The meanings of the four spokespersons are similar to those of Mu Feng. Their focus is on solving the terrifying big lizard. As for the weapons of the aliens - that can only be resolved later.

Of course, unless the President of the Bald Eagle can authorize them to allow the four alien robots to carry out beyond-the-horizon strikes, otherwise there will be no discussion!

This is where the joke is ridiculous. It is impossible for any president to agree to such absurd orders as allowing other countries to drop nuclear bombs on their heads.

"Then, gentlemen, let us turn our attention to the battles that really matter."

Ignoring the pissed-off lady Ah San, Mu Feng said lightly


"...the smell of oranges."

Fang Shan in the Nightingale cabin suddenly said:

It is impossible for Fang Shan to smell such a smell by maximizing the control of this super-giant mobile suit through the Alaya consciousness system and the Secumu system, which are directly linked to the brain nerves.

Not to mention that his sense of smell has long been deprived in multiple transformations. In reality, he can only manipulate and perceive everything around him through his brain.

But it's just perception, he can't taste anything, and he can't feel the warmth of those realities.

Fang Shan quickly remembered the source of this smell. In his memory, which had become very vague, it was when he went to the battlefield for the first time.

Wearing the RX01 power armor given by the boss, he rushed into the occupied city like a bull. The turning point in his life was also the beginning of his murderous career.

At that time, what permeated the power armor was the orange-scented air freshener.

No wonder he remembered the taste so fresh, so... unpleasant.

He turned his head slightly, and the miserable green vortex was still like a sleepless natural disaster, biting tightly behind his back.

There is no extra emotion, even if he witnessed this monster killing tens of thousands of lives, his heart is still calm.

After all, at its root, if he didn't want to, this almost completely mechanized body wouldn't be able to produce the hormones that could fluctuate emotions.

Honestly, is he even human? If it is the consciousness and the soul that determine the human being, then the self who has changed the body, uploaded the consciousness, and only retained a brain in this cold machine should not be considered a human being.

Reality is on the other side of the dream, but is it a dream on the other side of reality?

Although her mind was in a trance, the pre-set movements had already been completed. Under the flexibility brought by the thrusters all over her body, the gigantic Nightingale suddenly turned around and fired another mega particle cannon in the direction of Galakrond!

The pink light beam shot at the miserable green evil fire again, and then distorted and dispersed.

Galakrond was completely unable to be harmed by particle beam attacks.

The father of the dragon, who was completely angry, frantically extracted the power of the Eye of Sargeras in his body, and the huge chaotic energy had been completely materialized beside him, forming an absolute chaotic position covering his body.

Such power is born to be the natural enemy of arcane arts.

And all the energies born from the basic and basic laws of physics, whether it's explosions, flames, magic, or technology, are actually all in the ranks of 'arcane' in general.

Arcane art is not magic, it is not reciting spells, and it is not the end of fairy tales, but the catalyst for the birth of the foundation and the basic order of the universe. On the contrary, evil energy is pure chaos, an energy that disrupts all order and makes it variable.

Order and chaos, there is no difference between the two, they are mutually reinforcing, and the final comparison is just a question of the total amount.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy to expect pure technological power to kill Galakrond, unless this power can be greater than Galakrond, or greater than the Eye of Sargeras in his body.

Witnessing that the MEGA particle cannon was once again distorted and scattered by Galakrond's position, Mu Feng explained to the spokespersons on the other side of the meeting without any panic.

"It is very likely that there is an energy furnace with extremely high power amplifier and reserves in the body of target 'X', which can interfere with certain normal physical phenomena around by releasing this special energy—this is why conventional communication fails, conventional power Fighter planes can't even fly around it."

"The essential reason why the body equipped with the Minovsky particle furnace can be used normally is that the rice furnace continuously neutralizes the impact through the fusion released by the Mie particles-but even so, if the position is strong enough, the machine equipped with the Mi The output of the body of the furnace will also be greatly reduced."

Mu Feng took a sip of the divine wine and made a conclusion

"So if we want to kill this monster, we must maximize the energy furnace in his body to release energy and form a position around him. According to my observation, there will be a certain vacuum period in 'X' after consuming part of the energy. At that time, it will often choose to evacuate from the scene of destruction——and that time is when he is the weakest as a monster that can hardly be killed, and that is when I kill him!"

"Then we can kill this monster without relying on your Genesis?" The spokesperson of the surrendered country frowned.

"The existence of Genesis is the ultimate insurance. It would be best if he could be killed in the Pacific Ocean——Okay, everyone, prepare to unlock your nuclear bomb security codes."

