Fantasy: Starting from the Nine Crowns

Chapter 13 The Nine Crown King is dead?! (Please subscribe for support!)

The witch who made up the sky was really angry, and her body trembled slightly. She really didn't expect Qin Yuntian to say such a thing.

This bastard first broke into his own divine spring, cut off his advantage, drove her away, and then tried to kill her again, so he had no choice but to come up with this chance.

In general, he obtained the right to use the Shenquan, and also obtained the complete True Dragon Treasure Technique, which she gave to the other party.

As a result, now he said that he would like to thank him for not killing him, she had never seen such a brazen person!

Qin Yuntian stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the witch who made up the sky lightly, and said, "Next, do you want to go together?

He found that although this Heaven-Mending Witch had many tricks, she seemed to be his lucky star and benefited him a lot, so his prejudice against this Sky-Mending Witch at the beginning also changed. 587

For others, this witch is the one who is afraid to avoid it, but for him, this witch can't do anything.

"No need, you have already obtained the True Dragon Treasure Art, and the grievances between us can be settled. You go on your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge! 55

The witch who made up the sky snorted coldly, and then quickly rose into the air and flew away towards the merchant.

She didn't want to stay by Qin Yuntian's side anymore, because she couldn't guess the person's mind at all, she couldn't figure it out at all, she had to leave, or she was the one who was being fooled around!

After watching the bcch woman vacate and leave, Qin Yuntian's expression was very calm and there was no fluctuation.

Qin Yuntian shook his head slightly when he sensed that the Sky-Mending Witch had completely left. The Sky-Mending Witch probably didn't want to see him again.

But it just so happened that he was not going to leave at the moment, but just sat down on the spot and slowly closed his eyes.

Because he has just obtained the True Dragon Treasure Technique and has not yet mastered it, he is ready to master it at this moment.

After a while, the true dragon spirit in his body slowly circled in his open sea, exuding a faint golden light, reflecting his body into golden color, like pouring gold.

His breath is very amazing, like a real dragon dormant, under the surging blood, it is extremely terrifying.

Time passed quietly, and on the other side, the witch who made up the sky rushed out of the cave and quickly rushed out to the outside world, without any nostalgia, and did not want to stay here.

"call out!

She passed through a layer of barrier, which was the barrier that entered the True Dragon Ancient Land Mountain Range before, and left without looking back at this moment.

"Hey! Where's the Nine Crown King?!""

The young Tianjiao, who was guarding here before, saw the witch rushing out of the sky and asked.

However, the witch who made up the sky didn't look at him at all, and disappeared here in an instant.

"So fast, is this an escape, the Nine Crown King, has it been killed by Lord Zhenlongzi?"

The young cultivator was a little puzzled. He saw the attitude of the witch who made up the sky, and Qin Yuntian didn't come out, thinking that he had been killed, and the witch had escaped.

"I thought the Nine Crown King was so powerful, but that's all, he was beheaded by Lord Zhenlongzi!

The young cultivator was a little disdainful, and it was rumored how the Nine Crown King was unrivaled in the world, but now he was not killed by Lord Zhenlongzi, and it was estimated that he was just a guy with a false name.

The next moment, there was reverence in his eyes, and he muttered: "If Lord Zhenlongzi has obtained the inheritance, I don't know if he can become a real dragon.

In his opinion, if the real dragon child can make a complete and ultimate leap and become a real dragon, then the king of nine crowns is nothing at all!

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