Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 609 Leading The Army To Expedition

"Yes! Go on an expedition with the Lord of Feng City! Go on an expedition!..."

When everyone was shouting, Feng Chen nodded lightly, looked at Li Xun, the captain of the 20th Brigade, and said: "Be prepared in the past few days. If the weapons in their hands are unsuitable, Just change it as soon as possible.”

"Yes!" Li Xun nodded heavily in response.

Feng Chen nodded, turned around and walked off the high platform, strolling out of the military camp.

Seeing Feng Chen leave, Li Xun turned around and shouted: "Everyone disperse!"

Feng Chen, who was walking on the street, looked at the prosperity as always, with a smile on his face. When he was in a trance, a sudden voice attracted Feng Chen's attention.

"It's Brother Feng, haha." From a distance, Jiang Lulan waved to Feng Chen with a joyful expression.

Seeing that it was her, Feng Chen walked over with a chuckle, came closer, and said, "Long time no see."

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. Today I happened to be out of quarantine and wanted to take a walk on the street, but I met Brother Feng." Jiang Lulan chuckled and said, "What are you doing, Brother Feng?"

"After some time, I will take the army out to fight. I just went to the military camp and talked about some things.

Feng Chen didn't hide anything from her and simply said it.

Hearing this, Jiang Lulan looked slightly worried and said: "Brother Feng, I don't have anything else to do now. If you don't mind that your skills are low, can you take me with you?"

After thinking about it, Feng Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, but you have to pay attention to safety and try to hide as much as possible, because this time is different from the past, and the mysterious demon you face may be stronger. .”

"It's okay, I understand." Jiang Lulan said with a chuckle.

Looking around, Feng Chen asked, "By the way, where are Lin Gou and the others?"

"They are still practicing, and they don't know when it will end." Jiang Rilan said obediently.

"Well, where do you usually live?" Feng Chen asked.

When asked about where to stay, Jiang Lulan didn't hesitate at all and said directly: "We live in the inn.

After speaking, Jiang Lulan seemed to think for a while, mustered up the courage, raised her head and looked directly at Feng Chen, and said, "Brother Feng, can you go shopping with me?"

"Haha, okay, it just so happens that nothing happens, so I'll just wait and see when I get back." Feng Chen nodded and did not refuse Jiang Lulan's request.

"Wow, that's great." Jiang Lulan jumped up happily.

The next second, he walked up to Feng Chen, reached out and took Feng Chen's hand, and said, "The dried fruits sold over there are delicious. Let's go over there and I'll treat Brother Feng to some."

Seeing her happy look, Feng Chen chuckled and said nothing else. He let her hold his hand and walked to an ordinary-looking stall.

"Boss, have some of this, and this..."

On the side, Feng Chen looked at her quietly.

Time passed so fast, it seemed like it was already night in a blink of an eye.

The two people, who had been wandering around Duckweed City for a day, were slowly walking down the street.

Jiang Lulan held Feng Chen's arm like a kitten and headed towards the inn under the cover of night.

When he walked to the door of the inn, Feng Chen smiled lightly and said, "Go back and rest. Remember to be at the gate of Nancheng at noon in seven days."

After saying that, he watched Jiang Lulan walk into the inn with a little reluctance.

Standing on the street, Feng Chen sighed softly, shook his head helplessly, and said: "I don't know what the situation will be like then. If something unexpected happens, it will be bad. "I hope you won't be angry."

After saying that, Feng Chen turned around and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

At Chen time in the morning, the sun has already risen.

At the north gate of Duckweed City's outer city, 88,000 people stood in the air with great momentum, looking up at Feng Chen.

Seeing their majestic looks, Feng Chen nodded, glanced around, and said: "In this battle, you may not be able to come back safely, so I hope everyone can go all out! Try your best to survive. Come down!

After speaking, Feng Chen looked at Li Guang, who was at the front of the Li family, and said:

"Master Li, I have a favor for you. Ask one of your family members to go to the south gate outside Duckweed City and wait for a woman named Jiang Lulan. Tell her that this time the battle may be more dangerous. So I won’t take her with me.”

Upon hearing this, Li Guang immediately said: "Okay, I'll give the order right now."

"Thank you." Feng Chen grinned and said, "Everyone, I will assign tasks to you next."

After he finished speaking, he saw Feng Chen standing in the air, his expression became serious and he said:

"Wang Lin obeys the order!"

"My subordinate is here!"

In the distance, Wang Lin, the direct elder of the Wang family who led the five thousand children of the Wang family, said solemnly.

I only saw everyone in the Wang family acting as if they were just following orders.

Feng Chen's voice was very loud, and he said: "... "The Wang family is the vanguard, opening the way for the team to choose the first five emperors.

"Take the order!" Wang Lin responded directly with his fists clasped, without saying much else. He turned around and shouted: "Let's go!"

After everyone in the Wang family set off first, Feng Chen looked at Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng led the 10,000 children of the Zhao family to march on the right wing of the central army.

"Li Guang! Lead the 20,000 children of the Li family and march on the left flank of the Chinese army."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the remaining three thousand people and said, "You wait and follow behind the central army."

When everything was ready, more than 88,000 people marched in an orderly manner under the command of Feng Chen.

Because Fanglin City is far away from Duckweed City, everyone's traveling speed is slightly faster.

As noon approached, the team had already traveled thousands of miles.

At this moment, at the south gate of the outer city of Duckweed City, a beautiful figure looked around nervously.

"Am I late? Have they left already?"

Just when she was filled with doubts, a figure flew over from below and said, "But Miss Jiang Lulan?"

"I am, are you?" Jiang Lulan looked at him with some confusion.

"I am a descendant of the Li family. I am waiting here under the orders of Feng City Lord."

Hearing this, Jiang Lulan hurriedly said: "Where is he now? Has he already set off?"

"The Lord Fengcheng and his people have already set off for about an hour. The children of the Li family said respectfully: "The Lord Fengcheng asked me to tell Miss Jiang Lulan that the battle this time may be more dangerous, so I won't take you with me. , I hope you won’t blame me. "

After saying that, he flew straight towards Duckweed City.

In the air, Jiang Lulan, who looked like a fairy in a long white dress, was stunned and murmured to herself: "Are you worried about me?".

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