"It's just that before that, it's better to clean up the inside of the Zhang family's Great World, otherwise there will always be some trouble." Feng Chen finished speaking with squinting eyes, looked at Lin Yun, and chuckled: "It would be better for City Master Lin to handle this matter. It would be best if the details of the operation can be released outside. This will also be helpful to the cohesion of people."

After hearing this suggestion, Lin Yun nodded, looked at Feng Chen with satisfaction and said, "Yes, this suggestion is very good."

"Okay, I don't have anything to do here for now, so I'll go back first." After Feng Chen said that, he turned and left the roofless hall. When he walked out of the city lord's mansion, on the street, Some people who tentatively walked out of their homes breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Feng Chen's figure.

Looking up at the sky again, there was no more fighting. Everyone relaxed a little and walked out of their homes.

"Okay, everyone doesn't need to be afraid. The enemy has been dealt with." Feng Chen said with a chuckle, then ignored them and ran towards his residence, striding away. After a while, he returned residence.

At this moment, there was a bright golden light outside the house. The small duckweed golden light formation and the Qing Yan formation were all activated due to the battle just now.

Feng Chen waved his hand and saw these formations stopping one after another.

Pushing open the door and walking into the yard, he happened to see Jiang Lulan rushing out of the room.

Seeing her anxious look, Feng Chen was stunned and said with a smile: "What's wrong? You look so anxious."

"Ah, you're back! I just felt like there was a fight outside, so I hurriedly stopped practicing and prepared to come out to see the situation. How are you doing now? Are you okay?" Jiang Lulan stood at the door of the house. , with a worried look on his face, he looked at the sky for a while, and then looked at Feng Chen standing in front of him, unharmed.

"It's okay. The enemy has been dealt with. Don't worry about it. Just go and practice. I will take you out to fight in a few days. It will be very dangerous at that time, so you must adjust your state. to the best possible extent."

Feng Chen finished speaking with a smile, stepped forward and rubbed her head, and then walked straight back to his room.

Taking out the Lotus of Time and Space and entering it, Feng Chen closed his eyes and meditated on the Falling Sun Array with peace of mind. When setting up this array, it requires a lot of array eyes, but the power is also very huge, but , Today's Feng Chen has only mastered a superficial knowledge and has not fully understood it, so if he has time, he will use it to understand this formation.

Jiang Lulan, who was in the yard, looked at the door behind him, sighed, and said helplessly: "It's really worrying.

After he finished speaking, he didn't do anything. He returned to his room and sat cross-legged on the bed. The small deserted world behind him emerged, and at the same time, there were several small mysterious worlds suspended in it.

The aura of desolation continues to erode, and it seems that it is turning the entire Xuanxiao world into a force of desolation.

One of the Xuan Mo small worlds has been broken through the outer defense by the desolate aura. After the desolate aura entered the Xuan Mo small world, it instantly turned everything into desolation. The demonic energy and the secrets of Demon Dao collapsed one after another and merged into it. Arrived in a small deserted world.

As the practice began, time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon the next day.

In the sky above Duckweed City, something like a screen appeared, on which Lin Yun led the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion to rush into the Zhang Mansion, including entering the Zhang Family Great World and killing those Monster Race members. picture.

When all the Monster Races were killed by Lin Yun, Lin Yun turned his head and spoke out through the screen: "Monster Race has been incompatible with the human race in ancient times, so all the forces in the city should pay attention. Don't collude with Monster Race or this is what you'll end up with!"

As the words fell, the screen suspended above Duckweed City slowly turned into pure spiritual energy and dissipated in the air.

When they saw this scene, the people in Duckweed City all sighed at the magical skill, and at the same time they secretly remembered this matter in their hearts.

However, Feng Chen and Jiang Lulan, who were practicing peacefully at home, did not know this.

The next day, early morning.

Butler Li arrived outside Feng Chen's residence and stood quietly at the door waiting.

…………please give me flowers……

"Dong dong!" A knock on the door came into the house.

Jiang Lulan, who was practicing in the room, heard the sound, slowly closed the small world behind him, opened his eyes, stood up and walked out of his room. When he passed the main room, he glanced at Feng Chen's room and saw When the lotus of time and space was still circling, he knew that Feng Chen was still practicing, so Jiang Lulan walked towards the entrance of the courtyard.

"Who is it?" Jiang Lulan asked aloud before he reached the door.

"In the Lower City Lord's Mansion, Butler Li, City Lord Lin gave instructions that he would like to invite Mr. Fengcheng to go to the City Lord's Mansion to be a witness."

After hearing what he said, Jiang Lulan responded and said: "Okay, I understand, you go ahead and do your work first. He is still practicing. He probably won't come out in a short time. I will tell him later."


"Okay, I understand." Butler Li nodded and responded outside the door, then turned and left Feng Chen's residence.

It was not until noon that Feng Chen came out of the Lotus of Time and Space.

When she saw him walking out of the room, Jiang Lulan said with a smile: "In the morning, Butler Li from the City Lord's Mansion came to find you and said that he wanted you to be a witness. It turned out that I was just witnessing something. I don't know."

Hearing this, Feng Chen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Okay, in that case, I will go to the City Lord's Mansion to see the situation first.

"Well, you go ahead." Jiang Lulan said slightly reluctantly.

When Feng Chen walked out of his residence, he could see various stalls on both sides of the street, selling delicious food, accessories, and dolls. A lot more than before.

Some people saw Feng Chen walking out of the door, and some people said hello: "Hello Lord Fengcheng!"

"Yes." Feng Chen nodded in agreement, and without saying anything else, he slowly disappeared.

When he appeared at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, Feng Chen glanced subconsciously at the distant hall that had lost its roof two days ago.

When he saw that the roof of the main hall had not been repaired, Feng Chen smiled helplessly and said, "It has been so long, why hasn't the roof been repaired?".

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