After destroying Olali's strong city wall, Ymir stopped. After all, her physical strength was no longer able to support her to continue working.

And Ragiya's advance officers didn't seem to have the idea of ​​taking advantage of the victory to pursue them. They just beat out more than 50 Wugou giants in one go, and then retreated.

Even so, this is still a huge problem.

The existence of more than fifty innocent giants is enough to cause a huge chaos in Orario now that a huge opening has been opened in the city wall.

But fortunately, someone finally took over all of this.

"Scatter, filthy evil thing!!!"

The believers of the Holy Light headed by Bell Craney showed their great strength and the greatness of the Holy Light. They exist not only as powerful doctors, but also as a force to punish the evil.

Under the leadership of Bell, the newly-promoted paladins wiped out the more than 50 innocent giants on the premise of minimizing damage. These twisted and brainless monstrosities were not a big problem to clean up.

No one would have any objection to the fact that Bell is faintly becoming the leader of the adventurers in Olaline.

His strength and deeds are fully worthy of this title - especially in the absence of the two major families that should have played this role.

Yes, after this opening battle, whether it is a mortal or a god, the biggest question they make is——

"Where did Loki and Freya go?!"

It was a confused question filled with panic and anger—where did the two families who were supposed to be the most active protectors in this war go?

Although Olalie has never had a rule that the strong must protect the weak, or that the powerful family members must stand up when foreign enemies invade. But this matter is not a rule at all, but a 'reason' that is deeply rooted in people's hearts and does not need to be emphasized.

If the family members at the head did not protect Olalie as representatives, then why did they obtain such a transcendent status?

But no matter how they questioned, they never got any answers.

The Twilight Pavilion to which the Loki family belonged was empty, and the Freya family disappeared without a trace in Olarie.

Many people maliciously speculated that the two families had abandoned Olali and fled, but the guild kept silent on this.

escape? That is of course impossible, not to mention the two major families themselves, but their gods... have always been in the Tower of Babel.

"I have said long ago that your intention to develop Orario into a broadly grouped army is a wrong decision."

In the hall of the main god of the guild, Mu Feng looked at the magic mirror showing today's battle situation, and shrugged unsurprisingly.

This is not an afterthought, but a warning that Mu Feng had raised long ago—Oulali's development scale itself is not suitable for large-scale popularization and strengthening policies.

Even though there are today's powerful guilds that combine the forces within Orario, it is still a group of Orarios composed of families, and the cohesion and centripetal force cannot be compared with the country at all.

Even the city-states in ancient Greece were more united than Olali. In essence, this is a loosely structured organization formed by a group of gang-like organizations united together.

But this kind of Olali is not useless, they are obviously more suitable for the strength of a strong individual than the quality of a broad and powerful army.

This is also the purpose of Mu Feng's customized 'dungeon' for them a long time ago, to focus on strengthening their individual adventurers by endowing them with bloodlines and props, and then to achieve the balance of the three parties.

Now it seems that this purpose may be in vain.

It should be said that the feedback given to the Ragia Empire by the god of war who has received the bonus is really too strong, and the arrogance of the army under his command is really beyond the line.

Even if arrogance is trying to delay the Ragia Empire as much as possible, it is always difficult to do it too clearly. Moreover, the Gods of War also have a share in the control of the Ragia Empire's army.

On the other hand, on Olalie's side, there are not many individuals with extraordinary powers, and most of these guys are incompetent.

If this is the case, then there may be no suspense at all in the war between Olali and Lagia.

Lose, and it will be very ugly.

"You are an afterthought here! Didn't you do all of this?" Loki shot back very rudely.

"Help me if you need any help! Otherwise, Olali will be trampled down by those lunatics from Ares, and we will take your ashes away!"

"Our family members are inconvenient to take action after all." Freya said faintly, turning the wine glass

"Although it is enough to intervene in the war between Ragia and Orari, it is not appropriate. Our power should be reserved for the last scene."

"Since you're here, you should already have a solution."

Uranus, who had been silent for a long time, spoke slowly

"The outcome of this war must be temporarily concluded at the expense of both sides being hurt. Only in this way can the last party appear at the right time and end this battle of the gods."

