“Who asked you to leave?”

Ye Hao’s voice rang in the ears of Feixun, Yucheng and Bai Yege. There was a domineering attitude in his voice, and the disdain of a real dragon looking down on ants.

The next quarter of an hour, Bai Yege suddenly felt his heart tightening, and the hairs all over his body stood up, as if he was being targeted by some ancient evil. The terrifying pressure made him feel a sense of suffocation on the verge of death for no reason.

Looking back, Bai Yege saw Ye Hao’s eyes glowing with bloodthirsty, an evil smile on his face, and a fierce aura, staring at him from a distance.

“Trash from the Immortal Tomb, don’t you want to use my ancient holy body as a corpse refining puppet? I’m right here, don’t run away!” Ye Hao’s mouth curved into a nice curve, and his voice sounded like it was coming from Jiuyou. Rumors came from the ground that the God-killing Spear was firmly locked on Bai Yege.

Bai Yege pursed her lips tightly and frantically pushed the Qiankun under her feet to move the platform, hoping to escape from this place quickly. She didn’t even have time to recall the two zombie-refining puppets at the peak of the God Emperor. How could she dare to respond to Ye Hao?

“Nine-lives Xuan Fei? How many lives do you have?!”

Ye Hao smiled evilly, and the God-killing Spear came out of his hand, instantly sinking into the depths of the void without even causing any fluctuations in the void.


The Qiankun Shifting Platform under Bai Yege’s feet exploded into pieces. Before the God-killing Spear could reach him, the ferocious aura revealed had already made the Qiankun Shifting Platform unable to withstand it, and it exploded into pieces.

Bai Yege groaned, his face turned pale, and blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Ye Hao from a distance and said frantically: “You can’t kill me! Keep this magic gun well. Next time we meet, I will collect it myself!”


Before he finished speaking, the God-killing Spear passed through his eyebrows, and a terrifying killing force erupted, blowing his entire head into pieces on the spot.


Ye Hao was keenly aware that something was wrong. After Bai Yege’s head exploded, the headless corpse that fell from the sky suddenly became different. It was covered with strange textures. The corpse aura was as rich as the sea, exuding ancient energy. There are fluctuations, and there are obscure secrets circulating.

“Substitute corpse puppet?”

Ye Hao was somewhat surprised. This corpse puppet was at least a quasi-sage before it was alive. It was refined through countless secret techniques before it finally took shape. It can prevent any monk under the sage from certain death.

“A mere quasi-saint-level surrogate corpse puppet wants to escape the lock of the God-killing Spear? That’s too naive!”

Ye Hao shook his head slightly, and the God-killing Spear stopped in the void for a moment, and leisurely escaped into the depths of the void, quickly moving away with a boundless killing aura.

A hundred thousand miles away from here, Bai Yege’s figure appeared out of thin air, exhaled a long breath, and said with lingering fear: “What a fierce soldier! If there is no substitute puppet, even my nine-life mysterious fetus will be dead.” It’s hard to withstand that ferocious weapon! It’s just a pity that I have two corpse-refining puppets at the peak of the God Emperor! The layout of this place has been completed, and I will have the opportunity to kill the ancient holy body and seize that ferocious weapon!”

Bai Yege felt regretful, and just when he was about to run away, the panic of being on the verge of death rose again in his heart.

Bai Yege raised his head in horror, and saw the God-killing Spear flashing out of the void with a boundless killing aura, and it was in front of him in an instant.

“Reincarnation of life and death, God will not bury me!”

Bai Yege shouted angrily, and nine grave mounds surrounded by dark clouds appeared behind him. Under each grave mound was buried an ancient clumsy stone coffin that seemed to be real and illusory. The coffin lid was opened, and nine “Bai Ye Ge” with different breaths emerged from the When he opened his eyes in the coffin, every ‘Bai Yege’ was filled with majestic vitality and rich aura of death.

The nine ‘Bai Yege’ in these nine tombs represent the nine reincarnations that Bai Yege’s body has experienced.

The nine figures of ‘Bai Yege’ merged into Bai Yege’s body. Bai Yege’s body surface had dark golden mysterious textures. Every inch of blood and bones contained great power, and his physical body was comparable to that of a quasi-sage.

Immediately afterwards, a seemingly real and illusory sarcophagus appeared around Bai Yege. The sarcophagus was covered with an illusory tomb. The whole person instantly entered a strange state of neither life nor death, and seemed to be transcended from this side of time and space. Got out.

However, how could the ferocity of the God-killing Spear be blocked by such trivial tricks?


The God-killing Spear ignored everything and passed through Bai Yege’s eyebrows domineeringly.

Nine illusory figures that seemed real or illusory flew out of Bai Yege’s body, trying to escape to an unknown place.

These were the nine lives he had gained from nine deaths. Each life was enough to prevent him from a catastrophe. In a critical moment, he could ignore any Taoist attacks and escape back to the immortal tomb, allowing him to use his corpse to be reborn.

However, these nine lives were swept away by the boundless killing aura of the God-killing Spear at the same time, and they fell into nothingness on the spot.


Bai Yege’s consciousness has fallen into darkness forever. Even if he is blessed by the power of nine reincarnations, even if his physical body at this time is comparable to a quasi-sage, even if he still has nine lives, he is still like paper under the God-killing Spear. It’s normal and can’t be stopped at all.

After killing Bai Yege with the God-killing Spear, he sank into the depths of the void again and rushed to another direction with a monstrous killing aura.

Now that the God-killing Spear has taken action, it’s not just Bai Yege who needs to be killed!

In the distance, the stinking blood river exuding the billowing power of the Holy Power was quickly escaping with Concubine Xun. Her face was full of panic. She was completely burning the source of life to stimulate the blood river map to rush on. Get away from Ye Hao as soon as possible.

The fierce power exuded by the God-killing Spear was so great that it could easily crush the Sword Master’s blow. Even if a saint came in person, he might not be able to stop such ferocious soldiers!

She just hopes that Ye Hao will chase the other two instead of chasing her.

Because she understands that she can’t stop it!

Unfortunately, it backfired.


The God-killing Spear flashed out from the depths of the void with a boundless killing aura, piercing through thousands of paths, tearing apart time and space, and instantly arrived in front of Fei Xun.

Fei Xun’s face changed drastically, and she pushed the Blood River Diagram with all her strength to block her front. The smell of evil aura stirred up the world, and the bloody and dazzling holy power spread out in an attempt to block the strike of the God-killing Spear.


The God-killing Spear and the Blood River Map bombarded each other, making a series of roars like the earth was shattering. The fierce and powerful aura rushed straight into the sky, and the power of the shattered rules of the holy way swept across the wilderness.

The smelly blood river encountering the god-killing gun is like a grandson meeting the ancestor. The two sides only stood in a stalemate for a moment, and all the blood, demonic energy, evil spirit, fierce power and other powers contained in the blood river diagram were swallowed up.

The body of the Blood River Diagram appeared again in the void, but there was a large transparent hole in the center of the Blood River Diagram. The original Blood River had long since disappeared, completely turning into a shabby picture, with no trace of the Holy Power left. exist?

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