A group of heroes from the Vest Association rose up against the police, shouting angrily

"Even if he is an S-level hero, how can he bully people like this? No, he must pay the price!!!"

"Break the bones of Senior Tiger in the Vest, and we will break his bones too! And that bald man in the cloak, they are all the same breed!!!"

"Give me some peace!"

The vegetarian in the vest stopped all the noisy voices with a loud drink. He stood in front of the black hole in the vest and said in a deep voice.

"The black hole in the vest... tell me, did you really persecute that bald cloaked man out of justice?"

Just as the black hole in the vest was about to say something, the vegetarian in the vest immediately interrupted him, pointing at the black vest on his body and said in a deep voice

"Speak to your vest! You have a clear conscience! You did these things for the justice in your heart!"

"I..." Hei Dong's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth slightly, and his voice became smaller and smaller

"What you and your brother did went too far."

Seeing such a vest black hole, the vest vegetarian closed his eyes in disappointment

"The vest gives us the qualifications and power of heroes, but it's not for you to eliminate dissidents! I don't know if that C-level hero, the bald cloaked man, did something wrong, but you and the tiger are using the name of righteousness to bully us. It is absolutely unjust to persecute him!"

"I, I, I..."

Black Hole in the vest turned pale and was speechless, but at this moment, the vegetarian in the vest stepped aside, and behind him, the tall, two-meter-tall, muscular mountain-like man who blocked the light, stood out impressively. It is the Venerable Vest.

"Black Hole, why did you put on this vest? Why did you become a hero?"

The venerable vest did not reprimand the black hole in the vest, but asked in a deep voice

"Do you still remember the oath you made to the vest? This power, the power that the vest brings us, is to eradicate rape and evil, to uphold justice, and not to violate our original intention."

The face of the black hole in the vest was suffocated. Under this questioning, he felt a huge pressure like suffocation.

It is not only from the suffocation of the soul, but also from the suffocation of the body. He felt that the black vest he wore in this world was like a rope around his body, torturing his heart and making him suffocated so that he couldn't tell a single lie.

"...My lord! I was wrong, I, I don't deserve to wear a vest!!!"

Under the torture-like questioning of the Vest Venerable, the vest collapsed on the ground like a black hole, crying like the end of a single episode of Conan, wanting to tear the black vest on his body with his hands.

However, the hand of the venerable vest stopped him, and said in a deep voice

"It doesn't matter if you do something wrong, as long as you have the heart and behavior of repentance! Make up for your mistakes, correct your mistakes, accept your punishment, and regain the vest's trust in you!"

"My lord!!!!"

The black hole in the vest hugged the thigh of the Venerable in the vest and wept bitterly. From the bottom of his heart, he wanted to change himself and win back the trust of the vest.

The Venerable in the vest nodded in satisfaction, patted the shoulder of the black hole in the vest, and then said in a deep voice

"But there is one thing to say, you and the tiger should be punished for making mistakes, but you shouldn't be punished like that. Black hole, the humiliation to you is also a humiliation to the vest, and the atrocities against the tigers are also atrocities against us."

"That man, the weaver. Covering up weirdos, brazenly desecrating his duty as a hero! He needs to correct his behavior, if others don't do it, let me do it!"

The venerable in the vest straightened up, exuding an aura as strong as a mountain.

"My lord, bring us!" the vegetarian in the vest shouted

"The person who attacked us that day may also be a weaver. If you go alone, my lord, you will suffer."

"No, I'm enough alone!" the Venerable in the vest said decisively

"This is an education, not a gangster vendetta! I just went to let him understand his responsibilities and obligations as a hero! Don't interfere, and don't think about revenge or anything."

"I'll make sure he realizes his mistake - and put on the vest!"


ps: ask for tickets every day!

199 40. Flash and Sonic

"Is the weaver... Heh, he really is a straight-talking guy."

In the secret base deep in the mountains, a handsome man with long blond hair, wearing a tight armor that made him look so slender and even enchanting, and holding a slender thin sharp blade chuckled and threw away his phone

His name is Flash Flash, the 13th hero of S class.

He's doing his job right now, not as a hero, but just as a shining individual.

