Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 644 No Longer Serving As Deputy City Leader

"What do you mean? Do you want to deal with me with Feng Chen?" Lin Yun looked at Wang Shan and others in disbelief.

"Not only because of resource issues, if Feng Chen hadn't taken action some time ago, we might have fallen long ago. Therefore, even to repay the life-saving grace, we should stand by Feng Chen. Li Guang said calmly As he spoke, a long bow suddenly appeared in his hand, and a black arrow was slowly placed on the bow string, ready to fight at any time.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that just for such a period of time, you would have forgotten all the cultivation I had given you." Lin Yun's eyes were filled with anger.

"You can't say that. We have always remembered your cultivation of us, but the development we have now is almost all due to the city lord. And you? In addition to waiting for us to send people out to fight, we will get Those resources, what else?”

Zhao Cai sneered and continued: "Also, if we don't give you the 10% of the loot, maybe we will develop better."

"In our Wu family, since we came to Duckweed City, the one who has helped us the most is City Lord Feng. So I'm sorry, City Lord Lin. Please abdicate, otherwise, no one will be able to live with us." Haoyang looked indifferent. looked at Lin Yun.

Feng Chen sighed, looked at Lin Yun, and said aloud: "Actually, let me tell you, City Lord Lin, you can just be your city lord with peace of mind. There is no need to worry about anything else. After all, I am the only one in Duckweed City. You can only stay for five hundred years, don’t you think?"

When Wang Shan and others heard this, they all looked at Feng Chen. They could tell that this was Feng Chen stepping down the steps for Lin Yun.

"Haha, but this Duckweed City belongs to me, Lin Yun, not to you Feng Chen! I want to take back my words now, you don't have to continue to be the city lord of Duckweed City." Lin Yun sneered and looked at Feng Chen said.

Hearing this, Feng Chen smiled and said, "You have to think about it carefully. Now Duckweed City is besieged on all sides. Without me, can you defend Duckweed City?"

"Without you, Duckweed City will remain as it was before, without fear of any enemy." Lin Yun said confidently.

Seeing what he said, Feng Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "Everyone heard it, if this is the case, then I will no longer be the deputy city lord of Duckweed City from now on, haha, everyone takes your leave.

When they heard this, Wang Shan and others all spoke out: "City Lord, you can't leave Duckweed City. Without you, if Demon Race launches a large-scale attack, we will not be able to resist at all! Please think again. ah."

"Yes, Lord Fengcheng, you can't leave Duckweed City."

After listening to their words, Feng Chen sighed and said helplessly: "I don't have to leave Duckweed City, but I don't want to continue to hold the position of Deputy City Lord of Duckweed City. Now it's like this It’s not bad, you can still relax.”

"Everyone, farewell." After Feng Chen finished speaking, he left the City Lord's Mansion under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing Feng Chen leave, Wang Shan and others were still looking in the direction of the door, Lin Yun said angrily: "Damn it, Feng Chen has already left, what are you waiting for? Just go back now if you have nothing to do. , after some time, I will select another person to serve as the deputy city leader."

Upon hearing this, Wang Shan and others ignored Lin Yun, turned around and left one after another.

"Bang!" Lin Yun stepped heavily on the ground and shouted: "Damn guy, how dare you embarrass me like this."

At this time, Zhang Quan came out from a corner not far away and chuckled: "City Lord Lin doesn't have to be so angry. It's only temporary now. As long as these families know that even without Feng Chen, there are still resources and benefits." , they will forget about the one named Feng Chen."

"Well, you're right." Lin Yun sneered and said, "Fortunately, it's not long now. If Feng Chen is allowed to serve as the city leader for a longer time, I'm afraid they will dare to take action against me directly, right? These people look at me with blank eyes. Wolf."

Zhang Quan on the side did not speak, but looked at Lin Yun quietly, thinking to himself: "Haha, what Feng Chen, isn't he someone I can get rid of with just a few words?"

At this moment, outside the city lord's palace, Feng Chen walked slowly on the street, and sent a message to Jin Rui and others: "You all come back, those soldiers don't need you to continue training, now I am no longer the lord of this city. ."

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Jin Rui asked slightly confused.

"It's okay, just come back." After Feng Chen said that, he turned his head and looked at the vendors on the roadside.

"Lord Fengcheng, are you coming back from a victorious battle?" the vendor asked with a smile.

Feng Chen shook his head and said: "This time it is not a victory, but it is not a defeat either. Fortunately, not too many people died."

"Haha, let's not talk about this. I just bought some new dried fruits. You can take a pack back and try it. If it tastes good, just tell me and I will send you some more later."

Listening to the vendor's words, Feng Chen said with a smile: "You don't have to call me City Lord anymore, my position was removed just now, haha.

"What? How is this possible?" The vendor looked at Feng Chen in shock.

Feng Chen looked at him and chuckled: "You will know what happened just now after a while."

After finishing speaking, Feng Chen took the bag of dried fruits and walked out of the stall towards his house.

After returning to their residence, not long after, Jiang Lulan, Jin Rui and others rushed to the place. When looking at Feng Chen, Jin Rui hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, why does Lin Yun want to take your position as city lord?" Remove it?"

“During the time when I was leading people to fight, due to (good) reasons, I teamed up with the people from Demon Race to fight against Monster Race, so Lin Yun used this excuse to remove me. "Feng Chen smiled and briefly explained the situation at that time.

I only saw the small world of Gun Dao emerging directly behind Jin Rui. The aura on his body rose instantly, and he shouted: "Your Majesty, being the deputy city lord of this duckweed city is already an understatement. He, Lin Yun, is so talented." What?"

Before he could finish his words, Feng Chen said calmly: "Okay, please be quiet.

Jin Rui gritted his teeth angrily, then sighed, calmed down his momentum, looked at Feng Chen and said, "Your Majesty, how about we kill Lin Yun and then occupy this city!"

"It's not necessary. We can only stay in this Void Formation Gate for five hundred years. If we occupy this place, won't the people here suffer when the time comes?"

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