Fantasy: Starting from the Nine Crowns

Chapter 107 Time passes, everyone is shocked! (Please subscribe for support!)

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, nearly half an hour passed.

During this half an hour, Qin Yuntian had exhausted his endless divine power, and he was trying to go back in time to the time when the bone inscriptions had not been destroyed.

This is destined to be a very difficult thing, and it needs to spend too much divine power to support it continuously, otherwise it will definitely be impossible.

Qin Yuntian's body is extremely powerful, even if he has been using it continuously for half an hour, there is still a lot of magic power in his body, and he can persist for a long time.

Time passed by like that.

Outside, many people have been paying attention to Qin Yuntian's situation, and as time passed, they were all surprised.

"The divine power of the nine-crowned king is unimaginable. It's terrifying to a certain extent. He has been using it all the time, but it doesn't look like his divine power has been exhausted at all!"

"If this were an ordinary Zifu cultivator, I'm afraid his divine power would have been exhausted long ago.""

"Don't talk about the cultivator of the Zifu, even a powerhouse in the mortal realm, can he have such amazing divine power, except for the king who is respected in the same realm, there is basically no!"

Many people were full of admiration and full of admiration for Qin Yuntian. This is definitely a terrible taboo for young people. No one knows how strong he can be, and how strong the divine power storage in his body is.

And, as time went on, more and more people became curious, and all of them didn't know what Qin Yuntian was doing, because they were not there and it was difficult to perceive.

"What is he doing, what is he going to do? Could it be that he tried to repair the bone inscriptions on the skeleton of the real dragon?"

"I don't know, but it is absolutely impossible for the nine-crowned king to do useless work."

"The abilities that such young kings possess are not something I can imagine."

Many people were discussing in whispers.

Qin family, Qin Zhentian has been watching Qin Yuntian present, he said slowly at this moment: "This kid, doesn't he want to use the reincarnation technique to go back in time and check the complete inheritance of the true dragon technique?"

His heart skipped a beat, and he felt that it was a little unlikely. Given Qin Yuntian's current state, he probably couldn't do it. The amount of divine power required to do this was enormous.

He knew that Qin Yuntian mastered the reincarnation art, which was normal. As the head of the Qin family, he naturally knew some of Qin Yuntian's combat power. After all, Qin Yuntian didn't hide it.

Time passed slowly, and the witch who was beside Qin Yuntian was a little sullen at the moment, because during this period, she had tried several times to break through the restrictions Qin Yuntian had set on her.

However, without any accident, all of them failed, and there was absolutely no effect. The restriction set by Qin Yuntian was too strong, she had given up, and she could not break through it at all.

If she insists on breaking through with all her strength, she will be traumatized by then, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

"What the hell is he doing?"

(Li Zhaohao) The beautiful eyes of the witch who made up the sky flickered with dim light from time to time. She didn't know Qin Yuntian, and she didn't know the reincarnation technique that Qin Yuntian mastered, so she didn't know what he was doing.

Time passed quietly, and before you knew it, more than an hour passed.

For more than an hour, Qin Yuntian has been trying to go back in time, wanting to check the complete bone inscriptions.

Now, the divine power in his body is basically close to a state of depletion.

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