"It's time to set off the most beautiful fireworks in the world!"

47. Today, I am above Amuro!

As a bait, Fang Shan has a sufficient understanding and awareness of his responsibilities and work.

He is the bait, the bait on the hook to lure this gigantic monster into the trap, and let the father of the dragon go to death. As for him, it would be best if he could escape from birth, but if he couldn't escape, that would be the only way to go.

The boss had promised him before carrying out the task that this would be his last job, and after it was done, he would be entitled to live in a beautiful dream forever.

Of course, the boss also said that if he dies, he will live in that kind of paradise.

The difference is only whether he has a real body that can be transformed, but to be honest, the answer to this choice is the same for Fang Shan.

If it is said that death or non-death can realize dreams, then whether it is the death flag is not so important.

However, Fang Shan always took this as a joke. After all, if he was turned into ashes, how could he who had lost his carrier enter the fantasy world?

He doesn't know, just like he doesn't know what his boss is at all, maybe he can do it, maybe he's just lying to himself, but in the end he doesn't have any right to choose.

Didi Didi~~~~

The red voice in his head called Fang Shan back from his stupor, and he also realized that his last daze was over.

It's time to complete what is most likely the last task in your life!

The roaring Galakrond's speed had slowed down quite a bit. After frantically burning the evil energy for a while, the father of the dragon seemed to regain a little sanity for a short time.

There was absolutely no need for him to waste time on such a fast-running but tough red crab.

Just when Galakrond was about to open the portal and run away with the little reason left in his mind, Nightingale suddenly turned a corner in front of him.

It was an elevation angle of 90 degrees, a perfect arc soaring, and two beam sabers were suddenly pulled out with both hands, charging towards Galakrond like an indomitable dragon slaying warrior!

But Galakrond just flapped his wings, and countless meteors of evil fire fell on the scarlet nightingale like raindrops.

"The overloading of the Alaya Consciousness System has begun! The release of the N.T.D system has been maximized! Start injecting high-concentration evolutionary factors!"

"I see, I see it all! I see it all!"

With a cold feeling spreading in the brain, everything in front of Fang Shan became extremely slow, and the injection of biotechnology from the three Gundam worlds made his technology even based on Amuro at this moment!

The evil fire meteor shower that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be an intensive bombardment that was impossible to avoid, but his high-speed thinking still allowed him to quickly find that chance of survival.

Amidst the evil fire meteors that came rushing like ocean waves, the red comet transformed into Nightingale moved swiftly, shuttling between every attack in a way that almost defied physics!

Mechanized mind + thinking acceleration + adjustment and transformation made Fang Shan's reaction speed completely surpass the limit of human beings.

But even so, it was just a bait.

As if piercing through a heavy rain without getting wet, Nightingale passed through the evil fire meteor of the cheat book and rushed to the front of Galakrond. Forty-two floating drones flew out from under the skirt in an instant!

But he didn't unleash a floating cannon strike on Galakrond, because that would be pointless - what he was going to do was the ultimate insult to the Dragonfather.

Forty-two floating drones formed a protective I position beside Nightingale, which also allowed him to pass through the thick wave of fel energy, approaching Galakrond's body amidst the alarm of frenzied erosion!

He raised the beam saber in his hand high, and slashed fiercely on Galakrond's head a few times.

It doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely insulting.

Galakrond, who was insulted in this way, once again fell into irrational rage, and more and more raging evil energy bloomed uncontrollably on him! ! !

The sea under his wings gradually spread from azure blue to miserable green. Now even if he just flies across the ocean, Galakrond can bring these pollutions to the whole world.

The frenzied and rapid sirens in the machine were heard endlessly, and this frenzied chaotic energy was disrupting and destroying most of Nightingale's internal mechanical structures and even the operation of the rice furnace!

The more sophisticated and powerful the instrument, the greater the damage caused by falling into the chaotic direction of fel energy.

Fang Shan narrowly avoided Galakrond's angry dragon's breath, stepped on the pedal to the limit, and the whole Nightingale turned into a red meteor soaring into the sky!

He broke through the clouds and rushed to the sky. Above the sea of ​​clouds, he saw the Kunpeng approaching in the distance, and the whole Nightingale almost came to a standstill.

Fang Shan let out a long breath, and outside the area outside the influence of Galakrond, the communication with the Kunpeng was finally connected.

"Good job, Lao Shan!" The first to speak in his ear was Mu Shang

"It seems that you don't need our troops to increase. I thought you would die here."