Mu Feng crossed his fingers, narrowed his eyes and said

"I do have a solution. I can quickly create a group of fighters that can be compared with the army of the Ragia Empire. But... we still have to let Orari, or Bell Cranney, taste the taste of failure first."

"Only after tasting the bloody and bitter taste of failure, will he understand how to write the words "unscrupulous and unscrupulous."


At night, Bell, who had finished all the work, sat on the city wall, watching the huge gap that had turned into ruins, and those miserable refugees, and fell into a long silence.

"Hey Bell, how did you get up so high!"

Hestia climbed up with sex, threw herself into Bell's arms and said with a smile

"Master God..." Bell hugged the young God in his arms, and murmured in a low voice

"Why did all this become like this?"

Bell thought that his hero story should be traditional, the hero challenges monsters, meets girls, and then lives happily, such a poor and boring result.

But now it seems that even along the way, there may be far more "people" who died in Bell's hands than monsters.

Why do humans start wars?

Bell actually knew the answer to this question. When he was in Stormwind City, he had seen how a captured orc revealed their motives under torture.

To survive.

Draenor, the hometown of orcs, became difficult to survive under the pollution of fel energy. The elements no longer responded to them, the spirits of the ancestors abandoned them, and everything naturally withered. After Draenor became a world of death, what was left to Orcs have few options.

Invade other worlds and survive!

This answer may sound high-sounding, but Lothar can veto it bluntly—the orcs' madness is what they asked for, they drank the blood of the devil, it was their own choice, and they didn't cherish their own homeland Letting it be destroyed is not the reason why they can invade other people's homes.

So in Bell's view, the purpose of the war is nothing more than to seize something.

Whether it is resources for survival, powerful spells, powerful artifacts, beautiful girls who overwhelm the country, or even some insignificant things can become a reason for war.

The important thing is that I don't have it and you have it, the important thing is that greed never ends and war... never changes.

"I used to think O'Larry wouldn't be like this." Bell hugged Hestia, and whispered under the starry sky

"I thought this city wouldn't have encountered such a terrible disaster earlier, war...Why did they want to start a war under the crown of Ares? They don't actually need to plunder anything in Orario, do they?"

Yes, the Lagia Empire has a vast territory and rich resources, and it is impossible for Orari to match it in all aspects. If we have to talk about resources, probably only the dungeon under the Tower of Babel is considered.

So what is the reason for launching such an inhumane war rashly? Moreover, Bell also heard that Lagia used to attack Olalie every year. He didn't understand why Ares would do this.

"Because our nature is like this." Hestia said softly

"We descended from the heavens, and we condensed and created mortal bodies for ourselves, but our nature in the heavens remains the same. Hephaestus loves forging, Mihe loves making medicine, Soma is devoted to brewing wine, and Ares ... longing for war."

"Bell, you asked me why Ares wanted to attack Olalie. There are countless reasons, but the only real one is--Aris' nature is like this."

"He is the god of war, and so are his allies. War is engraved deep in their bones. It is even the instinct of their birth."

It was the first time I heard Hestia talk about the secret of their gods, Bell listened very seriously

"Then, my lord, what exactly is life in the heavenly world?"

"What kind of..." Hestia was stunned for a moment, narrowing his eyes, revealing a confused and reminiscing expression

"That's probably... an endless emptiness."

They are gods, they are powerful life forms at a level higher than mortal things—but unfortunately, they don't have the emotions and thinking to match this power.

Omnipotence, or relative omnipotence, leaves them utterly empty. He is clearly a god but has an emotional logic close to that of a mortal. After a long time, all that remains is emptiness.

But what's ridiculous is that they should have lived a completely different life when they descended to the lower realm as mortals, but including Hestia, they unconsciously revealed their true nature.

Like Ares, he came to the mortal world because of poverty and boredom, but he tried his best to change back to his heavenly self in the mortal world.

As a god, he longs for a human being, but as a human being, he wants to become a god again. It is indeed contradictory and bad, empty...and ridiculous.

"War never changes." Bell laughed at himself


The long and ethereal sound of the horn pierced the sky, causing tearing vibrations in the restless air.

The sound came from a horn made of bones. It was undoubtedly bad as an instrument, but the meaning he conveyed was simple and straightforward.

War, death, slaughter!

Bell stood up suddenly, he couldn't see anything, but he felt the will from the other side of the horizon.

