Kahn Crozo, at this moment, has become an existence that can be called a demon in any world.

"This is the last supreme blessing, Kahn Crozo, enjoy the joy of being the first person to become a demon."

He laughed arrogantly in a low voice, while Kahn let out a roar of extreme anger and madness, his eyes full of desire for destruction seemed to have no reason left.

With all power, these costly gifts come with an accompaniment called a price. To gain power is to pay a price, and to pay a price to gain power is fair to you.

Ares's sharp and wild laughter pierced the world of his own thinking and spread across the battlefield. He didn't care at all that his god o gave birth to a demon. It's better to say that he likes Kahn's current appearance very much!

"From now on, you are my world-swallowing war dog!"

Kahn roared and waved the fire whip in his hand, and the slender and burning whip hit those light casters, tearing three light casters at once!

Even Aljana, who was fighting with these Lightcasters, was nearly beaten to death by Kahn, but she obviously had no room to complain or fight back.

The same portal also opened behind her and Baqie.

Without any inquiry or notification, Carly's divine power was refracted on the two of them through the Reality Stone. The huge power was like magic with magnetism, instantly fusing them together!

Never lose to the bastard Ares! That's Carly's only thought!

Since she used her own power to create a demon of her own, Carly wants to too!

Lightning mingled with Bache and Aljana's bodies. Amid the painful roars and screams, their bodies were fused together and turned into a huge and distorted monster!

The two heads are the heads of crazily screaming wolves, each of the four scarlet and spiked arms holds a huge weapon, and four pairs of broken bloody wings flap behind them.

At the cost of sacrificing her two most powerful and beloved children, Carly created her own demon

"Go, destroy everything, my blood angel!!!"

Carly's sharp laughter reverberated in the realm of thinking and reality, and in the painful lamentation and angry roar, this two-headed monster also exuded a breath of despair.

"Children of the Holy Light, what should we do?"

Gathered around Bell, those Lightcasters asked desperately but piously

"Just wait, just wait quietly." Bell's golden pupils reflected Olalie, and he even put down his silver hand, just said lightly

"The prophecy is about to come true. Our era is about to come."


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day

Chapter 119. Destruction of the world

In the Scarlet Capital, a carnival party is unfolding.

The gods of war headed by Ares are holding a banquet here in a state of incomparable freedom and ecstasy.

Clinking wine and dancing, especially when the captured gods were tied up, these gods of war became even happier.

why happy? Because Orario is about to be destroyed!

The city of the gods, the city built by Uranus to accommodate their gods, is proof of their failure in the eyes of the gods of war.

There is no city that cannot be broken, and there should not be such a place that mocks and despises the nature of war.

Every God of War has the ultimate goal of breaking through Olalie and destroying the entire game experience of his friends. In a sense, this is actually quite detrimental to others.

But the gods of war don't care, after all, the nature of war is often at the expense of others. Do you need a real reason to kill someone and start a war?

"Come, come, have a drink with us!!!"

Ares, who was carnivally holding Somo's divine wine, took Jianyulei over, his handsome face was red with joy, and put the wine glass directly into Jianyulei's mouth

"You have done so many evil deeds, is it just to laugh at us?" Jian Yulei did not take the wine glass, but said coldly

"You are also God of War, Jian Yulei, don't you understand?"

Carly looked at the serious Jianyu Leishen mockingly, and smiled maliciously

"That's right, you are more of a God of Thunder. Although you have received the position of God of War, you are not an orthodox God of War—even if that is the case, you should understand why we started the war."

To prove yourself right, to show your true nature.

As the God of War, it is only natural to start a war. Just like Freya and Ista are gods of love, it is only natural for them to use their understanding of love and light to all things.

Trying to find a suitable excuse for their evil deeds from the gods is tantamount to asking for shame. If you start a war, you start it, and if you kill thousands, you kill it. It is even more wishful thinking to condemn God with morality.

Do you pay attention to the morality of your toys and the human rights of your dolls, and do you have to give toys a holiday regularly?

What does it have to do with you to destroy you?

"Hahahahaha, Pride, you're here! Come, come, I'll be waiting for you!"

The joyful Ares saw their biggest project, came arrogantly, and immediately greeted him with a big smile, stopped the arrogant and huge body and laughed.

"You are our number one hero, my casting general! Don't worry, the next world will be ruled by you!"

What Ares said was sincere, and this god of war rarely lied. Arrogantly glanced at him, and said quietly

"A world at war all the time?"

"Of course! Isn't that beautiful?"

Looking at Ares's sincere eyes of course, he was arrogant and silent for a moment, took the divine wine, and raised the cup to the gods of war

"My lords are my good teachers and helpful friends."

Pride said in a low and slow voice

"You have taught me a lot, and you have also helped me a lot. With your help, I understand the deeper knowledge of psionics—the world of thinking, and your strength has also helped me analyze the Stone of Reality the power of."

"Everyone's divine blood, the physical carrier that contains your great power has also given me countless inspirations—thinking about it, we have also found the next step of genetic ascension."

"It can be said that relying on everyone, I have already promoted the two crucial abilities of Mufeng! It's a pity that the time is too short to stay here to continue to promote the further development of mechanical technology."

"What a pity!"

Jian Yulei's expression was a bit strange, because what this guy said sounded like he was saying goodbye

He arrogantly raised his head and drank the divine wine in his hand. Although he must expel the liquid after ingesting it with his mechanical body, he was still very unwilling to destroy the final atmosphere.

As Arrogant said, the gods of war helped him a lot, with the initial research on the blood of the gods and the family, then a deeper understanding of the power of the gods, and the use of their thinking to link STEM devices, and finally the technology perfected by the Stone of Reality.