"Don't come here! Don't kill me! I'll give you all my money! We won't find someone to assassinate you in the future!"

A burly man in a black suit fell to the ground and moved his body backwards, pleading in horror to the flashing light in front of him

A drop of blood dripped from the blade of the shining love knife 'Shunshawan', and all around him were human corpses.

Just now, in just ten seconds, Flash personally ended the lives of 136 people.

Heroes shouldn't kill people, it's supposed to be a convention. But as far as Flash is concerned, he has never left behind such things as killing people since he was a child.

Among the S-class heroes, Flash is not only the fastest, but also deserves the number one in the number of kills. Even all other S-class heroes combined cannot match him.

"Makarov, assassinate the last upper-level cadre of the alliance."

Flash casually shook off the blood stains on the love knife, and looked indifferently at the terrified middle-aged man in front of him.

"After killing you, the Assassination Alliance should be disbanded right? Hurry up and end all of this, I'm tired of it."

Ever since he personally slaughtered Ninja Village, which he cultivated with his own hands, a few years ago, Shining Light has been living in the hunt.

At first, it was the black organizations that had connections with Ninja Village. Flash killed them and provoked new organizations to hunt them down. These rats, who have lived in the shadows of human society since the World Wars, hate the nosy Flash.

Their assassinations were endless, but in terms of results, the Shining that survived to the end and almost slaughtered them was undoubtedly the winner.

"You traitor, you..."

Before Makarov could finish screaming, his head fell from a wound so small that it was almost invisible.

Flash calmly put away his favorite knife, maybe there will be such chases, after all, he will also hunt down these mice in the shadows.

Heroes shouldn't be doing the job of killing people, so the flashes are pretty much split. A heroic activity is a heroic activity, and dealing with those rats is another job.

In the shadows, ten jet-black shurikens quietly attacked the back of Shining's head, but Flashing didn't even look at it. His slender right leg kicked high and kicked out Flashing kick like a phantom. .

That split-second thousand-hit kick kicked the ten shurikens back to where the shadow struck, and the ensuing explosion lit up the entire darkened base.

Sonic jumped out of the shadow in embarrassment, looking at the flash with hatred in his eyes

"Who are you……"

Flash looked at Sonic in surprise, he remembered this face, when he massacred Ninja Village, it was the last person he killed.

Because of his young age, Flash couldn't bear to decapitate him. So he was fed a painless poison and let him die in his sleep.

It is one thing not to have the heart to kill a child, but the child from Ren Village has nothing to do with the word innocent.

"Didn't expect it, Flash, I came back from hell!" Sonic clenched the blade tightly and hissed

"That poison didn't kill me, it just made me... stronger!"

"I have received special training in Ninja Village since I was a child, and I have eaten countless poisons. Your poison can't kill me!"

Flash narrowed his eyes and showed a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, it should be that your grades in Ninja Village were at the bottom, so you had no food and had to go hunting in the forest. Unfortunately, there are no normal plants in the forest."

They have also undergone special training from Ninja Village. Shinobi, who graduated with the first grade, is very aware of Ninja Village's inhuman training methods.

Put hundreds of qualified children in the forest, and force them to kill each other or even devour each other by distributing a small amount of supplies, and all the animals and plants in the forest are specially poisonous.

But those poisons will not kill you, they will only make your life worse than death. In a sense, they are also a weapon arsenal for candidates to use.

Sonic's face turned black, Flash was right, he had to eat those poisons because he was at the bottom. So much so that he became a stomach of steel and survived to the end, so the flashing poison couldn't kill him, it just made him have diarrhea...

"Since you are not dead, but you still come to me, it seems that you have made up your mind."

Shining hands rested lightly on the handle of the knife. Although it was okay to let Sonic go, but he came to the door to seek death by himself, so he didn't blame himself.

"Wait!" Sonic reached out his hand to stop the flash, and threw a document over with a cold face

"Let's talk about it after reading this."

Flash took the file with a knife like lightning, his eyes quickly scanned the content above, his face changed slightly

"Is what it says... true?"

"That's right, there were a lot of fellows in Ninja Village who were massacred by you back then who were on missions. Now they gather together and call themselves the 'Nintendo Party'. Under the leadership of 'that lord', they are preparing to make a comeback."