Scarlet's death is approaching.


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets at the third watch

Chapter 109. Dance of the Blood Gods

In a trance, it seems that a thousand years have passed, and it seems like a fleeting gap.

Occasionally, Kahn would also have such a strange illusion. After intermittently calming down his boundless anger and bloodthirsty, he would be very puzzled-what kind of strange reincarnation did he fall into?

I don't know the length of time, I don't know what it is, I don't know where I am, I don't know... how much I killed.

This confused emotion would often usurp his heart like a demon's palm, bring him great panic, and then... make him even crazier.

He is Kahn Crozo, he is the champion chosen by the Blood God! He is a bloodthirsty man, a seed of destruction, a genocide, a ruthless butcher, and a messenger of the God of War's will in the mortal world!

Yes, only in the killing can he be satisfied, only in the killing can he prove his loyalty!

All things are born to support people, people have nothing to repay the sky, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill! ! ! !

Only killing and death, bringing war and bloodshed can repay God. Only by performing natural selection can you prove yourself and dedicate your loyalty to God!

This is the unique philosophy that belongs to Kahn, and even belongs to these countless gods and families-the study of loyalty!

At dawn, the low pressure on the grassland brought people an uncomfortable feeling, but what was even more uncomfortable was undoubtedly an army at the end of the grassland.

Even in the darkest moment, the fluttering eight-pointed star flag exudes a disturbing bloody radiance. Even after the heavy rain, there is still a lingering bloody smell here.

The restless steel bulls pawed the ground with their hooves, kicked up the soil, and left bloody hooves in it.

This army that first arrived under Orario belonged to the Legion of the Blessed directly under the Alliance of God of War.

In fact, they can't be called a legion - they are all elites, they are a group of people who have won the joy and blessing of the gods with their battles for the blood and bones of the enemy in the wars over the years.

The best of them have received the in-depth transformation work carried out by the Mechanicus, and the infusion of a large amount of divine blood, making each of them the best of the best.

But they can never be called an army like this.

"Kane!!! Don't dawdle!!!"

With a voice of extreme anger and bloodthirsty, what stabbed at Kahn was a scarlet spear covered with creepy spikes, the terrifying tortured spear known as the 'Cursed Lady' pierced Kahn En's head didn't look like a warning at all.

"Aljana, I am your commander!"

Kahn suppressed his anger and bloodthirsty as much as possible, but still responded with an incomparably obvious rage and roar. The roaring chain saw ax pushed aside the stabbing of the long spear, and slashed down at the woman fiercely.

Aljana, the woman with the title of Bride of the Blood God, is the number one member of the Scarlet Valkyrie Army, the number one follower of Kali, the God of Destruction and Blood.

She was wearing a thick and close-fitting brass armor, covered with spikes and molten flames, a large number of severed heads hung from her waist, and her long scarlet hair was tied in knots behind her head. There is a brass bell hanging from the hair knot.

This is a symbol of their exploits, and whenever these warthirsty lunatics win a war, they will hang a brass bell in their hair, using the enemy's finger bone as a pendulum, and the bloodthirsty crazy The female warrior brings awe-inspiring fear to the enemy when she acts.

The Scarlet Valkyrie, or as their enemies prefer to call them-the Scarlet Bride, this group of the most warlike and bloodthirsty Amazon warriors strengthened and blessed death troops, is Kali's most proud direct troops.

Their existence demonstrates the ultimate meaning of the 'female boxing' - to kill all the men is the real female boxing!

Of course, they don't mind getting rid of those weak women on the way to kill. This is their philosophy, their devotion, the weak and incompetent do not deserve to live!

"Shut your mouths!"

A deep and icy voice sounded above the heads of the two people who were at war with swords. A blood-colored angel descended with wings made of brass blades flapping, holding a huge bell staff, and the terrifying bell echoed in the swing.

Kali's other bride of the blood god, who is also the spokesperson of the gods of war, the "skull angel" Bache came coldly.

In her hand she held the great bell staff made of the skulls of dragons, and in her left hand the rites woven of the skins of the mightiest of enemies. Forged by arrogance, it is a symbol of its watchful authority.

Yes, as I said before, the reason why this group of guys can't be called an 'army' is because they don't look like an army at all.

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