Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 631 Discussing Zhang Dan’S Issue

Today's City Lord's Mansion has undergone great changes. The originally ordinary houses have almost disappeared, replaced by palace-like buildings.

When I found Lin Yun, he was having dinner with Wang Shan and seemed to be discussing something.

Feng Chen saw it and smiled: "Haha, I didn't expect that the head of the Wang family is here, what a coincidence.

"Lord Fengcheng." Wang Shan clasped his fists in salute and said, "I wonder what the Lord Fengcheng is here for?"

"There is indeed something I need to tell City Lord Lin."

When he walked not far away from the two of them, Feng Chen said with a faint smile: "Let the others go down first. The head of the Wang family is fine by the side. After all, he is one of our own, isn't he?"

As he spoke, Feng Chen looked at Wang Shan aside.

Wang Shan nodded, and Lin Yun, who was not far away, said: "You guys go down first.

The maids and servants who were waiting in the hall turned around and left. When they walked to the door of the hall, they activated a sound-proof formation~.

"When I was on the street today, I accidentally discovered that there were a lot of Monster Races in the city. -"

As soon as Feng Chen opened his mouth, he saw Lin Yun's expression became serious and said, "Where did you see it?"

"We met by chance." Feng Chen responded casually, looking at Lin Yun calmly, as if he wanted to see from his expression whether he knew or not. When he saw his brows furrowed, Feng Chen continued. Said: "But the two Monster Races I caught said that Zhang Dan is their ancestor, so I just went to Zhang Mansion and asked City Lord Zhang."

"What did Zhang Dan say?" Lin Yun looked at Feng Chen seriously.

At this moment, even Wang Shan, who was not far away, looked over.

Feng Chen waved his hand and saw something like a screen emerging in the air. Everything that happened when Feng Chen was looking for Zhang Dan was recorded in detail, especially when Zhang Dan left Feng Chen in the end. After that, the scene where those Monster Races were killed on the spot.

"Okay, Zhang Dan actually dares to collude with Monster Race! Huh! Didn't Zhang Dan understand that Monster Race and Demon Race united together to launch a battle against the human race?" Lin Yun's aura spread out, and the surrounding people The space trembled a little, and it seemed that as long as it was stronger, the surrounding space would collapse.

At this time, Wang Shan, who had always been very quiet, suddenly said:

"Let me tell you, this pill has a very big plot. It is possible that he wants to do more than just take the position of deputy city lord. After all, he has done it before.

When Wang Shan said this, he said no more, and both Feng Chen and Lin Yun understood what he meant.

Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought. What Wang Shan said made sense. After all, Zhang Dan was also the Lord of Danyang City before. Now that he has arrived at Duckweed City, although he is still the Lord of the City, he is The position of deputy city lord.

Seeing Lin Yun thinking, Feng Chen didn't speak and waited quietly not far away.

"Does the city lord have any good ideas?" Lin Yun asked.

"There is a way, but I don't know if it is feasible." Feng Chen said with a slightly solemn expression: "Isn't there a situation in the direction of Fanglin City recently? Why not take this opportunity to test Zhang Dan."

"You know, even the small family forces in Duckweed City are trying their best to help, but as the deputy city lord, he only provides a meager amount of pills? You know, during a battle, that little pill is very important. It will be used up soon.”

Feng Chen smiled and said helplessly: "To put it bluntly, the elixir he gave me was very weak and basically useless.

"But in this case, we may have to call the small family forces in the city and ask them to provide some people, and the rest of the Wang family, Zhao family, etc. will also provide some people."

When he heard this, Wang Shan, who was not far away, frowned and said, "What if he just doesn't get around?"

Lin Yun, who was sitting on the main seat, sneered and said with an evil look:

"Haha, the City Lord's Mansion will also send some people by then. If he doesn't, then I will suppress him as the City Lord. At the same time, I will explain the rules of Duckweed City to him. Finally, I will ask the City Lord to go out and fight. What benefits will it bring? If he still doesn't agree, then there is no need for him to continue to be the deputy city lord.

"This matter cannot be delayed for too long. It is best to settle it in these few days." After Feng Chen finished speaking, he seemed to hesitate and said: "However, if he is not colluding with Monster Race, but really It’s just the Monster Race he keeps in the Great World of his Zhang family, so what should he do?”


"Then I say, let him pay attention and don't release those Monster Races?" Lin Yun hesitated slightly.

"No, if this is the case, it will definitely alert the snake." Not far away, Wang Shan hurriedly said: "Actually, if you often come into contact with Monster, you will be affected by the aura of Monster Race to some extent."

After hearing this, Feng Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Why don't I go find Wu Yang and ask him? After all, he was also the deputy city lord of Danyang City before, so he should know something about Zhang Dan, right?"

"No, after all, they are both from Danyang City. Who knows if there is any connection between them?"

"It seems that we can only wait until we have a chance to talk about it later." Lin Yun sighed and thought to himself: "Today's Duckweed City, with the help of Feng Chen, can see obvious changes, and this pill seems to have basically nothing usefulness...……."

Seeing Lin Yun and Wang Shan lost in thought, Feng Chen immediately stood up and said: "City Master Lin and Master Wang, I have told you about the matter now. I hope to keep it as confidential as possible. After all, it is not yet time to have a real meeting with him." When we break up.

After saying that, Feng Chen got up and left the city lord's mansion, returning to his residence without stopping.

When he saw Jiang Lulan waiting for him in the yard, Feng Chen smiled, walked closer, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and said: "Go and practice, I have already told City Master Lin and others about the matter. How they decide is up to them."

"Well, okay." Jiang Lulan nodded, turned around and walked into the house, leaving his room.

Back in the house, Feng Chen sat on the bed, sighed softly, and thought to himself:

"I hope there is nothing wrong with Zhang Dan, otherwise, I wouldn't mind getting rid of him directly."

Thinking of this, Feng Chen snorted and subconsciously touched his fist, feeling the surging power in his body. An inexplicable sense of confidence lingered in his heart. After a moment, he said to himself:

"With my current strength, even if I fight against a master who is in the immortal state of Tao Zun, I can easily kill him, right?"

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