For him, these gods of war are indeed worthy of the title of good teachers and helpful friends!

But unfortunately...

"There is no banquet that lasts forever, everyone, it seems that the next thing is a farewell."

Arrogance let go of his hand, let the gorgeous glass fall to the ground and shattered, and said softly

The next moment, an incomparably clear dragon roar spread throughout the Scarlet City!

The roar of the dragon came from far to near, with an incomparably powerful momentum, and the roar of the dragons, and the sound of the dragon's roar was no stranger to many gods who came to the ground a long time ago.

"One-eyed black dragon?!" Some expressions showed a look of astonishment.

"It seems that the last of the three challenges has been staying in the Dragon Valley." Arrogant smiled

He glanced back at the gods o, and waved his hand lightly

"Then, farewell, everybody."

He stepped into the portal in front of him, and reappeared on a dry and dead mountain outside the scarlet capital.

In the east, a group of giant dragons flapping their wings and covering the sky and the sun are roaring and flying in this direction.

They swallowed flames, their scales were as strong as steel, filled with the will of the dark dungeon—black blessings filled their bodies.

These are all ancient monsters

Only monsters that were born in the long past, survived for a long time, and finally received the blessing of the dungeon can show such a posture. Just like the ancient black dragon, these monsters are not afraid of any divine power, and have the characteristic of devouring gods to obtain part of their divine power.

They are the monsters created by the dungeon to hunt the gods, and the number of ancient species appearing there now is three digits at least.

Most of the military forces in the Scarlet City were dispatched by this group of crazy war gods. This kind of action seemed suicidal to a normal ruler, and these gods did it mercilessly.

However, even if the scarlet capital is well-prepared, it is probably not the opponent of these monsters.

"You just sold your god?"

Loki's voice sounded from the back of his haughty head, he didn't turn his head, he just said calmly

"They are already in negative equity, not only have no value but will drag me down. If this is the case, property division is also an inevitable choice."

The existence of God of War has helped Mu Feng a lot, but it is undeniable that when all this has been settled, these crazy gods have become no longer valuable, and even bring about weakening benefits.

The brains of God of War are not suitable to exist as serial servers, these naturally crazy gods will not follow Mu Feng's instructions at all.

What's more, one of the conditions for negotiating with Uranus is to send all these gods of war to the sky "reasonably and legally", so as to ensure that when the civilization of the land is rebuilt in the future, these guys who destroy the progress will not pop up.

The establishment of the God of War Alliance to attract these Gods of War is not only to strengthen Ragia, but also to catch them all at the right time.

This country, these gods, all of this is meaningless, just like the soon-to-be-destroyed Olalie, it's just tears in the rain.

"And, Your Majesty Loki, I have never admitted that I believe in or worship any gods."

Arrogant turned around and looked at Loki, as well as the family members behind him, and said lightly

"Wow, what a scary guy..." Loki shrugged and said bluntly

"Then don't think about going back on what you promised us!"

"Don't worry, Lord Riveria's rebirth has been put on the agenda. His Majesty Uranus will allow everyone who 'saves the world' to make a small request after that. For you, reshaping the body of the Nine Demon Princess, It's not difficult."

Arrogant glanced at the heavily armed Sword Fairy, and said softly

"We may have many opportunities to cooperate in the future, but... everyone, please play the role of savior."

At the end of the Eastern Continent, on the other side of the horizon, dark despair is gradually approaching.

Those are the wings that cover the sky and the sun. The one-eyed black dragon is gnawing at the root of the world. The oldest and most powerful monster in the dungeon is flying towards countless despairs sweeping the earth.

Several countries along the way were completely destroyed by the one-eyed black dragon and the wave of monsters that followed. They were like a strong wind passing through the country, without any so-called malice, just touching them would bring destruction.

Under the wings, everything is reduced to ashes.

And the same disaster is spreading to every corner of the earth, there are not only three dungeons, but only three. But when it comes to the final moment, terrifying beasts can emerge from every corner of this land.

The mother who gave birth to everything in this world has finally made up her mind to expel these viruses called god-o. In this large-scale 'chemotherapy', she will inevitably suffer severe injuries, and as for the ordinary cells that are affected and die, that is also the case. It was no longer in her consideration.

Ai Si's expression suddenly became extremely excited, she already felt the approach of the ancient enemy who killed her father and mother, the one-eyed black dragon, and the final poisonous snake!

She must kill the beast herself, avenge her parents, and make a complete farewell to her past!

"Okay, then I won't disturb you all." Arrogantly glanced at Ai Si, bowed slightly, opened the portal and left.

The roaring scarlet city is heading for destruction under the siege and breath of countless pitch-black dragons. Countless brilliance flies high into the sky and returns to the heavens. The crazy war gods finally proved the end of their own nature at their craziest moment.

The wave of annihilation has begun.


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day

The Final Chapter: Annihilation and a New Reincarnation

The Tower of Babel standing in the center of Orario was once the greatest building in everyone's mind.

This huge tower that seems to have no top in sight and goes straight into the sky has a height that does not conform to physics. It just exists there, and it feels like its own weight will crush it.

Of course, due to the power of Uranus and the skill of Daedalus, no collapse accidents have occurred in this tower.

But... only in the past.

The towering Tower of Babel is now shaking violently.

The entire Tower of God is collapsing, because the ground under its feet is shaking constantly, and the divine power of Uranus attached to it is also collapsing.

The building debris falling from the sky destroyed Olali's house like a meteorite, and the towering sky tower in the past became the worst weapon because of its height.

"So, the house should not be built too high."

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