Although Fang Shan has already made up his mind to die, it doesn't mean he wants to die here

"Be careful, things may change at any time—" Fang Shan said in a low voice, he didn't leave, he didn't even go to the Kunpeng for repairs

His work was not yet done, the final task of seeing the father of dragons die.

Below, Galakrond's extremely angry roar resounded more and more through the sky, and it was completely immersed in irregular rage, destroying everything around it indiscriminately.

Like a child throwing a tantrum—or so it is, the nature of chaos is lawlessness and omnipotence!

"This is probably the most spectacular scene in human history."

Fang Shan stared at the ballistic intercontinental missiles at the end of the sea of ​​clouds that flew into the sky like Hou Yi's sun-killing arrows, tore up the white clouds, and then calibrated each other.

And that was just the beginning, just the first one. Next, the intercontinental ballistic missile suddenly took off like a rain of arrows!

In human history so far, there has never been such a spectacular scene, the explosion of dozens of nuclear weapons.

Galakrond, who was still wantonly venting his anger and madness on the surface of the sea, suddenly saw a falling black missile.

Roaring rays converged in his mouth, and just as Galakrond was about to shoot down that missile, more rescuers who relapsed his psychological trauma suddenly arrived!

Watching and above the sky, they saw one, two, ten, or even a hundred.

The blooming of the aurora filled the sky as soon as these arrows detonated.

That is the brilliance of the sun, one, two, three, dozens!

The dazzling sun filled the entire sky, and the huge impact caused the sea below to form a huge hollow vortex. The loud sound of impacting the earth's crust shook everything, and the extreme high temperature enveloped everything within hundreds of kilometers!

From the silence at the beginning, the sound that shattered the sky can be clearly heard even in New York Harbor.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest blow that human society can make. In theory, no carbon-based life can survive such a bombardment!

Dozens of suns are shining in the sky. I am afraid this is the most splendid fireworks in human history.

The third female president just fainted, releasing so much nuclear radiation in the sea not too far away from New York Harbor, it's not like being able to pretend to be blind like discharging nuclear sewage.

The mushroom cloud filled with a large amount of radioactive substances lingered for a long time, and the center of the explosion seemed to no longer hear the roar that shook the soul as usual.

The spokesmen of all the big countries held their breath, watching the appearance there with all their attention.

Did they beat the monster? Undoubtedly, unquestionably killed it! ! !

Joy seemed to be gradually blooming at the corners of their mouths, especially when they saw the austere skeleton, they could hardly control their joy.

Only Mu Feng has been watching all this indifferently

They killed this monster! They guard the world! them--

On the skeleton, a green evil fire slowly burned.

Attached to the tailbone, the flame ignited the body of Galakrond's skeleton like a necrosis. None of them saw it, except Mu Feng, who clearly saw the shining gem hidden deep on Galakrond's tailbone.

The Eye of Sargeras, the jewel of the Dark Titan!

It is where the soul of Galakrond resides, where its power lies, the reliance of its rebirth, and the source of its energy.

Just like the phylactery of a lich, Galakrond, who was reborn in the form of an undead, must smash or take away the Eye of Sargeras to free its soul and let this ten thousand-year-old corpse sleep forever .

The attack just now was really powerful. The core temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees lasted for a few seconds, and it could have burned all the substances that human beings can currently understand.

But after all, evil energy is a product beyond their understanding, or in other words, human beings who were born on the basis of the physical order of the universe, have ever been able to understand the nature of this purely chaotic entropy increasing force?

That is a force that is completely contrary to the laws of physics and the 'technology' that humans understand and rely on. It was chaos, it was disorder, it was unimaginable darkness.

Mannoroth, who was beaten with only bones left, can be revived under Gul'dan's ritual, not to mention Galakrond who is wrapped in the Eye of Sargeras!

In their stunned expressions, Galakrond's body was entwined with the evil fire, and the burned body was resurrected from the dead like this. With the rising evil fire and roar, he once again showed off his might to the world!

"It seems that these gorgeous fireworks can't destroy this monster." Mu Feng put down the cup of divine wine and said happily

"So, go ahead with Plan B, we've got another five minutes."

Only in front of the most desperate enemy will they understand the importance of the savior.

48. Enter password, 2887

"...It's quite beautiful."

Looking at the dozens of 'suns' rising from the sea from a distance, Fang Shan made a simple evaluation.

The fireworks are indeed gorgeous and beautiful enough, but it's a pity that the pollution is a bit serious.

That big lizard should be dead.

Although he has seen many incredible technologies brought by his boss, Fang Shan still cannot help judging the following results from the perspective of an ordinary person.

This also makes sense, doesn't it? How could there be living things that can survive the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees? Do you want to talk about science?

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