Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 614 Reasons For Supporting The Li Family

After a long time, many desks were placed in the main hall. On the desks, there were all kinds of wine, meat, melons and fruits. In addition, the servants who were busy in the main hall were all extraordinary-looking people.

Any little maid pulled out is a very beautiful being.

Feng Chen sat behind the desk, waiting quietly, chatting with Li Guang from time to time.

After a long time, an announcement came from the door, "Great Elder, Li Xing, is here!"

Listening to the voice coming in, Li Guang chuckled, stood up, looked at Feng Chen, and said: "This is my eldest brother. He takes care of me on weekdays. He helps handle many things in the clan. .”

Hearing this, Feng Chen couldn't continue sitting where he was and stood up together with him.

Just look at Li Xing who is wearing a purple robe. He is broad and strong. His appearance is completely different from Li Guang. He has a slightly rough appearance and is easy to identify.

Walking into the main hall, when he saw Feng Chen, Li Xing smiled and cupped his hands and said:

"The eldest elder of the Li family, Li Xing, has met the Lord of Fengcheng."

Feng Chen nodded, returned the gift with his hands, and said, "Hurry up and take a seat."

"Haha, okay." Li Xing nodded. After sitting in his seat, he looked at Feng Chen and asked with a smile: "I wonder what the Lord Feng City has come to do this time?"

"The matter has been done. I just came to send 10,000 Xuan Mo Little Worlds. After all, the last time we went out to fight, the Li family suffered a lot of losses, so it is necessary to come." Feng Chen looked at Li Xing apologetically.

"Ah, this matter is nothing. The Lord of the City Fengcheng also has his intentions. Li Xing smiled, as if he didn't care, and then said: "I wonder what the situation is like on the front line now? Can Fang Lin City be saved?"

"No, Fang Lincheng is still lost. After all, there are too many mysterious demons." Feng Chen sighed and said, "If they come here, they may need the Li family's help."

"Well, it's natural." Li Xing put away his playful expression and looked at Feng Chen seriously.

"After the banquet, I will go to the Wang family and the Zhao family again, and I will also give some Xuanmo Small World as compensation, but the number will not be as large as the Li family.

Feng Chen continued as if no one was watching: "So try not to let them know about this matter. Of course, it doesn't matter if they find out. It is estimated that after knowing, they will start to help Duckweed City with all their strength."

"Haha, this is inevitable." Li Xing responded with a smile.

Seeing that everything on the desk was almost ready, Li Xing waved his hand and said, "The rest of you can go down."

"Yes." The servants stopped what they were doing, bowed, and then turned and left the hall.

Feng Chen didn't say anything when he saw it. He reached out to pick up the wine cup and poured some wine.

Li Xing pondered for a moment and said, "I wonder what the city lord plans to do next?"

Putting down the wine cup in his hand, Feng Chen raised his head and looked at him and said: "I am going to send some people over to see how the situation is. If the Xuan Demon continues to attack, then

We will be ready to fight then. "

"Anyway, let's take a look at the situation first. After all, judging from the current strength of Duckweed City, we are not afraid of the Xuan Demon's attack. At most, we are just trapped here. It is basically impossible to break open Duckweed City. .”

Feng Chen said confidently.

Li Guang and Li Xing nodded in unison. What Feng Chen said was indeed the truth and was not exaggerated. After all, they could all see the changes in Duckweed City after Feng Chen joined them over the years. .

Especially when I went out to fight with Feng Chen before, I could say that the resources I obtained were more than what I had obtained in the previous hundreds of years.

And according to their estimates, the number of soldiers currently available for fighting in Duckweed City must be at least one million.

After chatting for a long time, the hall was filled with people. There were many new faces, but Feng Chen didn’t ask what their names were. While eating the food, he took a sip of wine from time to time and watched the singing and dancing in the hall.

Several hours passed before Feng Chen left Ji's house.

When walking on the street, there was still a faint smell of alcohol on his body, but Feng Chen did not dispel it.

Walking on the street, looking at the bustling scene of people coming and going, Feng Chen had a smile on his face.

At some point, the window on the second floor of the roadside inn opened, and Jiang Lulan said in surprise: "Brother Feng!"

After saying that, he saw her in front of Feng Chen in a blink of an eye, and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, are you here to see me?"

"Yeah." Feng Chen nodded, reached over and touched her head.

"Brother Feng, let's go shopping together?" Jiang Lulan blinked and looked at Feng Chen expectantly.

"No more shopping. I have to go to the Wang family and Zhao family soon. Do you want to follow me?"

After Feng Chen finished speaking, he looked at her calmly.

Jiang Lulan thought for a moment and asked, "..."Aren't you going to talk about something important?"

"No, just give them something and talk about something." Feng Kong said.

"Oh, okay, let's go now.

After saying that, Jiang Lulan took Feng Chen's hand and walked towards the Zhao family together, because it was relatively close to the Zhao family's residence.

When they arrived at the door, before Feng Chen could knock on the door, they saw the head of the Zhao family. Zhao Cai was already waiting at the door, as was Zhao Feng.

When they saw Feng Chen walking over holding Jiang Lulan's hand, their thoughts arose for a moment, and each one of them was secretly guessing about their relationship.

When he came closer, Feng Chen chuckled and said, "Zhao Family Master, Zhao Feng, we meet again."

They greeted each other, and Feng Chen didn't introduce Jiang Lulan. After all, Zhao Cai and the others didn't know each other.

Feng Chen directly released the eight thousand mysterious demon small worlds (Zhao Zhao), and said: "These mysterious demon small worlds are my compensation for the losses of your Zhao family. After all, this battle has cost your Zhao family. many people.

Seeing this, Zhao Cai hurriedly said: "It's okay, you should do your best for Duckweed City, please don't worry about it, Lord Fengcheng."

"It's okay." After Feng Chen said this, he turned around and left.

"The Lord of Fengcheng won't be staying at the humble residence for a while?" Zhao Cai asked.

"No, I still have to go to Wang's house, haha."

While talking, Feng Chen had already taken Jiang Lulan's little hand and left the Zhao family.

Looking at the two people walking away, Zhao Cai narrowed his eyes and said: "Bring the small world into the Great World."

"Yes!" Zhao Feng on the side nodded in agreement.

When Feng Chen's back was no longer visible, Zhao Cai sighed and said, "It seems that next time I help, I have to be a little more serious. This way I will gain more."

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