Sonic crossed his arms and said coldly

"Impossible! 'That lord' has already..." Shining's face was very ugly. Although he slaughtered Ninja Village at the beginning, he actually took advantage of it to do this impossible thing.

"Whether you believe it or not, things have already happened." Sonic said lightly

"I came to you to cooperate with you. In any case, 'that lord' is not good news for us 'traitors' who crawled out of Ninja Village. And Shining Light, if you want to die, you can only die by my hands!"

"...You are not qualified to cooperate with me. If you want to cooperate with me, let's talk after you catch up with me."

Flash was silent for a moment, tore up the file, and said coldly

His figure jumped out of the base like a flash of lightning, followed by Sonic, whose speed was several times faster than when he was fighting Saitama.

Under the moonlight, the figures of the two ninjas disappeared into the mountains.


"I have given you enough time, where is your answer to me?"

Sykes looked dissatisfied at the praying hand in front of him. Since the invitation to form an alliance, a full month has passed. The strength of the Weird Association has been assembled, but it has been slow to act.

Leaving aside those low-level eccentrics, they assembled but did not move, and those dragon-level cadres Sykes had to waste time trying to appease them.

Especially that black Qingzi, relying on his special and powerful ability, it can be said that he is the one who won't make her embarrassingly embarrassing.


Mu Feng said softly

"All the triggers are ready, just short of the first shot. I've distracted Flash Flash, who will be followed by the Vest Master and the Sexy Prisoner, and the hungry wolf who will help us draw fire will be from them Two starts."

"What about the trembling tornado? I heard that you provoked her sister. It must be very difficult now."

Sykes showed a schadenfreude smile, and the corners of Mu Feng's mouth twitched, he was really not having a good time now.

Because he bullied her younger sister, Trembling Tornado is now going around saying that he will teach him a lesson. And Mu Feng, who was in a rather bad situation, decisively hid himself under several sub-bases of the Evolution House.

To be honest, he now regrets his impulsive action very much, but it is precisely because of this that he will release this news on purpose.

Trembling Tornado is an uncertain and unstable factor. As one of the few S-level heroes who has shown a real combat power at the level of destroying the country, it is said to be the same level as the protagonist of another ONE teacher's 100% psychic dragon suit. Ability, leaving the tornado alone is obviously causing serious uncertainty to the plan.

"On your side, are there any cadres who can deal with Tornado?"

"Huh?" Sykes narrowed her eyes, she was smart and immediately understood the meaning of Mu Feng's words, she thought for a moment, then said softly

"Hei Qingzi should be able to deal with the tornado, but I don't want to waste it on it. Pochi and Natural Water's IQ is not enough, and Hero Meow's ability and compatibility are not enough..."

One of the stupidest things the Heroes Association has ever done is to publicize all their moves and abilities in order to promote the popularity of heroes, with no sense of secrecy at all.

Hungry Wolf can easily find out the weaknesses of the heroes who besiege him with a book of heroes for children, and Sykes can naturally formulate their opponents through the characteristics of S-level heroes.

For example, Black Aoko and Atomic Samurai can be said to be the most restrained couple. In addition, they are specially aimed at the ugly president of Sweetheart Mask, the hero of Banggu, and the crispy meow like Tongdi... …

In the original book, the Monster Association can beat the Hero Association so badly, maybe there is a reason for this.

"Let Elder Centipede come." Mu Feng said lightly

"Anyway, the task you originally assigned to Elder Centipede is probably to destroy the city to attract attention. Let you kidnap the capitalists behind the association."

"No problem." Sykes thought for a moment, then nodded slightly

"Elder Centipede will help you when you need it—but let me remind you first, Elder Centipede is not as easy-talking as I am..."

"Three days later, I will submit an answer sheet that you want to see."

Mu Feng crossed his hands and smiled.

"Let the tragic song of the hero's doom begin to play three days later!"


ps: ask for tickets every day! ! !

ps2: By the way, there are so many plots and strengths in the reset version, especially the tornado... I have to strengthen other villains now, otherwise it is not enough to watch, oh yes, there is also the suspected 'God' that appeared in the new volume Thing, I have a premonition that my outline will be torn...

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