded, and sparks suddenly flew everywhere.

In the center of the collision, this terrifying shock wave swept up, knocking both of them back at the same time.

After being knocked back, their eyes immediately locked onto each other.

A brief collision gave them a certain understanding of their respective strengths.

Especially this strong man in the Eighth Layer Origin Realm noticed the power of the Chaos Sword Lord in this collision and couldn't help but become serious.

Chaos Sword Master's eyes flashed, and the two of them started to kill each other at the same time.

A close battle begins. .

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