“What a huge battle!”

Ji Wudao’s figure reappeared in the sky, looking at Yu Ming and the many immortal feather guards in a leisurely manner.

The seven-story holy tower hangs high, with thousands of strands of holy power hanging down, like a colorful light curtain, guarding Yu Ming and many immortal feather guards.

Yu Ming stood at the front, wearing a golden armor, with a smart and winding divine dragon circling around him, and the divine power was mighty.

Not far from him, the three divine emperors’ qi machines were connected.

The vast sky appears above the head of the man with an aquiline nose. The sun and moon shine together, the cloud light changes, and the majesty of the sky dominates the blue sky.

The boundless earth spreads out under the feet of the elegant young people, with mountains and rivers like picturesque, and the vast terrain contains all things.

Behind the girl in the icy blue dress are various aspects of life, including emperors, generals, traffickers and pawns, and the endless world of mortals.

The three great divine emperors formed the Three Immeasurable Formation, perfectly integrating the power of heaven, earth and man, evolving each other, endlessly, and unleashing powerful power comparable to that of a god.

In another direction, the energy of twelve god kings blended together to form the twelve heavenly stems and earthly branches formation.

Behind each god-king, a majestic zodiac sign emerges. The signs of the twelve zodiac signs such as the Rat, the Chou Ox, the Yin Tiger, and the Mao Rabbit all appear vividly, and are surrounded by the figures of Jia Wood, Yi Wood, Bing Fire, etc. The breaths of the five elements evolve and change with each other, vaguely revealing a sense of time passing by.

Yu Ming, the Three Talents Infinite Formation, and the Twelve Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Formation stand in a tripartite form, with each other as horns. They are also guarded by a seven-story holy tower, which can be said to be impregnable.

“Ice Soul Divine Light!”

Seeing Ji Wudao appear, the girl in the icy blue dress shouted loudly, used the Three Talents Infinite Formation to integrate all the power of the three god emperors into her body, raised her bare hands, and shot out a cold and biting blue god. Light.

This blue divine light was made up of hundreds of millions of the tiniest ice crystals, blooming with a clear blue brilliance, freezing all the heaven and earth along the way, and arrived in front of Ji Wudao in the blink of an eye.

“too slow!”

Ji Wudao left a word, and his figure disappeared silently. The ice soul divine light did not even touch his shadow and hit the empty space completely.

Yu Ming and many immortal feather guards once again lost track of Ji Wudao.


A bright pearl flew out of Yu Ming’s Heavenly Spirit Cap, hanging high in the blue sky, blooming with thousands of rays of light, shining into the depths of the void, and faintly filled with strands of holy power.

This is a pearl in the ocean that has been nurtured by quasi-sacred sea oysters for thousands of years. It can break through illusions and reflect the origin. It is a quasi-sacred weapon with special effects.

Under the reflection of the sea pearl, Ji Wudao’s figure appeared vaguely from the depths of the void, and was already close to the twelve zodiac signs of the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

“Be careful!” Yu Ming warned loudly, and at the same time controlled the seven-story holy tower to lower the vast holy power and block Ji Wudao.

Ji Wudao’s figure disappeared out of thin air again.

The Canghai Pearl clearly captured Ji Wudao’s figure, but Ji Wudao’s speed was too fast. They could not lock on Ji Wudao at all. Several attacks fell into the air, which was purely in vain.

Yu Ming’s eyes were as cold as ice and he sneered: “Ji Wudao, can you only avoid it?”

Ji Wudao’s figure reappeared in mid-air, shook his head and said: “You are hiding in this turtle shell, and you still have the nerve to say this? Humph, this turtle shell can’t protect you!”

After finishing speaking, Ji Wudao raised his hand and offered up a crystal clear blood-red magic wheel. On each of the eighteen blade teeth sat a ferocious and ferocious demon head, exuding the monstrous holy power of the devil.

This Hell Magic Wheel is a magic holy weapon. When Ji Wudao killed Shura in the ancient Demon Palace, this was the trophy.

“Chi chi chi…”

The Hell Magic Wheel whirled, and the ancient demon shadows on the eighteen blades overlapped each other, forming eighteen layers of hell behind the Hell Magic Wheel. Countless demon shadows roared into the sky, and the rolling demonic power stirred up the world.


The powerful attack of the Hell Magic Wheel on the seven-story holy tower made a huge roar like the collision of worlds. The colorful holy light and the dark magic light were churning endlessly. The broken rules of the holy way swept across the wilderness and tore the sky apart. There were big dark cracks.

Although the hell magic wheel failed to smash the seven-story holy tower, it also tore countless small cracks in the hanging holy light curtain of the seven-story holy tower.

“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

The Hell Magic Wheel was still bombarding the seven-story holy tower, and Ji Wudao’s figure disappeared again.

“Be careful!”

Yu Ming reminded him, and used all his strength to activate the Pearl of the Sea, blooming with a blazing brilliance comparable to the scorching sun, shining on the nine heavens and ten earth.

The next quarter of an hour, Yu Ming and many immortal feather guards discovered that Ji Wudao actually appeared in the center of the twelve heavenly stems and earthly branch formation formed by the twelve god kings!

Ji Wudao himself is the God of the Void, and he also practiced the Great Void Taoist Sutra.

, and also understood part of the Taoist meaning of the word “empty”. To him, any divine formation is useless.

“The zodiac signs are combined, and the years fly by!”

The young god-king who had the Zishu vision behind him shouted loudly, and the Zishu vision behind him instantly merged into his body.

Their twelve god kings are connected with each other, and the other eleven god kings quickly merge their zodiac signs. A vast aura of the cycle of time circulates around them endlessly, sealing the void, isolating ten thousand ways, and moving towards the center from the outside in. Ji Wudao squeezed crazily.

Not far away, Yu Ming shook his head gently and sneered: “The Void Divine Body is indeed elusive. If it were in the outside world, even I am not sure that I can kill him. Unfortunately, he is too arrogant and dares to break into the Twelve Heavens. The center of the Earthly Branches Formation is simply falling into a trap!”

“Void Singularity!”

Ji Wudao’s voice shook the whole world, and his whole person turned into a black spot, like the starting point of the origin of the universe, and like the only point in the center of a black hole.

This is a great magical power that he learned from the Great Void Dao Sutra. In a short period of time, he turns himself into a void singularity, which can pull and crush the surrounding void. The power is many times more terrifying than the collapse of the void.


Everything around him collapsed uncontrollably towards the spatial singularity formed by Ji Wudao, making bursts of thunderous roars, crushing thousands of things, leaving nothing to escape.

The twelve god kings used the power of the rotation of time emitted by the formation to completely disintegrate before they could get close, and the formation of the twelve heavenly stems and earthly branches collapsed on the spot.

The twelve god kings groaned in unison, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. Some used some kind of secret magic to escape behind, some used quasi-sacred weapons and artifacts to protect themselves, and some followed the collapse. The void was killing Ji Wudao, and the colorful divine rays of light stirred up the world, and the scene was in chaos.

Ji Wudao suddenly appeared in the center of the formation, and with one move he instantly disintegrated the joint efforts of the twelve god kings, allowing them to fight independently.


Among them, three god kings who rushed towards Ji Wudao and two god kings who had not yet had time to escape screamed in agony. Their bodies shattered into pieces between heaven and earth like sand blown by the strong wind. The pure energy of heaven and earth was absorbed and refined by Ji Wudao.

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