"Huh, it's okay, the loss is not too big." Lin Yunchang sighed and seemed to relax a lot.

"Come on, let's go to the living room and sit and chat."

After saying this, Lin Yun turned around and walked towards the living room with Feng Chen.

After taking his seat, Feng Chen sat on the chair, looked at Lin Yun calmly, and said: "The number of mysterious demons this time is very large. If they are attacked, we may not be able to hold on."

"Is Fang Lincheng gone?" Lin Yun asked.

Feng Chen nodded and said truthfully: "Yes, it was gone when we arrived.

Lin Yun was silent for a while and said: "If Duckweed City is broken by the mysterious demon, it will be almost impossible for all the cities in this area to stop the mysterious demon. Even the ancient city of Helin, There is no way to stop it, because the strength of our Duckweed City is not weaker than that of Helin Ancient City."

"Can the Qing Yan Battle Formation be able to compete with one or two?" Lin Yun asked with some worry.

Feng Chen thought about it carefully and said in a deep voice: "We can barely compete. We can take advantage of this time to arrange the Duckweed Golden Light Array in the outer city. Even if it is of little use, it can still increase our chances of winning."

Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Feng Chen and said, "If Duckweed City is destroyed, you don't have to hold on, you can leave at any time.

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Feng Chen smiled helplessly, then put away his smile, looked at Lin Yun seriously and said, "However, I haven't fully understood the Duckweed Golden Light Array yet. It’s up to you, City Master Lin, to go.”

"Okay." Lin Yun nodded, looked at Feng Chen, and said, "Thank you for your hard work this time, go back and have a good rest.

"Yes." After responding, Feng Chen turned and left the living room.

Not long after they walked out, Butler Li, who was wearing a gray cloth gown, came in a hurry, looked at Feng Chen and said: "There is a woman outside the city lord's palace, named Jiang Lulan. She said she is familiar with you. Please take her with you." are you coming?"

"She's here, okay, bring her to my place." Feng Chen said with a chuckle and left.

Butler Li didn't say much, then turned around and left in the direction of the door of the City Lord's Mansion.

After a while, at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, Butler Li saw Jiang Lulan who was still waiting anxiously. He chuckled and said, "Miss Jiang, City Lord Feng asked me to take you there."

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Lulan nodded, and when she saw him turning around to lead the way, she quickly followed him without saying much.

While walking on the road, looking at the surrounding environment, Jiang Lulan asked hesitantly: "Is he okay? I heard that the war seems to be unfavorable this time.

"The Lord of Fengcheng is fine, it's just that many of his soldiers are injured."

Butler Li was walking in front, replying, and said with a chuckle: "I just don't know if the mysterious demon will come to Duckweed City again this time. If it comes again, it will probably be the two fighting kings, Lord Feng and Lord Lin.

Jiang Lulan didn't pay attention to anything else. She just looked relieved and muttered, "As long as he's fine, I'm relieved..."

Looking at Jiang Lulan's appearance, Butler Li chuckled and said, "Miss Jiang hasn't gotten married yet, has she?"

"Yeah." Hearing this, Jiang Lulan, who had always been so generous, couldn't help but blush with shame, and said softly: "Yes.

"The Lord Fengcheng is indeed nice, and he treats people kindly. More importantly, he is capable and handsome." Butler Li finished with a chuckle, looked at a small courtyard in front of him, and said, "The place where the Lord Fengcheng lives is When it arrives, I won’t go there.

"Thank you." Jiang Lulan said, took out a Supreme Grade elixir and handed it to Butler Li.

Seeing her actions, Butler Li was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said with a smile: "Miss Jiang is interested."

While talking, he put the elixir in his hand, turned around and left the place calmly.

Standing in the open space, Jiang Lulan took a deep breath, reached out and smoothed her bun, trying to relax herself, then raised her head and blinked at the courtyard not far away.

He walked forward with steps, but after a while he arrived outside the courtyard gate. Jiang Lulan said in a voice, "Is the Lord Fengcheng here?"

"come in."

Feng Chen, who was inside the house, waved his sleeves and robe and saw the door slowly opening.

In the main room, Feng Chen was sitting behind a desk. On the desk in front of him was a tea set, two pots of wine, and some pastries.

The aroma of tea slowly floated out from the teapot.

…Please give me flowers…

Walking into the main room, looking at Feng Chen sitting behind the desk, Jiang Lulan walked forward with a worried look, looked at her carefully for a moment, and then breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, nothing happened." I'm worried to death. ."

After saying that, he rolled his eyes and looked at Feng Chen. Jiang Lulan continued: "Don't break your promise in the future."

"Haha, I got it, come on, sit down, drink tea, okay?"

Looking at Feng Chen, Jiang Lulan sighed softly: "Let's have tea, I see you are ready."

With that said, Jiang Lulan picked up the teapot, rinsed the teacup first, and then poured the tea.

He handed the tea cup in front of Feng Chen and said, "Is the situation very bad this time?"


Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of tea, Feng Chen chuckled and said: "The number of mysterious demons is too great. They are overwhelming and they are all at the Dao King level. There is no way to resist.


Hearing Jiang Lulan said slightly worriedly: "Then why don't we leave here early and go to hide somewhere else?"

Feng Chen shook his head, "If I leave, wouldn't Duckweed City be in danger? Once Duckweed City is destroyed, the people in this city will suffer.

"That's true, but how can we stop so many mysterious demons?" Jiang Lulan's expression was full of worry.

"It doesn't matter. Thanks to my efforts, Duckweed City now has 1.1 million soldiers who can fight. It's not afraid of the mysterious demon. Moreover, with the blessing of a large formation, it can fight." Feng Chen looked calm. said with a look on his face.

"If you need any help then, you must tell me. Although I am weak, I can still go up and fight." Jiang Lulan looked at Feng Chen seriously.

"Hey, okay."

Feng Chen nodded with a smile, turned over his hand and took out a key, and said: "How do you enter this Void Formation Gate, do you use this thing?"

"Hey, yes, I didn't expect that we are actually from the same world!"

Jiang Lulan was stunned, then took out her key with a happy face and said: "I am the Divine Maiden of the Huangji Great World. I wonder which Great World you are from?"

"Me?" Feng Chen said with a smile on his face: "The Great World of Shenqiong is under my control, and Yuntian City is also under my control."

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